Yes – she actually has a roll on her thighs! I just want to squeeze her! *eek*
The First “Craft-Apple-Ar” at Lapacek’s Orchard
I’m happy to announce that we’ll be hosting the first every Craft-Apple-Ar at the orchard at the end of this month (Sunday, August 28th). The show is sponsored by my friend Naomi of The Glitter Workshop and will be fun for everyone! The show is open for vendors so if you are interested please email […]
Bucket of Water
With all this crazy heat, the girls have found interesting ways to stay cool – there favorite, playing in five gallon buckets of water…
Project QUILTING Off Season Non-Quilt Challenge Creations
Happy Monday everyone! I’ve been trying to find some time to sit down and put this post up for well over 24 hours now. The summertime, pre-apple season craziness is definitely starting to kick into overdrive. Anyway, I am happy to share with you four great non-quilt quilted pieces that were created for the latest […]
Trending Teals
I just had to share this beautiful treasury my bracelet was included in… ‘Tour of the Trending Teals’ by HandPaintedPetals If You Love Them Set Them Fr… solocosmo $3.00 Vintage Montana Blue Jewel E… ZhivanaDesigns $32.00 PRINT – Teal and Black Bulbs… srajab1 $23.00 Apocatastasis -Home Decor in… Raceytay $15.00 Emerald Knit Hand Bag-Handma… NzLbags […]
Dear Persimoni – 3 months…
My friend and fellow blogger, Kate writes these great letters to her boys. I always think they are something fabulous but haven’t had time to write them for my girls. I think it’s finally time. I know I’ve missed Cedi’s first 4 years and Capri’s first 3 but I can start with Pip and try […]
Monday Madness
Happy Monday everyone! I’m reporting to you after a long, but fun weekend. On Saturday morning I packed my three girls into the mini van and headed to DePere for my cousin’s wife’s baby shower. It was hot but unbelievably fun. My Aunt Peggy had Katherine from Chili come and cook crepe’s to order – […]
Two Week Marathon Comes to an End
I try really hard to not get my kids involved in too many things at once. I completely failed at that this summer. We just finished up our marathon swimming lessons. They were Monday through Thursdays from 10:30-11:00 for two weeks. Both of the girls were in the Sea Turtle Class at the Prairie Athletic […]
Thursday Pins
Source: via Kim on Pinterest Source: via Kim on Pinterest Source: via Kim on Pinterest Source: via Kim on Pinterest Source: via Kim on Pinterest
Sharing Pins
One of my latest computer past time obsessions is Pinterest. It’s a website that let’s you Pin and Re-pin things that catch your eye. This is anything from DIY tutorials to handmade goods to delicious food to whatever you can imagine. You follow different people and a whole continuous screen of pins show up on […]