Tagging Game Here’s the “official” rules: (1) Link to your tagger and list these rules on your blog. (2) Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog; some random, some weird. (3) Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as their links to their blogs. (4) Let […]
We need your help to save handmade toys in the US, Europe and Canada from the CPSIA – pulled from Black Box Reviews
I pulled this article from the Black Box Reviews blog (http://blackboxreviews.blogspot.com/2008/12/we-need-your-help-to-save-handmade-toys.html) We need your help to save handmade toys in the US, Europe and Canada from the CPSIAJust pulled this article from Cool Mom Picks. I’m sad!We interrupt the tidings of comfort and joy to bring you some heartbreaking news.Of course we’re all for strengthening […]
Craft Sale at Lazy Jane's – Last Night's Report
Well, the etsy streetTeam Wist craft sale at Lazy Jane’s Cafe on Willy Street in Madison, WI, was a big success last night! It was super fun too! I was able to meet a lot of the talented artists from Wisconsin and see there things in person instead of just over the internet…people really come […]
Wow! My jungle treasury is doing very well…FOUR items have sold already! I’ve added a new item too from: mimowha: http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5270979 Check it out and see if there’s anything you want to buy!http://www.etsy.com/treasury_list_west.php?room_id=35382
Alphabet GAME!
Here’s a summary of a game I played in a thread: KimsCraftyApple: Lets play the alphabet game to promote our goods! I’ll start by listing an item that starts with the letter A…the next person does B, let C, etc. If we make it all the way through…start over again!HAVE FUN! A A is for:Autumn […]
Okay, I am officially addicted to making treasuries now…and it’s been one day. Luckily the girls were at the sitters so I had time to do this, we’ll see what happens during the week. So, my second treasury took a completely different turn than my first. This one is titled: It’s A J U N […]
Sweatshirt of my back!
The following story is something that actually happened to me this past October in my apple store…enjoy! I always jokingly brag that I am the best salesperson in the family. I may have prooved that true the other day when I litterally sold the sweatshirt that I was wearing. A fairly regular customer came in […]
This is why I never Organize my Crafting area…
now I can’t find my favorite needlenose pliers! Arghhh!
Shots, Shopping, and JEWELRY
Jared took the day off of work to come with the girls and I to the doctor for there 2 year and 9 month check-up and SHOTS! Cedi weighed in at a whopping 24 lbs and measured 34″. Capri was a little bulkier for her age and weighed in at 8lbs 8 oz and measured […]
Yes, Jared (my hubby) finished making a light box for me tonight. I immediately tested it out. It works so much better than no light box…I do think I need to get some more natural light bulbs but other than that…we’ll see ! Check out my new JEWELRY listings! What do you think? I finally […]