I found this fabulous shop when I was doing some ‘virtual shopping’ for my birthday wish list. I just love the prints that she puts onto her clothes. Every time I stop by her shop I find more things that I want! Now you get a chance to meet the woman behind the shop! When […]
New Quilts from Diane
I have had these three gorgeous quilts in my procession now for way too long! I can’t believe it has taken me so long to get them listed!The first one I’m going to talk about is Porcupine Pineapple. My mother-in-law, Diane, is responsible for this gorgeous quilt. This quilt is about as scrappy as you […]
Frecklebox Review and Giveaway from StlMommy
I just have to get as many possilbe entries to this giveaway as possible..CEDI would love a book from Frecklebox! Make sure to enter to win one for your child/grandchild/niece/nephew/favorite kid in your life! Find out more on how to do this here: http://www.stlmommy.com/2009/04/frecklebox-review-and-giveaway.html
Park City Girl: Quilt Festival – Spring 2009
Fellow Quilters or those who just love/adore quilts! Make sure you don’t miss this! What a fabulous idea! Park City Girl: Quilt Festival – Spring 2009 Here’s the link to my entry: http://kimlapacek.com/2009/03/work-in-progress-my-woven-quilt.html …it’s the Woven Wonder quilt that I completed and blogged about a few months ago!
Treasury Saturday – April 18th
Yes, it is Saturday again! This will probably my last long treasury showcasing. Rules have changed and you are now only able to make one treasury at a time…either the main treasury or treasury west. This inevitably means I will not be able to create as many treasuries as I have been in the past. […]
Meet Shepard from Alphabulous!
Today I have the pleasure of introducing you to Shepard from the etsy store Alphabulous! It is a cute and whimsical store that will help you personalize your child’s clothing (or yours if you chose!) Enjoy!Tell me a little bit about your background in arts and crafts.I have a BA in art and have taken […]
What A Day!
With all the drama on my birthday yesterday (which is a whole other story…for another time) I’m happy to say this day has been going really well! First, Scott, from the Poynette Press just came out and did an interview and took pictures for a story on etsy.com for the paper. I’m very excited to […]
Adventure's In KimsCraftyApple's World
I have been a very unmotivated blogger recently and I even have a list of things to write about! I’ll just tell you about my last few days…maybe some will be interested. So, Capri is STILL sick. She had gooky eyes last Friday and I took her in to get them looked at…if they turned […]
Shop Makeover – Onesie Pictures
I have been on etsy.com now for a little over a year. If anyone has been watching my shop through this time I’m hoping you have noticed that I’ve been working very hard to improve my pictures. For a long time I didn’t even bother to put up pictures of my jewelry because I couldn’t […]
Treasury Saturday – April 11th
YUP! It’s Saturday again and you know what that means! Time to see some gorgeous treasuries that were put together this past week!The first one I’m going to show you is called ‘Woot’ and StubbornDog put it together. She featured my Noon to Midnight Whimsical Button Cuff bracelet among lots of other fabulous things! Color […]