An interview with Quilties – a participant in Season 1:
What made you decide to join Project QUILTING?
Being a part of the Quiltsy Team I had read about and chatted with Kim and thought she was pretty great. I wanted to be a part of any party she was throwing! (blushing now!)
What was your favorite part about Project QUILTING?
Having an interesting creative challenge to work on and a deadline to drive me to complete it.
Which Challenge in Season 1 (you can include the 2 pre-season projects) was your favorite? and why…
I have two favorites, the Apple Blossom was a lot of fun. I loved looking through those beautiful flower photos and choosing my favorite.
And the Fireworks one!! It was fun to win, but also pretty fun to work on. I dreamed about this one the most before making anything!
Which Challenge in Season 1 (including the 2 per-season challenges) was your least favorite? and why…
Well, the Nursery Rhyme was my least favorite, I just couldn’t come up with anything…so I didn’t even make one.
Which Challenges did you come up with your idea immediately and which took some marinating?
The rectangle one came to me immediately. I knew right away that I wanted to make a different shape out of those rectangles and folded them to be triangles. I also really love pinwheels, so I jumped at the chance to use them. The fireworks idea for Stars over America took most of the week to marinate!! I was making it my head over and over all week until finally I just jumped in and started creating it on Saturday night!!
Did you try any new techniques for your projects during these challenges and if so, what were they?
The newest technique to me was the quilting on my Shoofly block, I literally had the book open and was trying it out on this quilt. It was from the book "One Line at a Time" and I quilted around label papers cut into precise geometric patterns. I used some fun techniques, that weren’t all that new to me, but still different than my everyday work. I did some paintstiks stenciling, painting on dyes, ink jet transfers, and sketchy threadwork.
How has Project QUILTING made you a better Quilter?
I completed things! I got a taste for concentrating on one project until completion, which I usually don’t do for bigger projects. My most creative projects usually take me really long as I can’t make decisions very well, I have to let them sit while I think them over. I’m improved my ability to make up my mind and keep working!
What didn’t you like about Project QUILTING?
Because it was summer there were family obligations and trips that got in the way of participating in some of the challenges. I really felt like I was missing out. I had a great idea and started a project for the office supplies challenge, but didn’t get to finish it because we went out of town that weekend. Same thing happened for the Log Cabin challenge. Then I knew I had no chance for the grand prizes.
Did you find the judges comments beneficial, annoying, or inconsequential? Why?
Mostly beneficial. I disagreed with a couple things, but that’s the way it goes. When I got low scores with no feedback as to what they didn’t like it, made me sad. I was especially happy with my recycling project and none of the judges seemed to like it at all.
Do you think the judging format should be more structured, less structured, stay the same? and why?
The format was fine. I think it should be as open as it was. Maybe they could have been more thorough with a checklist or form to fill out…but I liked the basic idea.
What was your favorite piece that you created for the Project QUILTING challenge?
My Apple Blossoms quilt. I thought it was really pretty and I gave it to my mom. When she told me how much she loved it was my favorite part!!
What was your top three favorite pieces that someone else created for the Project QUILTING challenge?
Tea and Poppies by Gayle B
The Road Trip film reel by Love Bug Studios
and the Crooked House by Love Bug
What changes would you make to future Project QUILTING Seasons?
Maybe just a little more time. Nah, I guess I like the week. Hmmm, I don’t know, it’s pretty great!
Is there anything you’d like to add or comments you’d like to share with me and my readers?
I have to thank Kim and all the judges who made Project Quilting possible…and anyone who donated prizes, the prizes were so generous and really added to the fun. Thanks for filling out the interview Quilties! Can’t wait to see what you come up with for Season 2 (Starting in January of 2011).
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