My true love gave to me –Two Pot-Holders Set of 2 Quilted Hot Pads Leaning Trees from Whimbrella (and a table runner so pretty –
The 12 Days of Quiltsy Christmas – On the First Day…
As I’ve explained in my ‘Excuses’ blog I’m a bit behind on blogging. So, I’m going to be starting a few days late with my 12 Days of Quiltsy Christmas but considering I still have more than 12 days before Christmas I’m feeling pretty good about things. On the first day of Quiltsy, my true […]
Still ONE Day to Enter the ETTEAM Ornament Giveaway!
It’s time for another fabulous Etteam giveaway, and they have a super fun one for you this time. Some of the Etteam members (including myself) make wonderful holiday ornaments that they stock in their shops during the holiday season (along with their other terrific handmade and vintage goods), and we wanted to share some of […]
Project QUILTING – An Interview with Quilties
An interview with Quilties – a participant in Season 1: What made you decide to join Project QUILTING? Being a part of the Quiltsy Team I had read about and chatted with Kim and thought she was pretty great. I wanted to be a part of any party she was throwing! (blushing now!) What was […]
Music Wars
I just had to snap these pictures. We were heading to DePere for Thanksgiving and the girls each wanted to listen to something different… I started by playing something that Cedi wanted to listen to. And then went to something that Capri wanted to hear 🙂 Things are just going to get better – right?
Holiday Craft Lounge
And now that I’ve given you the best EXCUSE ever for not blogging…I’m going to blog :) Here are some pictures I had taken and took at the Holiday Craft Lounge hosted by Anthology last Saturday (11/27/10). Here I am behind my booth. Here’s a picture of the rest of the show from the vantage […]
So, I think it’s time for me to come clean as to why I’ve been such a terrible blogger lately. Yes, I’ve been busy with apple season and now I’m busy with the holiday season and craft sales. But, on top of all that – we’re pregnant again. I have just been utterly exhausted and […]
More Pictures from Cedi’s FOURTH Birthday Celebrations
One happy little four-year old on her new bike. She bundled up and went right outside with papa to take it for a spin. The theme of most of Cedi’s gifts revolved around ‘princesses’ with red ruby sparkly slippers, crown, rings, earrings….and more! Lovey and Grady stand by and watch as Cedi blows out the […]
Happy 4th Birthday Mercedi Rose Lapacek
I can’t believe my oldest daughter is 4 today! To read the story of her birth read HERE. We had quite the birthday celebration for her. It all started last Wednesday with a hair wash and cut at the Premiere. The theme of her birthday was ‘Pampered’ as Cedi is truly a little princess (she […]
Something Different – The Holiday Craft Lounge
Now that the Handcrafted Hoedown for the Holiday’s is over and was a HUGE success it’s time to focus on my next event – The Holiday Craft Lounge. Of course my husband is super busy at work this week and we have to add Thanksgiving into the mix so preparing has been slightly challenging BUT […]