Happy Wednesday everyone! I hope everyone had a nice day. Capri was a bit under the weather today so we spent a special, “Mom and Capri” day – it was nice and it really doesn’t happen often. During her LONG (3 hours!) nap I managed to get my 2011 sales taxes filed for KCA AND […]
Block 3: Home Sweet Home Quilt Along – House by the Bay
Everyone super excited to see what Block 3 for the quilt along is going to be. Before we get there I want to introduce you to today’s designer, Pamela Boatwright of PamelaQuilts. Web site: http://www.etsy.com/shop/Pamelaquilts Blog: http://pamelaquilts.blogspot.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pamelaboatrightquilts Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/pamelaquilts Email: pamelaquilts {at} gmail {dot} com What is your crafting style? I like to […]
Spoonflower – Stack of Pearls
Stack of Pearls Please VOTE in the Spoonflower Outdated Technology Fabric Contest (http://www.spoonflower.com/contests/118) for ‘Keys Madness by KimsCraftyApple). You can vote for as many fabrics as you want – I just hope you include mine in your selection! Thanks for all your support! If you missed my previous Spoonflower posts no worries… Purple […]
Junie B.
I know I’ve said it before, but I have the BEST neighbor girls. J and S came over last night so Jared and I could go on a date. Along with them came a gift for my girls – an amazing collection of Junie B books! I’ve been meaning to start reading some chapter books […]
Project QUILTING, Season 3, Challenge 2 – Making Music
photo from bcooner The first challenge of Project QUILTING was a huge SUCCESS! 33 quilts were made in just one week and they were amazing! Check out the Closer Looks HERE If you missed it. Now it’s time to move onto the second challenge. Before we get to that, I’m going to go over this […]
Project QUILTING Sponsor – Quilts by Barb
I’m happy to be sharing with you some more information about one of our fabulous Project QUILTING sponsors this season - Barbara Raisbeck of Quilts by Barb. But before I get too far into her interview I have to share that she just became a grandma again! Barb recently welcomed her first granddaughter to this […]
Architectural Elements – A Closer Look – Barn Bones
Since I’ve done ‘Closer Look’s’ at all the other quilts in the Project QUILTING challenge I figure I’d do one for the quilt I created as well. On the other feature’s I typically showed the quilt and then the inspiration – on this post I’m going to show you how the quilt was created – […]
What’s Your Style: Art Nouveau
art nou·veau also Art Nou·veau n. A style of decoration and architecture of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, characterized particularly by the depiction of leaves and flowers in flowing, sinuous lines. Here are some examples of items you’ll find categorized as ‘Art Nouveau’ on etsy: ‘What’s Your Style: Art Nouveau’ by TheApple Art […]
Architectural Elements – A Closer Look, Part 5
1. Red door, 2. Sharon S Project Quilting Entry, 3. Trapezoid, 4. Project Quilting 3:1, 5. side view, 6. ImFeelinCrafty-PQ-Wk1-quiltdtl-1, 7. DSCN0798, 8. DSCN1064windows Created with fd’s Flickr Toys Quilter: SweetDreamsbySarah ‘Red door’ I’ve always loved the bright pop of a red door on a house, especially up against a relatively simple wall… I made […]
Uncommon Awesomeness
This doesn’t happen often but I’ll take it when I can! The girls snuggled together to watch “The Little Mermaid”. Pip played around them. Happy Afternoon to ME!