Happy Giveaway Day! That’s right ‘tis the Season for Sew Mama Sew’s Giveaway Day! I LOVE Giveaway Day! (well..technically week). It’s a great opportunity to take some time, check out bloggers, and of course – win some goodies in the process!
Before we get to the giveaway I want to tell you WHY you want to follow my blog and read it every time I post!
Project QUILTING – a fun quilting challenge that gets posted every other week. Season 6 will be starting at the beginning of January and it’s never too late to join in the fun! Either check out this POST to find out more about Project QUILTING OR watch the interview I did with Nancy Zieman for Sewing with Nancy.
I’m also hosting my very first Project QUILTING Retreat weekend this coming January! There’s still room for you to sign up and join in on the fun! All the details can be found HERE.
Quilt Alongs – We’re nearing the end of the 52 Twisted Traditional Block Quilt Along! I just have three more block tutorials to share with everyone but feel free to take a look back and see how 49 different traditional blocks were twisted into something unexpected!
I have a plan in my mind about a quilt along for 2015 but I have to iron out a few details before I announce the details.
Block Tutorials – Whenever other bloggers are doing quilt along’s I’m always happy to create a block for them. When this happens it is also shared on my blog with my readers/followers.
Random Projects – I’m constantly making something! I do my best to share with you what I’m working on, how it’s going, and things I’ve learned. One of my latest creations is ‘Propelled Pixels’.
Family and Orchard – I have three beautiful baby girls, a handy hubby and an apple orchard. You’ll get to hear more about our adventure’s throughout the year and for some reason it seems like we’re never lacking in adventure.
Alright… enough about me! Let’s see what I’m GIVING AWAY this week!…
One lucky randomly drawn person will win a bundle of six fat quarters of fabrics I hand-dyed AND a BIG BOX of Pat Bravo’s ‘bold beauty’ Aurifil thread!!!
I will ship internationally.
REQUIRED: Easy – Just leave me a comment answering this question:
Be sure to include your email address so I’m able to contact you when you win! If I can’t contact you I will choose a different winner.
What is your favorite holiday tradition?
I had to share with you all our ridiculously large Christmas tree. The little person in the mid-left bottom of the picture is my standing three year old, Pip. My husband had to cut 8-feet off the initial tree he had picked to fit it in the house …
BONUS Entries Leave a separate comment for each to gain extra entries
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The Giveaway is now CLOSED! Thanks for stopping by!
Seriously – if you don’t leave your email address, I won’t be able to get ahold of you and you won’t get the prize…this is very important!
And…now that you’ve entered my giveaway – head back to SewMamaSew and see what other blogger’s have to offer!!!
There are TWO posts over at SewMamaSew…
PS. I also love to put samplers together in ‘different’ ways. Check out my original hexagon layout on my quilt ‘Fen Koan’.
My favorite holiday tradition is trimming the tree with our kids when they were younger and now our grandchildren. We have so much fun looking at the different ornaments collected over the years, some I made some were bought for special events. Then we have cookies and treats.
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Decorating the house for Christmas and having family for a party!
Opening presents one by one with coffee and sweets on Christmas morning
I love getting our Christmas trees!
Great giveaway! I love decorate the house with the kids 🙂
I enjoy decorating gingerbread houses with my family.
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Christmas is my favorite holiday, spending time with family.
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My favorite Christmas tradition is baking all the yummy goodies.
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My favorite tradition is decorating the house and seeing all our favorite ornaments. Thanks for the chance to win!
We have a big decorating day party with snack food all day long. The kids love being able to "eat whatever they want" while we set up the Christmas tree.
Visiting friends who celebrate a holiday that i do not
We love doing elf on the shelf!
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Good morning from Minnesota! I'd have to say I'm enjoying my Christmas tree the most because it lights up the whole house and makes winter nights so cheery and cozy. (Thanks for the giveaway!)
my favorite tradition, is making a large basket of Christmas cookies and bringing it to my late husbands dialysis center. They have to work Christmas eve and they don't get lunch breaks. This gives them something to snack on during the day/night while they work.
My favorite holiday tradition is actually getting up Thanksgiving and watching the parade and then hanging out all day while the food cooks. Thanks for the giveaway!
Singing. Hands down.
I love going to look at the Christmas lights with my kids! Thanks for the giveaway!
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My husband gets a whole rib roast dinner from his job, and I have everyone over – AFTER the big day.. it's more relaxed I think!
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My favourite tradition is putting the stockings out.
My favorite tradition is attending a production of The Christmas Carol with my family. We never tire of it. Camille@focus20.com
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I love setting up the tree, and decorating. I also love singing all the Christmas carols.
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My favourite tradition is gathering with family and friends. thanks for the chance. strings[at]mts[dot]net
I liked Project Quilting on FB. Camille@focus20.com
I love driving around and looking at Christmas lights with the kids!
I signed up for your newsletter. Camille@focus20.com
Since my guys are grown up now, I enjoy making them and their families gifts.
I tweeted about your blog and giveaway. @Camille_Mendel. Camille@focus20.com
Trimming the tree while listening to Christmas music. I love watching my kids hang ornaments, I love seeing the joy on their faces. Thanks for a great giveaway. Merry Christmas.
Decorating the tree 🙂
Every year we roast chestnuts in our fireplace, and listen to old Radio Shows.
Going out for a nice dinner with my husband before we have to trek across the midwest to visit our families.
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My favourite Holiday tradition is decorating the Christmas tree on Christmas Eve. In Poland, where are live, we do it with whole family of course.
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I enjoy my boys decorating the gingerbread cookies, each year they have more fun with it!
Thank you for the chance*
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I like making sugar cookies for Christmas.
And here's my tweet: https://twitter.com/jednoiglec/status/541971154853175296
My favorite holiday tradition is the junk Yankee Swap my family always did. Everyone brings as many 'presents' as they want and in a round robin fashion, everyone picks a gift and opens it. You are allowed to swap your 'gift' for anyone else's gift and there is always one thing that became the sought after gift. When I say gift I mean things like empty toilet paper tubes, ziploc baggies full of dryer lint, a box with 1 earring back in it. Silly, ridiculous gifts that cost nothing and made us all laugh. It could last for hours and was so much fun. And the kicker is that it was only for the adults. Xmas is for kids but this activity belonged to the adults. I was so excited the first year I qualified to play ' the game' as we referred to it! Not only one of my favorite Christmas traditions but one of my favorite memories, ever. monique.belmer at gmail dot com
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I love Christmas dinner at my parents house on Christmas Day with family. So joyful.
Making christmas cookies for all the grand children and children.
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My favorite tradition is shopping for special ornaments for each family member each year. Thanks for the giveaway. Diane
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We decorate a gingerbread house. This year I bought a house already assembled and it was a dream to decorate! We always have plenty of candy because one goes for the house and one for little mouths 🙂
I wear my paper cracker hat upside down at the dinner table just like my Dad used to.
I love getting hot apple cider whenever we go cut down the Christmas tree.
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My favorite holiday tradition is getting and decorating our Christmas tree! It is so cozy and fun!
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Christmas baking!
We usually go to a sisters house and spend the eve with them and their grand child. This year there just might be a new baby too. The tradition is a soup supper before church. It is so calm and relaxing.
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My favorite Christmas tradition is spending Christmas Eve with my son. The lights of the tree illuminate the room and we watch a variety of Christmas episodes of his favorite television programs.
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I love setting the Xmas tree with my kids and preparing every year some new decoration. Thanks!
Our family tradition is making aebleskievers for Christmas morning breakfast. They are so yummy and my grandsons now enjoy our tradition too.
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We made new ornaments for the tree every year. It's great!
Family tradition is doing lots of family only things from long country walks, watching movies together, taking time out to be together
My favorite tradition is shopping for a child off of an Angel Tree. My family is small and we don't have kids to shop for, so I love getting to browse toys and clothes and books, picking out something I hope a kid will like.
Following Persimmon Dreams on FB. Looking forward to another visit again.
Sandi Timmons
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We always go to the midnight church service on Christmas eve – then it's back home for mince pies and mulled wine
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I signed up for your newsletter. Looking forward to the 2015 challenges!
My favourite Christmas tradition is looking at Christmas lights with our church family. We all load up on a bus and drive through several different neighborhoods, stopping along the way for coffee and hot cocoa. Lots of fun!
Our holiday tradition is that my mom's family gets together on Christmas Eve. We have drinks and a nice big dinner. The kids, 3 little ones, opens presents first. Then the adults. This gives us a chance to relax and have another glass of wine or a bloddy mary. It brings the family together and you just get to enjoy everyone. Thank you for being a part of Sew Mama Sew's Giveaway and the opportunity to win fabric and thread. It's like a quilter's dream come true.
Sandi Timmons
My favorite holiday tradition is cranking up the Christmas tunes on the radio and decorating the tree. So many memories of friends and family are rekindled as I hang the various ornaments, and my favorites remain the ones my children made when they were youngsters.
Thank you for your generosity in donating such great items!
My favourite holiday tradition is being with the whole family together and playing games.
I have yet to lay my nimble fingers on Aurafil thread…I need some!
My favorite holiday tradition is taking our kids out in their jammies (all wrapped up in a hand-made quilt) and driving around town to see the lights and decorations. Then we'd head home and tuck them in bed!
Taking a drive to see all the Christmas lights and decorations!
My favorite longtime tradition is honoring the meaning of Christmas by attending a midnight service on Christmas Eve to bring in Christmas Day. geneblack At gmail dOt com
I just love watching the kids! Nothing like the magic of kids at Christmas 🙂
Making & putting up all the paper snowflakes that hang from the ceiling. It looks like a snow storm inside with the slightest movement of air. We did this with our sons & now do it with our grand kids…and although our great granddaughter is too young to participate in the making of them, she loves watching the snow flakes dance.
My favorite Christmas tradition is buying a new ornament each year to add to my family's collection and then having everyone try to figure out which is the new one!
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My favorite is decorating the tree and remembering why each ornament is special, we have Christmas music playing and hot chocolate to drink.
My favorite Christmas tradition is having my family over on Christmas Eve.
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I live an ocean and continent away from my family so my favorite Christmas tradition is seeing them!
mongoosenamedt at yahoo
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Seeing Christmas lights!
My favorite Christmas holiday tradition is playing for Christmas Eve services and getting together with family.
My favorite tradition is to decorate the Christmas tree the day before Christmas Eve. In Norway we call that day little Christmas eve. And we celebrate Christmas on Christmas Eve.
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Hi there! What a great giveaway!
Thanks for the chance to win!
My favorite Christmas tradition is our big breakfast we have in the morning before gifts. Eggs Benedict and Croissants! Yummy!
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Love Christmas Eve Dinner
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Love Christmas Eve and the silence of it all.
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No particular tradition. I just enjoy the magic of the season and spending time with family. My email is in my blogger profile when you click my name.
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whoa! that is one tall tree.
i live in North Carolina and our favorite tradition is to drive to the mountains to the tree farms to pick out our tree.
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My favourite tradition is probably all sitting down together for Christmas dinner on Christmas Day. It's always a wonderful time. Thanks for a fab giveaway.
Watching Christmas Story with my grandfather each year. Every year he ends up saying, "Have we seen this before."
My newest Christmas tradition is also my favorite, and that is gathering with my husbands family a few days before Christmas before dinner. I help his mother in the kitchen before and after and she is generous with the Wassail she makes every year. We are a fantastic duo in the kitchen and it feels more like relaxing than work (though that could be the Wassail!). We also put the yule log on the TV, which started out as a joke to us and it it stuck, so that's my other favorite thing! Thanks for the chance to win!
purlverdeknits at hotmail dot com (preferred email)
I follow along on Facebook also. This fabric is incredible by the way, this is the giveaway I'm really holding out for!
purlverdeknits at hotmail dot com (preferred email)
When my kids were young we always had "snacker" dinner on Christmas eve. They named appetizers snackers. Thanks for the chance to win!
Eating tourtiere for the holidays is one of my favourites!
My favorite holiday tradition is going home to see the family. I live in Texas now and they are all in Virginia, so it just makes Christmas that much better knowing I get to spend an extended amount of time at home!
Same here! We moved to TX almost 3 years ago and family and friends are back in MD & VA.
I love the family getting together.
My favorite tradition is Christmas Eve paella at my Dad & Stepmom's house.
Since we don't celebrate Christmas I will pick a different holiday. My favourite tradition is decorating the front yard for Halloween and watching entire families ooh and aah at it.
What a great prize to possibly win. Thank you. kj_hahn (at) telus (dot) net
On Thanksgiving, my family drinks hot cocoa and decorates our Christmas tree while watching the football game. It is my absolute favorite!
I love carols! Singing them, listening to them, playing piano/flute duets with family… Thanks for the chance. laura [at] craftyhour [dot] com
One of my favorite Christmas traditions is doing a Jesse Tree with my kids (it's kind of like an Advent Calender/Jesus' family tree) My email is eebwyatt@gmail.com
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Baking lots of cookies and sharing them with family and friends.
jklmengland at windstream dot net
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jklmengland at windstream dot net
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Love cutting down our Christmas tree as a family 🙂
I love our tradition of a soup bar shared with my entire extended family on Christmas Day at my house.
Your tree is amazing! My favorite holiday tradition is having Beignets for Christmas morning breakfast! My email is lisablake1 at gmail dot com
Thank you so much for your great giveaway. My favorite tradition is trimming the tree with my grandson.
My favorite holiday tradition is listening to "old" Christmas music – the stuff that my parents played on vinyl when I was a kid. Oh, Bing Crosby, how I love you…
This "new" Christmas music is just the worst. Why oh why is the French Canadian singing a Spanish-language song?
I'm really not as old as I sound…
Lovely giveaway!
sunshine_in_wi at ymail dot com
I love when the whole family comes to my house and we watch the grandkids open their presents and Pappy runs the trains under the tree for them. Love your tall tree. !
I sent this tweet out! 🙂 https://twitter.com/Dulcikate/status/541996554639269888
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I like Persimon Dreams on Facebook. 🙂
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My favorite holiday tradition is taking our dog for a quiet and peaceful walk along the deserted beach on Christmas morning.
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I love having a real Christmas tree. 🙂 I go and buy it myself now, because my husband would buy it 2 days before Christmas, and I like to put the tree up earlier so I can enjoy it for longer. It just fits in my Ford Focus. 🙂 tiamm@broadpark.no
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My favorite holiday tradition is painting rolled out sugar cookies with egg yolk paint. I started this when my oldest was 3 and now he's 35 and over the years the kids have really become great artists. They are "painted" and then baked and look like stain glass windows. We use lots of different cookie cutters from my cookie cutter collection. kthurn@bektel.com
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As a child,my favorite tradition was waiting at the top of the stairs with my brother and sister until our parents were up and my dad had gone downstairs to turn on tree lights (and let the dog go outside). Only after that waiting could we rush downstairs to fi d our stockings.
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Making Christmas cookies with my children. 🙂 Thanks for the chance to win.
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I liked Project Quilting on Facebook. kthurn@bektel.com
My favorite holiday tradition is baking cookies with my kids!
detroitgirl77 AT gmail DOT com
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So glad to have found you on this Giveaway Kim & love the prize you are so generously providing. Thank you ever so much.
The favored tradition "around the Christmas tree each Christmas Eve" is sharing our memories of all our family members "who have gone on" (here no more). The youngsters are enthralled to know that their great, great grandmother did not have a washing machine, etc &, the fun times with family reunions, working the farms, attending a one room school with a coal burning stove, etc. You can imagine the questions that follow from these "techies" & even some of us older family members learn new things about our ancestors. So, we keep them close by remembering, sharing, laughing, & crying. That is our very best tradition! (loosecannon2@live.com)
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I love going to church on Christmas eve with my kiddos. It is always extra magic in the air…
baking cookies!
t_ktl at yahoo.com
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t_ktl At yahoo.com
Definitely Christmas cookies like Swedish sand tarts
We enjoy driving around looking at Christmas light displays.
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My favorite is making candy and sugar cookies.
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My favourite tradition is plum pudding. My family has a recipe handed down by my grandmother. Yummy with hard sauce.
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Decorating the tree is my fav. Thanks for the great giveaway!
My family's Christmas tradition is going to Christmas Eve service at our church. It always ends with candlelight and a Christmas carol – really gets you in the Christmas spirit!
My favorite tradition is decorating the Christmas tree! My father left me half of his lifelong ornament collection, including a few ornaments from his grandmother, and his mother, and I too have collected ornaments since I had my first tree. I LOVE your tree – your husband sounds like a wonderful "over the top" person and it makes me happy to think that the two of you are together!
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Holiday tradition: shopping for my kids and for angel tree kids
I love all the traditions we do at christmas…christmas eve pj's, chinese food, watching the christmas story, christmas baking and cardmaking with friends
My favorite tradition is the Christmas service at church with family. Scruffy1959410@gmail.com
My favorite tradition is Christmas service at church with the mother.
I just signed up for your news letter. Lots of great information.
We read the same stories together every Christmas Eve. I love that!
making gingerbread cookies
I really enjoy baking mince pies!
My favorite holiday tradition is inviting family and friends to my home for chili after our Christmas Eve service at church. I put the chili in a crock pot and we all just relax and enjoy each other's company before the "big day" arrives.
email joyb414 at hotmail dot com
I most enjoy driving around town to check out the Christmas lights and decorations!!
micheletimms at gmail dot com
My has these angles she gave me that she has been displaying for Christmas since I was a little girl and now I started putting them as part of my Christmas decoration.
I am following your blog via Bloglovin' – thanks!!
micheletimms at gmail dot com
And I forgot my email address up there with the post about the chili on Christmas Eve. joyb414 at hotmail dot com
Decorating the tree is my absolutely favourite part of the holidays!
I don't celebrate Christmas but for our festival I like going to the mosque with my children and cooking festive meal.
My favorite Holiday tradition is Christmas Eve at my parents home. We have jambalaya and lots of desserts!
pauletteca31 at yahoo.com
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I love going to Auckland, New Zealand for Christmas and spending long hot days relaxing with my family. We have a lot of BBQs and enjoy walks in the long summer evenings.
MERRY CHRISTMAS! Our favorite tradition is honoring Jesus on His Birthday+then gifting our loved ones!
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(username is lindadouglas35)
My favourite holiday tradition is hanging all the handmade decorations on the tree that I've accumulated over the years – ones made by me, friends and my children.
I am now following you by email. Will be such fun.
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(username is lindadouglas35)
My favorite holiday tradition is watching the old holiday movies with my family.
I love putting up the Christmas decorations the day after Thanksgiving.
Thanks for the giveaway!
screamingsardine ~at~ yahoo ~dot~com
I am now following project quilting on facebook. Fresh new ideas get me going. Thanks.
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Our favorite holiday tradition would be trimming the Christmas tree and making cookies and candy. Thanks for the chance to win!
wigglypup2 ( at ) yahoo ( dot ) com
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wigglypup2 ( at ) yahoo ( dot ) com
I love the family gathering on holidays 🙂
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I like Project QUILTING on FB (Dana Y)
I love going to see the Nutcracker ballet with my daughter. We've been going for 8 years — since she was 3.
I have tweeted about this great giveaway: https://twitter.com/Myself19771/status/542020194017607680?lang=en
I like Persimon Dreams on FB ( Rhonda Gaines Desgranges ).
wigglypup2 ( at ) yahoo ( dot ) com
My favorite holiday tradition is attending Christmas Eve church services with my entire extended family. It's an oasis of peace in the rest of the holiday excitement (and chaos).
I like Project QUILTING on FB ( Rhonda Gaines Desgranges ).
wigglypup2 ( at ) yahoo ( dot ) com
I love being with family over Christmas, hanging stockings, decorating, and eating!!! mumbird3(at)gmail(dot)com
I love watching The Muppet Christmas Carol movie on Christmas Eve with my family!
We just started a new tradition last year. My teenage daughters and I go out to a fancy dinner on Christmas Eve.
Decorating the day after Thanksgiving to Christmas music 🙂
Gorgeous tree! My favorite tradition is that my husbands family swaps filled Christmas stockings each year, so fun!
Oh WOW!!!! Your tree isi amazing!!! I had to hunt for your little fella in the pic! lol! One of my favorite traditions is getting my kids all in their jammies, heading to Krispy Kreme drive-thru and eating donuts while we drive around looking at Christmas lights. Never gets old! Thanks for your generous giveaway!
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wigglypup2 ( at ) yahoo ( dot ) com
I'm a facebook fan! (my email is linked to my profile too…forgot that in my last comment) 🙂
Also a fan of Project Quilting!
Decorating the tree!! genipickens at gmail dot com
TWEETED! https://twitter.com/hopefulthreads/status/542024575718920194
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gifting friends and family…. <3 feedmecmoore at gmail dot com
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I Tweeted about the giveaway @wigglypup : https://mobile.twitter.com/wigglypup/status/542024220486549506
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I follow PD through email! genipickens at gmail dot com
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My favorite tradition is all about the food, the cookies, and decorating. I find it fun to make special things that are only done for Christmas.
Trimming the tree and decorating the house are my favorites followed by Christmas baking.
I love going to the candlelight Christmas Eve service. So beautiful!
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Favorite tradition at Christmas is going to the Christmas Eve services at our church.
My family would go Christmas caroling and delivering cookies to friends and neighbors. It was a lot of climbing in and out of the van (there were 8 of us kids) but there are some very fond memories of doing that every year. My husband doesn't sing, and my daughter is only two, but we still like to deliver goodies to friends.
Beautiful fabric and LOVE the thread! So bright and colorful! mindily at hotmail dot com
I love decorating the house. I have santa, snowmen and angel collections and it's so much fun to get them out each year. Pate393@gmail.com
my fav tradition is going ot my grandmother in laws for Chicken and Dumplins on Christmas Eve Night and talking as a family about what we are all thankful for from the previous year
I just signed up for your newsletter. Pate393@gmail.com
I just signed up to follow by email. I need to come back to your blog when I have more time to look around. Pate393@gmail.com
Wow, that's a gigantic tree! My favorite holiday tradition is having my family together at home! pyearick AT gmail DOT com
I "liked" PersimonDreams on Facebook! pyearick AT gmail DOT com
I like making Christmas cookies.
My favorite tradition is dressing up in boots, hats and mitten and driving to the mountains to cut our Christmas tree. My married children and their family always join us. After we all pick out our favorite trees and the chopping is done, we go sledding, have a fir and lots of hot chocolate. Watching my grandchildren laughing and having fun just melts my heart
My favourite holiday tradition is delivering gifts to relatives on Christmas Eve, followed by going home and putting on my new pjs from Santa (he always delivers them the night before :D)
I love baking cookies with my hubby. Thanks!
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I read the story of Christ's birth from the Bible on Christmas Eve!
thanks for the giveaway — my favorite holiday tradition is fresh cracked crab on Christmas eve!
Family dinner at Christmas eve and setting up a Christmas tree. Thanks for the chance!
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My favorite tradition is celebrating with the family on Christmas Eve. Thank you for the great giveaway.
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Decorating the tree with the kids and watching my husband cringe as the kids over do it with the tinsel
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My favorite thing to do for the Holidays is to make family and friends ornaments. For several years, I embroidered snowflakes but this year I have switched to quilted mini stockings.
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We deliver treats to friends and neighbors on New Year's Day! It's a blast!
My favourite Christmas tradition is watching Christmas movies in our pajamas on Christmas eve. 🙂
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Dungeness Crabs for Holiday Dinner.
My favorite Christmas tradition is to wear our pajamas until the next day 😀 No dressing up for this family!
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My favourite during the holidays are spending time with friends and family and eating together. I love this all year long but with christmas it is just a bit "extra"
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My favorite holiday tradition is sipping hot chocolate by the fire. mrs.megan.null @ gmail.com
Decorating for Christmas with the family is my favorite tradition. liesel dot e at hotmail dot com
Wow, your tree is HUGE! My fave tradition growing up was taking a plate of cookies to the firehouse on Christmas Eve. The firemen loved it too 🙂
On the night of Dec. 6 we have the kids put their boots outside the door so that St. Nick can fill them, I think this is a German tradition that has made it to my family and now that my son is named Nikolaos, Dec. 6th is his name day, so a double celebration.
Eating latkes with my mom hot off the stove!
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Tasting all of the food your not allowed to have any other time of year. Like Baklava.
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I lover building gingerbread houses with my girls.
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Baking cookies!
My favorite tradition is baking cookies with my family.
That's one big tree! I love your hexagon sampler, how unique and out of the box. Fav tradition is making cookies. Hrobbins422 at yahoo
Christmas Dinner with the family! 🙂
I like decorating cookies.
satsukirebel AT gmail DOT com
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My favourite Holiday "Tradition": Not to get up sooo early 😉
My favorite tradition is going to the Nutcracker Ballet here in Seattle, WA.
My very favorite is after eating thanksgiving and Christmas dinner the family makes "teams" and we have a bean bag toss competition. It's really fun because all ages can play. From children to adult. We all love it. And since we live in Louisiana it's usually really nice weather to be playing outside. LOL. Thanks for the chance to win. I love aurifil thread and your hand dye fabric looks really beautiful
My favorite tradition was attending the Christmas Eve service and singing carols.
My husband puts the lights on our tree and then my two kids and I put on the ornaments. They are 18 and 20 now – not sure if this tradition will continue! 🙁
i love it all but mostly time with the family
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Decorating the tree the day after thanksgiving. Thanks and happy holidays.
taking the kids on the Santa Train…everyone has so much fun
My favorite tradition is making and eating Christmas cookies and I love Christmas music!
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Baking cookies!! The kids and I would bake all day. They have moved to other states now, so we don't do that anymore; but when I bake a batch, I still go back to those days!!
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My favorite holiday is making the pies with my granddaughter at Thanksgiving and baking cookies with my grandchildren at Christmas, things get messy but we have a wonderful time making memories
Wow that is a big Christmas Tree. I can't believe your husband had to cut 8 feet off. Amazing. Lovely tree.
My favorite part of Christmas is the decorations, especially the lights. Typically, right after Thanksgiving I pull out all my holiday decorations and enjoy Christmas music while I decorate. Love it.
My favorite holiday tradition is enjoying Christmas Day at my mother in law house with all the family.
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Decorating the tree with wooden apples. My favorite. mahlica@gmail.com
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Wow, Your work is beautiful!
Favorite holiday tradition…it's the Hats…those crazy paper yoddel head hats on everyone sitting around the table…wipes every sour feeling of the year right off the map.
Just started following Project Quilting on Facebook. I'm new to your blog and looking forward to exploring some more. Thanks!
Decorating the Christmas tree with handmade decorations from my stitching buddies. Thanks for the chance to win a great give-away
Favorite holiday tradition is putting up the Christmas tree! And also watching Prep and Landing and drinking hot chocolate with my two little boys & husband.
I enjoy decorating Christams tree with my children. Thank you for the giveaway!
My favorite holiday tradition is when driving down to my mom's on christmas eve listening to christmas carols for 8 hours.
Hmm… So many great ones. I love that we really decorate the living room. It has old wood paneled walls and just glows during the holidays.
I just love getting together with family. My family seems to get smaller every year, I wish I'd had more children to keep the numbers up, lol! 🙂
That is quite a tree! My favorite holiday tradition is baking cookies with my mom and sister (and now our kids, too).
I love setting up the advent calendar for our kids and filling it with Bible verses, Christmas ornaments, sweet treats and cute craft supplies.
🙂 twocheekymonkeys at live dot com
We always opened one present on Christmas Eve.
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I follow you with e-mail. sarah@forrussia.org
My favorite tradition is the advent wreath. sarah@forrussia.org
My favorite holiday tradition is baking and decorating sugar cookies with the family. It's always a blast. Thanks for the chance to win!
Trimming the tree with family ornaments from decades ago. 24Tangent@gmail.com
My favorite tradition is setting up the creche.
My favorite Christmas tradition is getting together with all the family and eating waffles for Christmas Eve dinner. We've done it since I was a kid and now my grandkids are following the tradition too.
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My favorite tradition is gathering at my mother's house and doing a white elephant Christmas present exchange! Everyone is supposed to bring something that they don't like and we number based on how many people are there, then we start with the first gift. Each person has the choice of taking the present before them, and it gets competitive. But number 1 can take anything at the end of the game! One year an enema was in the gifts and my older aunt exclaimed, "I really needed this!" It is hilarious and you can't keep the kids away! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
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My favorite is Christmas Eve supper with all the family and playing games afterwards.
I love going out to dinner on Christmas Eve then going to Mass with my family.
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Opening our stockings on Christmas morning – everyone gets one in our house! ellibeaven at hotmail dot com
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Our tradition is to have mimosas on Christmas Day with a huge mid-afternoon meal of those foods we won't splurge on during the year, like crab legs or crown roast. We also sit around with guitars and sing all types of music.
My favorite tradition is setting up our nativity figures, crystalbluern at onlineok dot com
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making, then eating the food! there's always something fun and new alongside the traditional dishes.
Daaaaang that tree! I've had a 6" root we decorate in lieu of a tree every year. My dad gave us an artificial tree last year, which the kids enjoy.
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I already receive your newsletter as well. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com
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We always open one present on Christmas eve and save the rest for the next day.
ebbtide 45 at yahoo dot com
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favorite holiday tradition is definitely decorating the tree!
My favorite holiday tradition is hosting a solstice bonfire for all the neighbors.
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jaaverill at aol dot com
Even though we were not able to have children my husband and I still go every day and get a live Christmas tree.
jaaverill at aol dot com
My favorite holiday tradition is making sugar cookies with my kids.:) audkateaster at gmail.com
I liked you on Facebook lynnmcindoe at gmail.com
We always have an open door for Christmas dinner. I love to decorate a tree or two, and do lots of baking of sweet treats. Everyone goes home with a goodie bag of them. lynnmcindoe at gmail.com
My favorite holiday tradition? I take my girl friend's children ice skating each year at the artificial ice rink. It is a special treat we all look forward to since we live in a "we never see snow climate" in the southern US.
My favorite holiday tradition is actually St. Nicholas day. Up until these last two years after my family moved too far away to just drive, every year on Dec. 5th we would gather around my mom on the floor and listen to the St. Nick story. Now, I'm 23 and the youngest of us 4 kids is now a freshman in highschool but that doesn't stop us from cuddling up close to one another to listen to the story and but in when my mom "accidently" messes up or forgets a part. Afterwards, we hang our stockings and go to bed early. The next morning we all get up early and see what St. Nick left us – fuzy socks, cute note pads, new pencils/ pens for school, and those chocolate coins. We all say its our favorite part of the holidays because its a reminder that its not about getting expensive presents but about giving to others and focusing on being together. 🙂
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I like trimming the tree!
My favorite tradition is making homemade gifts.
I liked making and decorating Christmas cookies (and leaving some out for Santa).
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Our favorite holiday tradition is watching White Christmas while we decorate the Christmas tree and put together the lego train that goes around the base of it. Thanks for the chance to win. RedDeliciousLife AT yahoo DOT com.
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Adding a new ornament to the tree each year that symbolises something special from the last year. This year its an ornament of a kitten under the tree, guess what we got this year!
I love baking at Christmas time!
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My favorite Christmas tradition is for the grandkids to (make a mess) decorate cookies I have baked with frosting and all kinds of sprinkles. It's a lovely mess.
My favorite holiday tradition is watching old Christmas movies all night
My favorite Christmas tradition is looking at each dated ornament as I hang it so I can remember that year. We've been married 33 years now, so there are a lot of memories tied to those dated ornaments.
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My favorite Christmas tradition while I was growing up was going to midnight Mass on Christmas Eve.
Baking Cookies and sharing them with friends and family.
Making Crafty gifts with my family!
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Love decorating the tree and checking out the Christmas lights with the family. ikinfamily@bigpond.com
already liked you on FB. ikinfamily@bigpond.com
already liked Project Quilting on FB. ikinfamily@bigpond.com
Wow,that is some crazy Big tree! My favorite tradition is pulling out all of my handmade ornaments each year to decorate the tree! Thanks for the giveaway.
sewCeLynn at gmail dot com
My favorite tradition is our family Christmas dinner and gift exchange. We often cannot get our schedules together on Christmas, so we do it first chance we can get together. Sometimes it is in spring! We do that one "treeless" :-0
Our extended family always gets together for Christmas Eve. It's a special tradition that's been carried on from when Great Grandma started it years ago. Thanks for the great giveaway!
I love sharing holiday feasts.
We make Christmas last as long as we can, taking turns opening gifts in our stockings one by one, then having breakfast, cleaning up, and settling in to open tree gifts. We take turns doing those too, so it is usually early afternoon before we're done! After dinner we play a family game and stay up way too late, but it's so much fun. 🙂
As a kid I loved opening one present of my choice on Christmas Eve. As a parent, I love giving my kiddos a special Christmas Eve package (made up of new pjs, socks, a book, and hot chocolate).
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My favorite holiday tradition is decorating sugar cookies with my family. We introduced my nephew to the tradition last year and it was so much fun!
My favorite holiday tradition was going through our toys to find a nice one to give away before we could open presents on Christmas Eve.
Thanks for the giveaway! emsewcrazyatyahoodotcom
I Love having family over for traditional holiday food and celebrations
So many good ones to choose from, but I think I'm going to go with having a gum drop tree.
Favorite Holiday Tradition: Polish traditional feast one Christmas Eve- pierogies, barley, mushrooms, prunes… It brings back lots of memories.
sonrisa 32 @ yahoo . com
My fave tradition is doing crafts with my daughters throughout the month. Thanks!
I follow you on fb as Tabitha Swain Klucking.
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New jammies on Christmas Eve!
I love just about everything about the holiday, but my favorite thing is probably watching someone open the perfect gift that I've found (or made) for them.
That is a great Christmas tree. I love the Christmas baking.
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Favorite tradition…..family ornament exchange.
My favorite holiday tradition is giving each of my 4 kids an ornament each year so as they are moving out they can have their own set of ornaments for their tree.
ramona_murray AT comcast DOT net
Being with family that we don't see on a regular basis is one of my favorite things about Christmas day but my favorite thing is going to church with loved ones on Christmas Eve for the Christmas Eve Candle Light Service! That really gets me into the right frame of mind for the next day.
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Decorating the Xmas tree and eating a Panettone! Thanks for the chance to win!
Christmas dinner with family is my favorite tradition.
dragonfly9716 at yahoo dot com
midnight Mass
We do a White Elephant gift exchange every year. Always FUN!
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My kids will say Christmas morning with the stockings with the fire and Danish Puff pastry cooking. And don't forget the scratch off lottery tickets.
My favorite Christmas tradition is putting up the tree. We decorate with vintage ornaments that mom purchased for us over the years and add lots of cardinals and red bows. It's a family affair and each ornament is placed with love. Thanks Kim — for the awesome giveaway. Loving those hand dyed fabrics and the Aurifil is the cherry on top!
I like you on FB too!! Woohoo!
My favorite holiday tradition is going to the local Christmas tree farm and selecting our tree together. It's something we've done since our two kids were small and we still enjoy it as a family. By far, that's my favorite. 🙂
I follow your blog by email – karen dot keuka at gmail dot com
I also get your newsletter – thanks for all the inspiration! karen dot keuka at gmail dot com
Watching "It's a Wonderful Life" on Christmas Eve!
My favourite tradition is Christmas breakfast – we all gather at my mother's house, and she cooks up a huge lot of pancakes with berries and lemon juice – so tasty and such a nice way to start the day with our whole family together!
Thanks for the chance to be in to win, and I love your tree! 🙂
macska at gmail dot com
Your fat quarters are gorgeous! My fav tradition is simply spending time with family, and just appreciating each other! soozemoroney AT gmail DOT com
I love eating Tamales for Christmas dinner!
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Waking up early Christmas morning driving to my parents house and waking them up as if I were a little kid. Im 34 years old and am just a big kid. I storm into the house jumping all around hollering "Santa came Santa came wake up!!" LOL
Ooops my Email is Lmschweitzer@gmail.com
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What a lovely set of hand dyed fabrics and thread. Thanks for the chance to win such a lovely package of things. My favorite Christmas tradition- making nuts and bolts , some other special treats and putting up the Christmas village. Mostly it is just having some down time to catch up to myself after a busy fall at school- a little more time to be with friends and family..
With best wishes,
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What a terrific tree- I love looking at my decorations and remembering years gone by…
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My favourite tradition is decorating the tree. Each ornament brings back such wonderful memories.
WOW that's one heck of a Christmas tree, lol! I think it might be taller than my house! When our kids were little I found a recipe somewhere for "Caramel French Toast". It quickly became a tradition to have it for breakfast on Christmas morning. Our oldest son moved out at the end of last year so I have no idea if our tradition will continue this year – he may not be here Christmas morning, now that he has his own house. I'm not sure whether to be sad if our tradition has to change, or happy that he's starting his own traditions!
My son cooks us a big breakfast Christmas morning and then we open presents
Mine is going to see the luminarias
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Whoa – that's a tree. I love the singing and music.
I always make a pot of percolator cider which consists of apple juice, red hot candies, cinnamon sticks, cloves, and 7-up. You put the apple juice and 7-up in an electric percolator and put the candies, cloves, and cinnamon sticks in the basket and let go through the perking cycle. My square dance club expects me to make them a pot every year during Christmas.
Love to bake Christmas cookies!
I love decorating, listening to christmas music, and baking for my family!
Love your site. Will be visiting again. My favorite Christmas tradition it to go to Christmas Eve service with all the kids, spouses, grandkids, friends and others. Then we go have a cocoa or latte somewhere afterwards.
Beautiful site! I love your huge Christmas tree and the Christmas tree is my favorite part of the holidays — everything from picking out the perfect one, cutting it down and getting it home, and then decorating it with cherished ornaments that represent years of family memories. Thanks!
I love driving around to look at Christmas lights with my kids.
Decorated the Christmas tree with my boy.
Watching my children open gifts on Christmas morning and spending it with family. queenbpez[at]comcast[dot]net
I love the moment when we turn on our lights, it becomes a little party in its own right.
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Christmas is my favorite holiday, spending time with family.alex.uhrikova@gmail.com
Mine is Christmas dinner with my family back home. Thanks for the chance.
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fave tradition: making gingerbread houses
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My favorite holiday tradition is setting up the Nativity Set in our front yard, because that's what Christmas is all about. It is the first thing we put up to kick off the Christmas season and the last thing we put away.
I love putting up the christmas tree, with my daughters, 3 and 1 years old!
I love putting up the christmas tree!
I love putting up the christmas tree.
Lovely giveaway,thank you for the chance to win it.decorating tree and making cookies with my daughter are the best for me.Love your big tree!Have a lovely week.
We go to the beach and eat hot chips on the sand on Christmas Eve as a family. Then we come home, open one gift and watch Polar Express. It is a great way to start Christmas.
Decorating the tree (after I've got the lights done). The kids chatter on and on about the different ornaments. The older ones share details with the younger one. I love it. This year as soon as the lights were done, one of the younger piped up and said, "Now it's Christmas." : ) That's all it took – some lights.
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My husband's family opened gifts on Christmas Eve and my family on Christmas day. When the kids were little, we were a Navy family on our own at Christmas. We decided to open anything that came in the mail on Christmas Eve but Santa gifts on Christmas day. When we entered civilian life and got a new home, we discovered that Santa would come by on a fire truck on Christmas Eve night. We told the kids, no presents until Santa comes by. We did that for a couple of years but one year they were really anxious to get to those presents. As a joke, my husband added a new "rule." No presents opened until Santa comes by AND we had to see what Vanna was wearing on Wheel of Fortune. We all laughed but followed the rule and it stuck for many years after. I still smile thinking of it.
One of my favorite traditions was Christmas Caroling with our library each year. I truely love everything about the holidays with my son, he makes it all new again and so much better. I'm a new follower through Bloglovin, YAY! Thanks for the generous giveaway! You have the cutest little girls, enjoy them they grow up so fast. My son is 15, I can't believe it, the time really flew by.
Kids are grown but we all get together and bring an ingredient or two for a breakfast casserole that I made for them as children.
While it's baking for an hour, we can make the side dishes and just chat and catchup w/our busy selves and schedules.
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Thumbs up to Persimon Dreams on Facebook:) Love the idea of name exchange and making a handmade gift for your recipient. That's an idea for my new family tradition.
Kim I already receive your newsletter and email.
My favourite holiday tradition is decorating the tree & house, with Christmas music playing and enjoying a Bailey's & coffee while doing it. sewmissmouse at yahoo dot ca
my favorite holiday tradition is trimming the tree with my kids while christmas music plays in the background. My kids are almost adults now so it's a special time. Thanks for the giveaway!
My favorite tradition is decorating for the holidays. A close second is making Christmas cookies!
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I love the holiday decorating and our family get together where we play bingo to win gifts. This is a big highlight with the family.
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My family doesn't have too many traditions. We just get together and open presents and eat dinner.
We are working on starting some new family Christmas traditions now that we have grandchildren. Last year, we rode on the Snowflake Express train with Santa and Mrs.Claus. Thanks for the awesome giveaway.
smflks at gmail dot com
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(Michelle Nichols Folkerts account)
burrfarm at netins dot net
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Getting together with family.
My favorite holiday tradition is the night before Christmas me and my daughter sprinkle glitter all over the front yard so that santa's reindeer are sure to find our house!!!! Your quilts look so awesome I can't wait to read through your blog!!! Thank you!!!
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I'm a new newsletter follower!!! Thank you!!
My favorite part of the holidays is picking out new ornaments for my nieces and nephews.
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I follow by email. Thanks for the contest!
My favorite tradition is the the family reunions on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.
Potato Latkes are my favorite holiday tradition. YUM.
I'd love to win the threads. Thanks so much.
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We have a new holiday tradition – making homemade peppermint ice cream on Christmas – and then devouring! dulinh at yahoo
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my new favorite tradition is shopping at Wish Upon A Quilt on Black Friday because they have an awesome BOGO 70% off sale 🙂 … and then I get an excellent excuse to sew all month because "I have to make Christmas presents!" and then we have thew new traditions we will be making now that we have a toddler, so I don't know what those are yet, but I know pretty soon Christmas morning is going to be my new favorite
I liked Persimon Dreams on Facebook! dulinh at yahoo
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My favorite holiday traditions are going to the Farmers' Market to pick out our tree and baking cookies to take to my family gathering.
Putting up the Christmas tree and decorating the house.
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I think your tree is awesome! I love that during the advent we light the advent candles and that I always make an effort to have some kind of seasonal display on the table. We have candles otherwise as well but not the extra fancy touch 🙂
My favorite holiday tradition is visiting the local indie craft fair with my sister to stock up on unique gifts from our favorite local, handmade businesses!
board games on Christmas Eve
dionne.matthiesbuban gmaildotcom
Decorating for Christmas with my 2 little daughters!
My favorite holiday tradition……breakfast on Christmas morning! It just feels so relaxing and cozy!
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My favorite holiday tradition is having a non-traditional meal with my boys and husband on Christmas Day. We've had steaks, we've had pork roast, or pot roast, or whatever they want.
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My favorite holiday tradition is the 11pm service at church followed by sleep and stockings in bed. Even though I don't have human kids, Santa still manages to sneak the stockings in my bedroom at night for the furbabies to wake up to in the morning. 🙂 meig(dot)heyburn(at)gmail(dot)com
I look forward to the prime rib dinner my dad makes for the family!
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Homemade cinnamon rolls on Christmas morning.
my family holds a caroling party which I love
We do a christmas book advent "calendar". We open a christmas book every night and read it.
My favourite holiday tradition is making handmade gifts for family.. no matter how small!
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Decorating the tree! Thank you. jane_delorenzo@yahoo.com
My fave tradition is decorating, though I don't do as much as I used to. I always set up my lil' Christmas Village.
I love baking cookies, and driving around to look at all the pretty lights.
I love <3 you on facebook as Amy Caldwell
"Sew" glad I found Project Quilting on Facebook, thanks.
I tweeted as @See_Amy_Sew
My favorite holiday tradition is making cookies with my sister.
My favorite Holiday tradition is the Christmas Eve service at my church.
jitney41 AT gmail DOT com
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making a gingerbread house-I don't manage every year but I try!
A Christmas morning hike, just kidding! Love going with the family to our local tree farm and cutting down a fresh tree.Your tree is amazing! Merry Christmas!
Baking cookies (to decorate!) is one of my favorite holiday traditions.
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So… I follow you on Instagram and I didn't even know you also had a blog!
Anyway… holiday tradition… my favourite thing we do is to open a single gift on the night before Christmas. It started because when I was young, we'd open one gift each as a family on Christmas Eve and then go to my dad's family's side for one Christmas there and then we'd go to my mom's family's side on Christmas day for Christmas there. We don't do all the separate Christmases anymore because my sister and I don't live in the same province as the rest of the family, but when my parents come out here, we still do one gift the day before.
Beautiful fabrics, beautiful threads. Sounds like you keep very busy. My favorite holiday tradition these years is a home made prime rib feast at friends on Christmas Day.
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My favorite Christmas tradition is decorating the Christmas tree. Each ornament brings back memories.
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Our tradition is fairly new. Our kids make a special breakfast christmas morning and then we eat, watch movies and eat more!
My favorite traditions usually involve baking/eating!
My fave tradition is settling down on the couch under a good quilt on Christmas Eve and watching It's a Wonderful Life. 🙂
My favoriteholiday is christmas i love what it stands for seeing ppl happy is priceless
We enjoy the whole family attending the Christmas Eve candlelight service together
Favourite holiday tradition has to be baking xmas cookies and goodies with the kids! We don't get to do it often enough though 🙁
I love your ridiculously large Christmas tree. What a memory that will be for your children! One of my favorite holiday traditions is our family's white elephant gift exchange. Some of the gifts are hilariously awful. Thanks for this delightful giveaway! And thanks for your blog. I love your arty scrappy quilts.
I like you on Facebook. Thanks again.
I like Project Quilting on Facebook. pk_sews at yahoo dot com
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Baking cookies!
I subscribe to your email list. Thanks for all the inspiration! pk_sews at yahoo dot com
I Tweeted about your delightful post: https://twitter.com/aggiesmom1/status/542506522110988288
Our BBQ lunch with 30 family members who only get together once a year 🙂
I love making Persimmon cookies with my dad.
Trees always look smaller in the forest, don't they? Our favorite tradition is taking Christmas Day slow and easy, enjoying our family and the day. Simple and easy 🙂 Happy holidays to you!
I have been a Facebook liker for quite a while 🙂
I have been liking Project Quilting on Facebook, too!
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Yep – I follow by email and look forward to your new posts. Love the idea of your apple orchard, btw.
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My favorite holiday tradition is making homemade (often edible) gifts for friends.
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My favorite tradition is baking TONS upon TONS of cookies, breads and sweets…just to have sitting around all day loong to snack on in between the family visiting and fun!
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Thanks for the giveaway!
Beautiful fabric! I try to get the kids involved in making small gifts for others each year.
I love when we open gifts in the morning and have a delicious brunch (quiche, french toast, berries, etc) followed by a lazy day.
Our Christmas tradition is to celebrate the birth of Jesus by attending mass. When the children were little they were allowed to open one gift on Christmas Eve.
I liked Persimon Dreams on Facebook
Awesome giveaway! Two of my favorites, fabric and Aurifil. Our tradition was to always open our presents Christmas morning. I loved watching the kids. I know have a four year old grandson to watch open his presents.
Super giveaway! My fingers are crossed, hehe.
I liked Project QUILTING on facebook. email smivany@gmail.com.
I tweeted about your giveaway. (@usairdoll) https://mobile.twitter.com/usairdoll/status/542547880917991424
Thank you for a super giveaway and a chance to win.
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Awesome giveaway!
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Awesome giveaway!
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Thank you for a super giveaway and a chance to win.
The Christmas Fairy comes to our house on Christmas Eve whilst you are having a bath and she leaves you a new set of PJ's! My parents started this and it brings me much joy to continue this tradition for my children.
I am a follower of PD on FB – have been for a while now.
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Oh wow… I love your tree. HUGE!!! Beautiful. I love Christmas time, and I think every tradition along this month, for my family, is my favorite. From going up to the mountains to get our tree. Having hot chocolate in the back of the car, usually with snow all around us. Going to see the lights at a street that decorates it every year. Having Christmas eve dinner with our dear friends. Making cinnamon rolls (once a year) for Christmas Day breakfast after opening our stockings. Staying in PJ's all day. Setting up our tree. Decorating it. Giving my kids and husband THEIR ornament each year, with what I think symbolizes their year. So much fun, every single step of the way. Love this time of the year. Thank you for letting me stop and think and enjoy why this time is so precious.
Thanks for the chance too. Happy Holidays to you too!
I love to spend Christmas morning with my grandsons!
Liked Persimon Dreams on Facebook: Nicole Sender
Liked Project QUILTING on Facebook: Nicole Sender.
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Making Christmas cookies with my daughter. Thanks
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Cooling traditional Polish food and the milk and cookies for Santa. I love how magic Christmas is for kids
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my favorite tradition is doing the candy advent tree I made for our 8 yr old grand who we are raising, so much fun!
I love getting together with family for the holidays. Thanks for the amazing giveaway! nmslee1@yahoo.com
My favorite tradition is baking cookies.
I think my favorite holiday tradition is getting a 'family ornament' each year to add to our tree and letting our kids each pick an ornament to add to their collection.
We buy ornaments each year, each person picks a new one. Eventually I don't think our tree is going to hold them all! naragonbets(at)gmail(dot)com
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Even though I am now 36 and married, if we're at her house for christmas my mum will still leave a trail of sweets and clementines down the stairs "as if father christmas dropped them"!
Brand new P.J.'s for the entire household Christmas Eve!
We love to go to a small town nearby to for an old fashion Christmas celebration. It's always fun and good food.
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My favorite holiday tradition is playing board games with my family on Christmas Eve.
I'm signed up for your newsletter. ktsquiltdreams@gmail.com
Our family dinner. Thanks for the great giveaway. Quiltinglinesblog at gmail.com
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My favourite tradition is the 'Elves' putting chocolates in my kids wooden advent calendars every night in December – we must make sure never to forget lol!!
Great giveaway! My favorite holiday tradition is decorating the tree!
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Watching the movie Elf together.
going for a drive on christmas eve to look at the lights…as children we always went out to my aunt's home on christmas eve…on the way home my father would drive past all the lit up houses in our small town…i have loved it always
I love sitting in the glow of the tree on Christmas Eve with hot chocolate and quiet music.
My fave tradition is putting up all the decoration with Christmas music blaring!!
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Listening to Handel's Messiah. My husband doesn't like classical music, but I still play it around the holidays.
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I love our advent calendar and the excitement it brings the kids to calculate how many days are left until xmas.
I love to make Christmas ornaments for our tree.
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Fav tradition – making & eating cookies!
My favorite Holiday tradition is baking cookies with my 3 children
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faramena at gmail dot com
My favorite tradition is decorating the tree and recalling memories about different ornaments.
I follow your blog with Bloglovin.
We have a movie night on christmas eve with my best friend – best tradition! Thanks for the chance to win all that beautiful thread and your fun hand-dyed fabrics!!
I have a large, blue,drawstring canvas sack that gets used for a gift every year. Sometimes the gift needs a large sack due to size or to disguise the shape, sometimes it is a decoy with filler in it, the recipient never knows…lots of guesses happen once it is by the tree.
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My favorite part of the holiday is spending time with family and going to Midnight Mass. gaborgstadt at att.net
I love advent with the kids at xmas time 🙂
calah.hansen at gmail dot com
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calah.hansen at gmail dot com
Wow and I thought our 12 foot Christmas tree was big!! I think that my favorite holiday tradition is decorating our tree!
I love decorating the tree! We had to cut off 4 feet to get ours in the house this year…lol
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The Christmas Eve buffet we had at our house while I was growing up. Then on Christmas morning, my brother/ sister-in-law and sister/brother-in-law would come over and we would eat the leftovers for a morning breakfast/brunch.
My fave tradition is drinking mimosas Christmas morning before presents.
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I enjoy making Christmas cookies.
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That is a crazy huge tree! My son is only two so we are still figuring out what traditions we want to incorporate as a family, but one of the things I liked growing up is that "Santa" would fill our stockings and leave them on the foot of our beds, so my sister and I would spend some time playing with our stocking stuffers before we got out of bed and woke up my parents. As a parent now, I see the brilliance of this idea from the other side!
Does food count? I have a whole list of dishes that get cooked only once a year so they are inevitably a symbol of Christmas to me. And oh boy, aren't they good… sianozneta@gmail.com
I love going to a movie on Christmas Day 🙂
We also choose a ridiculously large Christmas tree that needs cutting down to fit in the room, rearranging of furniture, etc. I love it!
My favorite holiday tradition is serving lasagna on Christmas Eve!
I love our Christmas Eve dinner and program. Thanks
Hi there Kim,
My all-time favourite thing is decorating the tree. I have collected Christmas ornaments most of my life, and also have some 'treasures' I made when I was little. It is always fun to reminisce about when and where a certain ornament was purchased or received.
Thanks so much for the giveaway,
Jacqueline in Pitt Meadows
My favorite holiday tradition is making maple bars with my family.
My favorite tradition is decorating the tree. My Mom gave me an ornament each year, some she made, others she purchased, and they reflected something special about that year for me. I love sharing those stories with my kids, and have continued that tradition with them.
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My favorite Holiday tradition is the music. I love Christmas music!
One of our favourite traditions is having rice pudding the night before Christmas eve. We hide an almond in the pot and whoever finds the almond wins a prize!
We get and decorate our tree on the day after Thanksgiving, and we listen to Handel's messiah while we decorate !
making hundreds of tamales with my grandmother for our whole family
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Spending time with my family is my favorite:)
My favorite is having an all appetizer meal on Christmas Eve. It's something fun & we get to try many different items all in one meal. 🙂
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bcgeates at gmail dot com
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love decorating gingerbread houses with the kids
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bcgeates at gmail dot com
My favorite holiday tradition is trimming the tree with our kids)
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My favorite tradition is eating Lasagna on Christmas Eve and Homemade Sugar Cookies. cdahlgren at live dot com
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Christmas day spent at mom and dads with sister and her husband. I drive over in my pjs, we slowly open tree presents, eat dinner, then stocking stuffers. Lots of fun laughing and talking and fun.
I love making handmade gift for family members. btowsley@charter.net
My favorite tradition is the huge family breakfast we make together on Christmas morning.
I love our advent calendar that I fill with candy. Thanks!
My favorite holiday tradition is going to the Candlelight service on Christmas Eve and then spending the rest of the evening with my kids and grandkids, dinner, movie and gifts exchanged.
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I like ALL Christmas tradition! My email
Hiya!!! My favorite tradition is watching the Nutcracker Ballet. Lovely giveaway items, would love to try some Aurifil thread. Thanks for participating in the giveaway. Blessed be, hugs!!! Pam
pamspretties57 at gmail dot com
I always liked to decorate sugar cookies with my children
Hiya!!! I liked Persimon Dreams on Facebook. Lovely giveaway items, would love to try some Aurifil thread. Thanks for participating in the giveaway. Blessed be, hugs!!! Pam
pamspretties57 at gmail dot com
Hiya!!! I liked Project QUILTING on Facebook. Lovely giveaway items, would love to try some Aurifil thread. Thanks for participating in the giveaway. Blessed be, hugs!!! Pam
pamspretties57 at gmail dot com
My favorite holiday tradition is going to Midnight Mass with my family.
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Baking cookies is our favorite tradition!
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Rocking the newsletter!
Our family always does our gathering on Christmas Eve, with lots of food (especially dessert!)
Hanging out on Christmas Eve and getting up EARLY to open presents on Christmas. My sister passed in 2010 from cervical cancer age 29. She is my only sibling, and I'm 2 years older. I have a daughter, so we still do the tradition, but it's just not the same. I feel like she's kinda here, because we always seem to gravitate talking about how much we miss her at the holidays. It's just not the same, but I guess it's my favorite part, because it's the one thing that hasn't changed. ksmith8@emich.edu
i tweeted here: https://twitter.com/KarrieSmith3/status/542904083326062592 ksmith8@emich.edu
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Um.. OK, I dress up in these cat pajamas my husband got me for a Christmas a number of years ago, while we open presents. Don't tell anybody… and thank you for the great giveaway!
Just being with family and eating Chocolate Pie and peanut butter candy…giggle.
We have a soup night on Christmas Eve for all the family and open stockings. It's really great. Then everyone scatters for Christmas.
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We cook on Christmas eve day so we have all day Christmas to spend with family and eat.
My favorite tradition is watching "White Christmas" with the whole family. Mary Brown est1@san.rr.com
I love to decorate the Christmas tree with my kids!
Going to church on Christmas Eve is my favorite tradition.
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our biggest tradition is opening one gift on Christmas eve. Thanks
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Christmas and New Year dinner with family 😀
My favorite holiday tradition is trimming our Christmas tree. Holiday tunes, eggnog and cookies while we watch the kids unwrap their special ornaments from previous years and then reminiscing the back story of each. It's one of the few quality times we have together as a family before it get wild. Thanks for the give-away (I'm a beginning quilter and have a very little in the way of supplies), so the thread and fabric would be really helpful for me. ktsquiltdreams gmail com
Love watching Holiday Inn at Christmas and reading from the Bible the birth of Jesus.
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Every year my daughter and I have a Mother Daughter Holiday Brunch and I love it!
Thank you so much for your great giveaway!
We don't celebrate Christmas, but I like the fact that all the family is together in vacation.
eti at orashk dot org.
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I liked the PersimonDeams FB page! thanks
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My favorite tradition is opening one gift on Christmas Eve before heading to midnight service. Followed close with having a shot of peppermint schnapps after service in honor of all those who couldn't be home for Christmas.
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Orange rolls for breakfast on Christmas morning!
My favorite holiday tradition is making the bread for the family meal.
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My favorite holiday tradition is baking thousands of cookies to give to our family, friends and neighbors, and it's going on now.
I follow you by newsletter. lv2bquilting2@comcast.net
We love to drive around town and look at all the Christmas lights on Christmas Eve.
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I enjoy visiting with family and friends I don't see enough during the year.
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I love the baking. The smells in the nice warm kitchen, especially the sampling of freshly made cookies.
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I love the Christmas concerts!
My favorite holiday tradition is watching Christmas movies with my husband. Thanks for the awesome give away! jacklynnsteven at netzero dot com
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I follow Project Quilting on Facebook. jacklynnsteven at netzero dot com
christmas day eating breakfast pizza with my family as we open presents like crazy people.
I love decorating our christmas tree.
My favorite Christmas tradition is decorating the tree with my family.
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My favorite holiday tradition is baking fruit cake , of course I also like to eat it 😉 thanks for the chance .
I follow Persimondreams on FB . Thanks again for the chance .
just being with family is my fav
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My favorite holiday is my birthday!!! Actually, I love celebrating people's birthdays, its a good excuse to have cake & ice cream. 🙂 Everyone is special.
centrej at gmail dot com
I don't really HAVE a favorite tradition right now. My kiddos are still very small, and hubby and I are moving away from the traditions we grew up with and trying to set our own that will better fit OUR family.
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Thanks! notwendy gmail
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Our favorite tradition is decorating the apartment for the holidays (in a cat-proof manner – very difficult). Thanks! notwendy gmail
I love decorating the house!
We gather on Christmas Eve for dinner. After dinner, everyone at the table gets a new wind-up toy to play with.
My favorite tradition is lounging around the house. Thank you. peterstankovich@comcast.net
My favorite tradition is getting to see all my family that I haven't seen in ages. And the FOOD!
I love putting up the tree, decorating it and reminiscining about the different ornaments.
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Meinhardmk at vcu dot edu
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Meinhardmk at vcu dot edu
My favorite tradition is going out to the Christmas tree farm and pick out our tree, cut it down, and bringing it home to decorate. The kids and I have so much fun!
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I love to make crescent rolls on Christmas eve morning while listening to the festival of nine lessons and carols from Cambridge England on WPR. Baking and music! slee-thompson@centurytel.net
Fave Tradition for Christmas is decorating the tree & having Hot Chocolate & Christmas Cookies, with just the tree lit up! 🙂 Also making cookies with the Grangirlies!
Oyster stew on Christmas Eve and midnight church.
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I enjoy making sugar cookies with my family.
My favorite holiday tradition is getting together with with my extended family for a all day cookie baking session. Everyone brings the ingredients for a recipe and we mix and bake and everyone goes home with a bit of everything. kcarlson1152[at]hotmail.com
I like persimmon dreams on facebook. teachloveread at hotmail (dot)com
I follow Persimon Dreams on Facebook. kcarlson1152[at]hotmail.com
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I am following project quilting of facebook. teachloveread (at) hotmail (dot)com
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I just love to get together with friends or family around a good meal. Best tradition there is!
I love decorating our Christmas tree!
Jjaku807 at yahoo.com
I love decorating our Christmas tree
Making rosettes and cream puffs with my family.
my favorite has always been making gingerbread houses with my grand children..
I am alone. I have several Christmas music CD's in many different genres. I play them during the last 10-15 days of December.
My favorite tradition is to get photos with Santa…even though my kids are all grown!
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My favorite tradition would be the Trim-the-Tree party with orange danish rolls and hot apple cider. We all look forward to decorating the tree together,
My favorite tradition is spending Christmas Eve at my parent's house with my whole immediate family there. We have so much fun & enjoy our time together. Thanks for the chance to win!
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Baking cookies
I love going to the woods to cut our Christmas tree. Thank you, mamalusco at live dot com
Spending Christmas Eve at my parents house with my husband and daughters having a traditional German supper.
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My favorite tradition is seeing and doing things with family and friends. People have more free time over the holidays for that!
All the family gathers here for Christmas Day dinner.
Then we crowd into the living room @ watch the kids open their gifts; now there are 6 grandchildren to watch!!!
I like you on facebook! Thanks for the chance!
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Just signed up for your newsletter! Wow will be so nice to read – thanks for sharing!
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EATING FRESHLY overnighted seafood from New England!
We don't really "do" Christmas any more, but my favorite tradition was when the kids were small we made cookies and put them out for Santa
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I love our tradition of everyone needing an afternoon catnap after the feast where we all eat too much together as a family 🙂 k-sell@hotmail.co.uk
My favourite tradition is still decorating the Christmas tree.
I love making gingerbread houses with my kids!
my favourite new tradition is going to grannies with my mum very very early on the 25th and start the cooking for the family that turns up for lunch … granny's been banned from the kitchen when there is any cooking for more than 4 persons ..
Singing Christmas songs! Thanks!
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My favorite Christmas Tradition is watching a warm fuzzy Christmas movie with my family, gathering around the tree with our tea and coffees and opening presents together with Christmas music playing, but especially spending time with loved ones. That is most important to me. I follow on facebook, my email is irenebowie1@hotmail.com. Merry Christmas to you and your family.
We get together with family the weekend AFTER the big day. It takes the time pressure off of everything. Especially if Christmas lands early in the week 🙂
Hi, I'm new here and am very interested in Project Quilting and I'm glad I found your blog on SMS giveaway day. My favorite tradition is obtaining and decorating our Christmas tree. We moved from Wisconsin to Boston a little over a year ago and obtaining a Christmas tree doesn't involve driving your truck through a tree farm here, but it's still a great family tradition. It's magic when the tree lights up for the first time.
I love getting out our enormous box of Christmas decorations and decorating the house and tree. sherylselves@gmail.com
When I was growing up, my parents would put silly string in our stockings and the very last thing we did was run downstairs, dig the cans out of our stockings and see who could be the first to shoot! Thanks for the opportunity.
I liked project quilting on face book. sonjasmith76@yahoo.com
Our tradition is making sure my parents are here on Christmas morning and I make a huge breakfast. sonjasmith76@yahoo.com
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We always open one present on Christmas Eve and have a Christmas program. I've always loved it. 🙂
Our family tradition is to have all our children and grandchildren help dress the tree on December 16 as it is a holiday here in South Africa. cjtrez@mighty.co.za. Thank you for this wonderful giveaway and for a chance to win!
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My favorite holiday tradition is to look at Christmas lights on Christmas eve. holli.gorveatt(at)comcast(dot)net
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My favorite holiday tradition is making divinity with my mom. It used to be with my grandmother until she passed, and I am so happy my mom has kept up the tradition. I have a sweet tooth this time of year!
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Wow! 200 comments – hopefully 201 is the lucky one 🙂 our family makes up corny poems to go along with each gift which is read before opening to the group. The cornier the better. Makes opening presents last longer and makes for lots of laughs.
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I tweeted about the giveaway, although I couldn't find you to follow.
My favorite Christmas tradition is decorating the tree with my kids and now my grandkids!!! So much fun to see all the decorations from years past.
Cutting down the tree is becoming a favorite
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My favorite tradition is the Advent calendar, opening a little gift each day is so much fun!
Attending Christmas Eve candlelight service. We also started an activity Advent calendar this year – that's fun!
My favorite tradition is setting up our nativity scene.
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Looking at all the Christmas lights. Hikergirl3@aol.com
Presents! Both giving and receiving.
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I already "like" Persimmon Dreams and Project Quilting on facebook AND I receive your newsletter via e=mail. My favorite holiday tradition is listening to the BBC King's College Lesson and Carols, in the car, on the way home from midnight service.
Baking Cookies and going to Church
The hunt for the green pickle on the tree with family is my favorite traditionKeegncal@gmail.com
Watching "It's a Winderful Life" on Christmas Eve with my family.
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My favorite tradition is watching the same holiday shows that I watched as a kid. It brings back good memories.
My favorite holiday tradition us my Christmas tree. Every ornament has been handmade by either myself or someone I love. A paper bell covers in glitter done by a grandsons when he was 3, now he is 39. Ornaments made by my mother, sisters, children, nieces, nephews, grandchildren. Putting up the tree is truly a happy time with many tears of remembrance.