Have you ever bought a new car, and then suddenly you see that same car EVERYWHERE? It’s interesting that once you’re tuned in for something, you notice it all around you. So this week, I’m asking you to open your eyes.
Once I started looking for quilting inspiration, it was everywhere: the paper towels are quilted, the manhole covers have interesting texture, even snack foods look like quilts to me. (I live in a very small town, and you have to know they don’t even look twice anymore when I’m walking around the grocery store taking close-up pictures of the toilet tissue. You’re welcome)
This week, open your eyes to the patterns and textures around you and let that be your inspiration. Don’t look to quilts, but instead scan the other parts of your life for textures or patterns to make a block or quilting design. I can’t wait to see what you find!
And remember: while there are fabulous prizes for PQ challenges from our amazing sponsors, this is really meant to be a fun inspiration to spark your creativity. Don’t stress! Follow the call of your muse and make something that makes you happy, expands your skills, or brings joy to your life.
1. Your project must be inspired by a pattern or texture you find “in the wild” this week
2. Incomplete or unfinished does not qualify. Every challenge piece must be a FINISHED project seen through from INCEPTION to COMPLETION during the challenge timeline (January 29 through February 5, 2017). Each piece must stand alone as DONE to count toward prizes.
3. Please remember that these projects need to be created during the week of the challenge (started on or after January 29, finished by February 5).
4. Your project does not need to be a traditional quilt, but must meet at least one of these requirements:
- Include patchwork.
- Include appliqué.
- Have 3 layers stitched together by hand or machine.
5. Link up a blog post, flickr image, instagram post, or public facebook post to the linky at the bottom of THIS PAGE by Sunday, February 5, 2017, at noon CDT. Alternately, you may email the picture and description to {lapaceksorchard at gmail dot com} with PROJECT QUILTING in the subject line by 11am on Sunday, February 5. Yes – that deadline is one hour earlier, because it requires more work for Kim.
When you create your PQ entry’s blog post or instagram or flickr image, please include:
• a description of your creative process,
• the overall size of your project (it’s so hard to tell in a picture!)
• where you are (ie, I create in Lodi WI) and .
If you decide to just directly upload your image to the link up party please email me this information so I can share it with everyone else.
Please use the hashtag #pqSeason8 when posting on social networking sites to help spread the word about this fabulous quilting challenge!
Share progress pictures on Facebook, Instagram, and your blog – seeing your process and how you get to the final project is part of the fun!
If you can, post your project to the Project QUILTING Flickr Group because that’s how I make mosaics and it’s fun to see them grouped together there.
Make sure you like Project QUILTING on Facebook.
We have created a ‘Challenge Quilts’ Facebook Group for you to share your thoughts, questions, and friendship on PQ and other quilting challenges. Just ask to join.
With that – good luck and ROCK ON!
– Trish
This excites the soul!
We may be kindred spirits. For years when I travel I notice and photograph cobblestone streets, manhole covers, power boxes, mosaics on sidewalks, now it is time do something with those photos. Thanks Trish
I always notice the quilts in everything! I think it may be a requirement to be a quilter.
What a FUN challenge! My challenge will be in narrowing down my choices
Can we also encourage people to share a picture of their inspiration? Love to see how people interpret and apply their inspiration!
Encourage away!
Kim – My post #53 was supposed to be called "First Run" but came out wrong. Can you edit for me? Thanks
No entry for me this time, sadly. I tried a few ideas and nothing gelled. I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone has created!
Congratulations everyone! What a great bunch of entries. Look for an email from me next week with instructions for claiming your prize!