It’s day 7 of the 3rd Annual Project QUILTING Mystery Quilt Along! You might do a double take on this clue as it looks very similar to Clue 4 – which it is – but the main colors of the rectangles are switched so be careful!
Clue 7
Fabric 4
(4) – 2.5″ x 6.5″ rectangles
Fabric 5a
(4) – 2.5″ x 6.5″ rectangles
(4) – 1.5″ x 1.5″ squares
Fabric 7
(8) – 2.5″ x 2.5″ squares
On two Fabric 7 squares and one Fabric 5a square draw a diagonal line on the wrong side of the fabric. Place a Fabric 7 square rights sides together with a fabric 5a rectangle and a fabric 5a rectangle. Make sure your diagonal lines are oriented as shown in the picture above. Also place a Fabric 5a square right sides together in the bottom left corner of a fabric 4 rectangle.
Stitch on the diagonal line drawn. Do this for the one fabric 5a aquare and the two fabric 7 squares.
Trim off the corners outside the stitch line.
Press towards the square fabric.
Take the two 2.5″ x 6.5″ rectangles you just made and lay them out as shown in the above image.
Sew the two rectangles together. Press towards the Fabric 5a rectangle.
You will need to make four of these 4.5″ x 6.5″ rectangles for Clue 7.
Stop back tomorrow, on December 30th at noon CST to see what clue 8 is!
Previous Posts
- 3rd Annual Project QUILTING Mystery Quilt Along Intro Post
- Clue 1
- Clue 2
- Clue 3
- Clue 4
- Clue 5
- Clue 6
Post all your progress on Instagram with the hashtag #pqmysteryqal3 and post to the Challenge Quilt Group and/or Quilt and Dream Along with Kim Lapacek on Facebook.
This is so exciting. Thank you so much for your time and energy to do this for us.
Great mystery, I have no picture but my blocks are done. One question, the clue photo for this clue and the reverse setting do not match the final picture—– the instructions are to use a 2.5″ square of the end of the rectangle, but the blog photo shows a smaller square that has been stitched and folding back. I finally went with the size rather than copy the photo. Looking forward to the reveal. Thx Kathy in Colorado