We had so many incredible sponsors for Season 12 of Project QUILTING that I create three prize packages! Let’s see who won prize package 2! Congratulations goes to @pamedlcolor! Pam completed all six challenges this season so her name was in the hat seven times! Illuminating + Ultimate Grey Fussy Cut Virtual Vacation Snail’s Trail […]
WINNER of Project QUILTING Season 12 Grand Prize Package One
Season 12 of Project QUILTING was more successful than I ever imagined it could be. 1,249 quilts/projects were started and finished within the six weeks of the challenges and 103 people completed all six challenges! Now I have the joy of sharing with you the winner of the first Grand Prize Package! Congratulations to Lise […]
Winners for Challenge 12.6 of Project QUILTING
The sixth challenge of Project QUILTING brought in 170 entries! It’s been an incredible season with so much creativity, inspiration and fun! Last night Trish and I met in a Facebook Room to draw prizes and had quite a few of the participants join us! It’s always fun get together for a chat and prize […]
Summary from the Ab Intra Project QUILTING Challenge
While we didn’t quite make 200 for the sixth challenge in a row the final Project QUILTING Challenge still had 170 participants! 170 is still 14 more than the most participants we’ve had in a single challenge in previous season. Incredible! Let’s look at a few other fun numbers. The total number of quilts made for […]
A Dreamy Gut Quilt
I know – not the best name for a quilt but it’s truly what I made for the Project QUILTING Ab Intra 12.6 challenge. When the challenge came out I thought it was a great one but the possibilities were literally limitless! How would I narrow down what’s inside me? What makes me go? My […]
World Wide Quilting Day Project QUILTING Zoom Sew Day Event
Season 12 of Project QUILTING has been absolutely incredible. We’ve had far more participation that ever before – seriously – over 1,000 quilts have already been made and there is still one challenge left! It seems only right that we finish it with a fun new event – a Zoom Sew Day! I have set […]
Scrappy Barrister Quilt Finish
I finished another Scrap Quilt Challenge Quilt! I am three for three this year! The theme for the March Scrap Quilt Challenge was the Barrister Block. I was able to use up SO MANY of my *bonus Half Square triangles in this quilt! After about fifteen 8″ finished Scrappy Barrister blocks I realized that it […]
12.6 – Ab Intra – Challenge 6 of Project QUILTING Season 12
Hi! It’s your PQ challenge mistress Trish (aka Quiltchicken) checking in for another week’s adventure! For our sixth and final challenge of the season, I want to make sure we go out with a bang and not a whimper. So I’m going waaaay out there in mystical woo-woo territory for this week’s for inspiration, with […]
This post has nothing to do with quilting but it’s something that has been taking up my thoughts and energy lately. I fell like I need to share it. My daughters are very into athletics. It’s their thing and they have put more work into improving their skills than I ever though was really possible. […]
Prize List for Challenge 12.6 of Project QUILTING
The sixth challenge of Project QUILTING Challenge of Season 12 will be posted right here on this website at Noon CST on March 14th. But before we see what the challenge is we need to check out all of the prizes that are up for grabs this week. Everyone who enters per the guidelines of […]