I feel like I say this every year but I am going to make a strong effort to post my finished quilts and project here on my blog. Everything happening with social media these days has made me realize just how important it is to have my own platform, my own site, that no one controls but me.
So – let’s start with the quilt I made for the first Project QUILTING Challenge 16.1 Mythical Creatures – the “Wien-Ness”.
My quilt is a combination of a Wiener Dog and the Loch Ness Monster and it brought me so much joy to make. Art East Quilting Company has a pattern called “Mythical Wiener’s” (#ad) and this is just one of the mythical creatures the pattern shows you how to make.
Just look at that adorable face!!!
To try to create a “water-y” background I used Sky Ombre Fabric by Jennifer Sampou that I got from Blue Bar Quilts. I just love the depth and dimension the fabric gives even though I only used one.
Stay tuned for more quilt finishes!
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