I’m completely snagging this idea of a ‘WIP (Work In Progress) Wednesday’ for blogging from Renegade Quilter. It seems to be a perfect post for me since I have so many projects going on all at once right now. So…here are some updates on the projects I’ve been working on…
Boxed In:
I have created two more blocks for my ‘Boxed In’ Quilt…
So, I’m currently at 6. I would like to make at least 9 blocks…12 would be ideal…we’ll just have to see what happens.
the Mystery Quilt:
I have actually made LOTS of progress on my Mystery Quilt. Above you can see that all the ‘little blocks’ were completed.
Then it was time to piece the whole thing together. I’ve found that I am much more accurate if I piece in blocks versus strips. I’m not sure if you can see in the picture above but I put 4 blocks squares together to start.
Then I put four of those blocks together on the top two rows, and doubled them in the bottom row.
Here you can see that I’m down to four main pieces.
And above you can see the single full strip that I have to show (which was shorter to do horizontally than it would have been to do vertically).
And here’s the picture of the main portion of the quilt put together. Now, I have to decide on borders and get the quilt off to Barb for quilting!
Block-A-Palooza Quilt
I’m still at the same place I was yesterday with the Block-A-Palooza Quilt. The 10th block comes out tomorrow but with the combination of my daughter’s 3rd birthday and me not feeling so hot…we’ll see when I get it finished…I’m sure before the 11th comes on Monday!
My Bloom Quilt
I haven’t blogged about this quilt yet but I am in the process of working on this Bloom Quilt from Amy Butler.
Of course, I’m doing it slightly different than the pattern but it will be pretty close. This is not the best picture but I sewed 8 strips of different fabric from my stash together to create the base of my Bloom Quilt. Instead of adding the ruffle and just flipping the quilt, I sent it to QuiltsbyBarb to do a meandering (Bare Bones) quilting pattern all over the quilt. I will be skipping the ruffle and binding this instead. I think it will just help keep things together a little more nicely and will be easier for me to work with – especially with this growing belly I’ve been dealing with. The quilted quilt is on it’s way back to me which means I need to start working on cutting some circles of fabric to create my yo yo’s.
Project QUILTING – Hardware Store
Of course, I’m taking a step away from all these WIPs to complete my Project Quilting Piece. I’ll just show you a few pictures to ‘peak’ your interest in what I’ve come up with (so far…it seems to change itself as I go…)
Above are my three main ‘inspiration’ photo’s that I took at my local hardware store.
I actually saw my first cross/plus quilt while I was browsing Ryan Walsh’s blog ‘I’m Just a Guy Who Quilts’ – I was immediately intrigued by the geometry and the visual effect of it. If you look at the end of a Phillip’s screw – it’s a plus sign! Bingo! I could try out creating my very own cross/plus quilt for part of the PQ Challenge!
A photo of me continuing to play with my layout on my design wall. Stop by later this week to see what ‘happens’ as this quilt is completed! And with all that – that’s where I am on my WIP’s this week!
Wow, you sure do have a lot of projects on the go! I usually have 1 maybe 2 on the go at the same time! Good for you!