Capri went through a ‘t-shirt’ to bed phase…my favorite was when her Papa let her wear his ‘i heart hot moms’ shirt…
Project QUILTING – 2010 Quilts by Barb Quilt Retreat $50 Drawing
Wow and Whoops! With all the craziness happening with me right now I completely spaced and forgot to do the 2010 Quilts by Barb Quilt Retreat $50 Drawing. Everyone that entered a project in for a Project QUILTING Challenge had the option of getting an entry for this drawing. These means that each person had […]
theApple on Etsy’s Front Page!
I have been completely neglecting my blog, my etsy site’s and pretty much everything not related to apples in my life lately. BUT, with the dreary weather and the Packer Game on we had a bit of a lull at the orchard. I was happy to open up etsy and see my Skull and Cross […]
Project QUILTING – an Interview with our Grand Prize Winner – LoveBugStudios
What made you decide to join Project QUILTING? I love Project Runway, so this was a perfect fit for me. I also made a commitment this year to do something creative every day, and this certainly helped. Like Kim, I’ve struggled to call myself an artist, but I’ve become a lot more comfortable with introducing […]
What Project QUILTING did for Me
An Interview with Me, Kim Lapacek What was your favorite part about Project QUILTING? I have been a seller on etsy for about 2 1/2 years now. I had been finding myself in the rut of “What can I make that will sell.” Something I should know by now is that it’s nearly impossible […]
Project QUILTING – Random Prize #11
Since I have to be equal for my girls, they each picked 5 names each – who would pick the eleventh? That’s easy! Our challenge giver and one of our judges – Diane! And the last random prize is Giveway 11: pretty little mini quilts from PennyFabricArt Congratulations to StudioCherie! Congratulations on your win! Please […]
Project QUILTING – Random Prize #10
After a bribe of candy, Capri drew the winner of Giveaway 10: THANGLES Blueberry Stars and she picked Kelsey Rose! Congratulations on your win! Please email me ( with your address so I can get your package all ready to ship!
Project QUILTING – Random Prize #9
Capri was all set so she’s drawing the winner of Giveaway 9: THANGLES Mini Trio And even though I took a terribly blurry picture – the winner is PamelaQuilts! Congratulations on your win! Please email me ( with your address so I can get your package all ready to ship!
Project QUILTING – Random Prize #8
And since Capri was still getting ready for the party we had, Cedi picked the winner of Giveaway 8: THANGLES Orion Star Quilt Congratulations to DebiDesigns! Congratulations on your win! Please email me ( with your address so I can get your package all ready to ship!
Project QUILTING – Random Prize #7
It was Cedi’s turn to pick the name of the winner. She was getting tired of being photo’d and held back from a party she had to go to so I had to bribe her with candy… And to help people get excited about the upcoming 2010 Quilts by Barb Quilt Retreat I am adding […]