Happy Wednesday everyone! I hope everyone had a nice day. Capri was a bit under the weather today so we spent a special, “Mom and Capri” day – it was nice and it really doesn’t happen often. During her LONG (3 hours!) nap I managed to get my 2011 sales taxes filed for KCA AND make some really good headway on my Project QUILTING – Making Music challenge piece. Now I am happy to be giving you closer look into one of our fantastic sponsors: Marcia’s Crafty Sewing and Quilting
Marcia and her mother
What’s your crafting style? Free Style Quilting and Sewing How did you get started creating? My Mom was my inspiration as she’s a very crafty person. We were always making something from sand candles to fake fur happy faces. Remember the crackled grapes? How about the loop loom pot holders? But my Mom didn’t sew. I took a sewing class in 7th grade and I was hooked on sewing. My best friend and I made cute little smock tops. This was my first sewing project! I still have it and it hangs in my shop to remind me of where my love of sewing started. I took Home Economics classes all through Junior High and High School. I loved it! I went to college at UW-Stevens Point and graduated with a teaching degree in Home Economics Education – now it is called Family and Consumer Education. Subbed for awhile after graduating, raised a family, had several different jobs, and then taught Family and Consumer Education at the Middle School level for several years. In 2002, we moved and it was time for another career change. I bought a Gammill regulated stitch quilting machine in 2003 and started my quilting business. I started it part time and in less than a year, I was quilting full time – 5 days week. It just snowballed, with one customer telling another customer. Word of mouth still seems to be the best advertising. I am so blessed to have a job I love! Favorite piece? Today, my favorite quilted project is
Imaginary Blooms. Before I finished that quilt, my favorite was my
First Morning Glory Bloom. It’s not necessarily the final project that I like, but how I feel when I am creating the project. It’s the story behind the projects, that make them special. What’s your favorite crafty blog to follow/read? I follow and read several blogs, but I my favorite blog is: HillbillyHandiworks Tonya shares beautiful projects and the stories of her life. She does “quilt a longs”,“learn a longs”, and recently is sharing her wonderful Hexagon Blocks. Because I work alone, I love the connections I have made through blogging. Favorite part of creating a quilt? The construction of the quilt — the piecing and the quilting — Sometimes I don’t want that to end! Love the process! Least favorite part? Love the whole process! Beverage of Choice?
Iced water with one blackberry Sweet or Salty? Both Sweet AND Salty – blackberries, mandarin oranges, AND eggs with fried rice
Number 1 on your Bucket List? To just keep doing, what I am doing … creating, quilting, and sharing everyday.
Keep in touch with and/or an eye on Marcia!
Marcia’s Crafty Sewing and Quilting Blog: http://marciascraftysewing.blogspot.com/ Lunch Blog: http://lunchlookslikeaquilttome.blogspot.com/ Website: http://www.craftysewing.com/ Email: Marcia@craftysewing.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/craftysewing Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Marcias-Crafty-Sewing-Quilting/100856479173 Flicker: http://www.flickr.com/photos/craftysewing/ Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/craftysewing/ Picasa: CraftySewing Picasa Photo Gallery Thanks Marcia for all your support with these challenges! And NOW, that the kids are all in bed…I’m going to quilt my PQ Challenge piece!
It was so nice seeing your favorites…and I'm not just saying that for a certain reason. But I thank you for it 🙂 I love visiting you too Marcia!