With the Old School BOM 2021 starting in just a few days (January 12th!) I thought it would be a good idea to show you what fabric I pulled for this quilt along.
Since I don’t know what each block is going to look like – it’s a mystery and the real goal of this block of the month is to learn techniques – I don’t know exactly how much fabric you should pull. My best guess is 2 yards of about 3 color families with the possibility to add or subtract fabrics from your stash.
My initial fabric pull was inspired by the landscape print in the middle of this photo. I used this fabric to pull greens, mints and blues to accent the print. The fabrics in this pull measure anywhere from a yard to a fat quarter.
Because I know myself and I might get bored of just a few colors and I also did this pull that can potentially mixed in to add warm colors into the quilt. I have no idea if I’ll use it or not in this quilt along but I know I won’t be afraid to add even more color to the mix!
Feel free to share your fabric pulls on instagram and tag me @PersimonDreams and use the hashtag #OSBOM21 so I can see it!
Love the colors in that second pull!
Ok. I am in. One BOM for eac day of the month!!! Whoohoo! This is my year. 😀
How do I get on the BOM for the Old school. I usually receive all of Pat Sloan’s BOWeek and BOM patterns. I did not receive this one in the 12th.
It was just posted to my blog on the 12th … here’s the link – https://kimlapacek.com/2021/01/patched-friendship-star-block-1-of-the-old-school-bom.html
What is the landscape fabric? Love it!! 😍
It’s a print from Mister Domestic 😉
Hi, I’ve been looking for a BOM I can afford, and this is it! I can’t seem to get beyond your “fabric pull” page though. Do you have any navigation suggestions. I know I’m behind, so I want to get caught up.
Yes! Check out the landing page for the BOM here: https://kimlapacek.com/oldschoolbom21 and on the very bottom of the page there are links to all the blog posts I’ve done pertaining to the quilt along.