I have been a very unmotivated blogger recently and I even have a list of things to write about!
I’ll just tell you about my last few days…maybe some will be interested.
So, Capri is STILL sick. She had gooky eyes last Friday and I took her in to get them looked at…if they turned pink they would be pink eye and I would have to start her on antibiotics…they never turned pink but continued to gook. I called again today and they said to start the antibiotics (even though they are NOT pink) but I shouldn’t bring her in unless she has a 101^ fever or symptoms continue for FOURTEEN days! Doesn’t that seem like a ridiculously long time to make a baby girl suffer. I think so…
I joined a gym (the Prairie Athletic Club in Sun Prairie) on Monday (the girls were with Diane). It was sort of a bad time to join since Capri is sick…can’t bring her to the childcare…so now I can only go when the girls are with Diane until Capri gets healthy again. Oh well…I’ll have to work into it slowly. I LOVE love love the machines…they all have TV’s right on them. I went around the noon hour and watched days of our lives as I ran/walked. It was fabulous! Once I get comfortable there and figure out the timing involved in checking the girls into the child care I plan on trying out some of the MANY classes they offer. There is also an AMAZING water park that I plan on taking the girls to LOTS this summer.
When I joined the gym that asked to see my driver’s license…which then reminded me that…oops, my license would be expiring on Wednesday (tomorrow). Must go to the DMV. Frank and Diane (my inlaws) had a meeting this morning so I packed the girls up (including miserable Capri), drove to Madison, put them in the double stroller and got in line. Amazingly, it ended up taking me less than a half hour to get my licensed renewed! And, I was able to change the weight since it has dropped drastically since my last renewal! That was definately exciting.
Today, I just heard from Scott of the Poynette Press (my local newspaper) and they put a story about etsy on the budget for next weeks paper! More exciting news! He’s coming by to talk to me and take some pictures of me working on Thurdsay. Boy, do I have A LOT of cleaning up to do!
So, that’s the latest adventures in my life (oh and tomorrow’s my birthday!). I’ll write some more exciting crafty stories later this week…hopefully 🙂
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