REDUCED PRICE! Still plenty of time to sign up! Now just $350 for an all inclusive luxury quilting weekend full of inspiration! What!? A Project QUILTING RETREAT!?!!!!! Yes! This Project QUILTING retreat has been my dream right from the start. When I dreamed up Project QUILTING in 2009, I secretly hoped that someday we could […]
BOM Updates
I realized that I’ve had so much to share with you all this month that I haven’t shown you my progress on the BOMs for 2014. I am still only working on two but I do think I perhaps have the third figured out. Pat Sloan’s Globetrotting Mystery BOM travelled to Venice this month. Here […]
Farmer’s Daughter’s New Neighborhood–52 Blocks Twisted Tradition QuiltAlong
I’ll admit it. I almost completely forgot to put together a tutorial for this weeks tutorial for the 52 Blocks Quilt Along. I don’t know what triggered it but I did remember it at about 5:00pm on Tuesday. Luckily for me, my in-laws had already asked if they could take the big girls to gymnastics […]
When My Kid Sews
my heart melts. Yesterday I was hard at work quilting on my ‘My Favorite Block Quilt’ so I let Capri use my sewing machine. The great thing about letting her use the Janome is that you can set it to stitch super slow! Perfect for Capri. She worked for two hours. When her sister woke […]
Across the Universe Project QUILTING Link Up & Voting Post
UPDATE 12/23/14! TIME TO VOTE! Choose your FOUR Favorite Quilts Below and click on the heart to vote! You can click on the photo’s themselves to read more about the quilts! Please DO NOT VOTE for entries 36 and 37. 36 is made by Diane Lapacek, the challenge maker, and 37 is made by myself […]
Project QUILTING, Season 5, Challenge 4–Across the Universe
It’s that time again! Another Project QUILTING Challenge has been issued. I have changed up the way you enter your projects and the way we will vote for them…please read carefully below and plan accordingly for this new method! There will be NO LEEWAY as far at the timing goes so make sure you know […]
PQ4Me Luxury Quilt Retreat Weekend!
What!? A Project QUILTING RETREAT!?!!!!! Yes! This Project QUILTING retreat has been my dream right from the start. When I dreamed up Project QUILTING in 2009, I secretly hoped that someday we could do a true ‘Project RUNWAY’ challenge. Now, with help from some great friends and wonderful sponsors, I’mfinally able to introduce the PQ4Me […]
Project QUILTING Sweet Treat Challenge Prize Winners
Luckily I remembered that I needed my girls’ to draw the prize winners for the Sweet Treat Project QUILTLING Challenge before they went to bed so I could get the winners posted. Phew! We’re going to start by seeing who took home the most ‘public vote’ votes and will receive this lovely Sewing Love […]
Trial 2
Okay – the first link up worked…now let’s see if I can get the voting feature to work.First…we’ll link up for a few hours and then at noon voting will open… We’ll see if this works. Thanks for helping me out as I quickly figure this out! [inlinkz_linkup id=373169 mode=1]
Possible New Quilt Entry for PQ
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