Still sitting and waiting for Baby #3 to decide to join us so I do have a few things to report on this week.
the Bloom Quilt:
I have managed to get all of the largest and second largest ‘blooms’ sewn onto the quilt. I apologize about the absolutely terrible pictures – hope to get some better ones once the weather takes a turn for ‘normal’.
Patchwork Squared Modern Solids Quilt Along
Nothing new since yesterday…
Fabric Rosette’s
I made a few more rosettes last week…still not sure what I’m going to do with them…
Pillow Cases
A friend of mine is getting married in June. She’s themed her wedding after a patchwork quilt. Using some of the scraps from various wedding projects I’ve created these 10 pillow tops for decorations at the wedding. They range from 14” to 16” to 18” pillows and I had a TON of fun making them! Now I just have to add the backs…
Quilted Art Tote Bag
Last year I applied for an amazing craft fair in Milwaukee, WI – Art Vs. Craft – I didn’t get in. Instead of getting upset about the rejection I’m using it as a motivator for me to make more of my ‘artsy’ creations and I’ll cross my fingers that those will get me in this year.
Some of what I’m doing is making more bags and creations using hand painted fabric (by me). This is a bag I started on Monday – I’m combining my hand-painted fabric with a fun pink commercial print and then quilting it with really tight, geometric patterns.
Now I just have to sew up the bag, the lining and add the handles and I’ll have a functional piece of art.
English Paper Pieced Project
I really enjoyed the handwork involved in all of my yoyo’s for the Bloom Quilt so I decided it was time for me to try English Paper Piecing. Here’s the first ‘piece’ I made – just a small embellishment for a bucket hat…
Candy Drop and Vintage Shoe Button Cha Cha Rings
I took a break from my sewing machine yesterday and I made up some new cha cha rings – both vintage shoe button ones and candy drop ones. I enjoyed mixing up my creativeness a bit and it’s always nice to have a project I can work on not in the basement.
Off Season Project QUIL-TING Challenge – It’s All in Your Initials
So, here are my three colors – K(im): Kohl A(nn): Ash L(apacek): Lime
I decided to keep my project small and simple – with hopefully lots of drama inside of that. My first step was to fuse the leaves on.
Then, I stitched in my tree for my plans to try my hand at reverse applique.
I free motion raw edge apppliqued the leaves and then I started to cut away the tree.
Here it is!
My next step was embellishing. I knew my tree needed a ‘tire’ swing so I added that on first. Then, I really loved how the buttons looked in Quilties Button Willow Piece and I decided I needed to try using that sort of effect on my quilt – for the grass. I’m still working on putting them all in place. I know I could use my machine to put the buttons on, but it’s turned into a nice couch project which I need these days. Once the buttons are one…we’ll just have to see what else ‘needs’ to be added.
Block-A-Palooza Quilt
So I don’t have a picture of it but I did manage to baste my ‘quilt sand which’ for each of these five table runners. Next step quilting! Runner #1: Block 6, Block 13, Block 11
Runner #2: Block 10, Block 2, Block 14
Runner #3: Block 7, Block 12, Block 3
Runner #4: Block 16, Block 8, Block 9
Runner #5: Block 1, Block 15, Block 5, Block 4
Goals from last week:
- Work on the Modern Solids Quilt Along – check
- Keep working on the Blossom Quilt – check
- Make some Ruffle Coffee Cozies
- Work on the ‘Off Season’ Project QUILTING Challenge – check
Goals for this Week:
- Keeping it simple with – HAVE THIS BABY!
Love your off season quilt Kim! Hope baby #3 comes to visit soon. I like the name Grace by the way.