For the second challenge in a row Trish and I tried to do a live video drawing on the Project QUILTING Facebook page but they decided to boot us off so we finished it live on instagram. We have decided that for the four remaining challenges we will just do the drawing live on instagram. So far that […]
Valentine’s Day Gift Guide
This post contains affiliate links that if you click on the link and make a purchase I will get a percentage of the sales. I’m going to take a moment away from Project QUILTING today just so I can share with you some of my fun handmade finds that would make perfect gifts for the […]
13.2 In Silhouette Summary
WOW! 213 entries for the second Project QUILTING challenge – In Silhouette! I think a lot of you really enjoyed this challenge and I’m looking forward to going through all the entries. The few I’ve checked out already have blown my mind. Even ones that look so simple are just so damn beautiful. I hope […]
13.2 – In Silhouette – Challenge 2 of Project QUILTING Season 13
Woo! Are you ready for another Project QUILTING challenge? This is Trish (aka QuiltChicken) with the info on this week’s PQ13.2 challenge. But first, let me just say how proud I am of you all with last week’s colorful, fun projects. You sprung from the starting gates strong in a rainbow of inspiration, and it was a joy and […]
Prize List for Challenge 13.2 of Project QUILTING
Well – the first challenge was incredible – is everyone ready for the second one!? Are you counting down until it’s Noon Wisconsin Time!? The second Project QUILTING Challenge of Season 13 will be posted in just a few hours right here on this website at Noon CST. Before we see the challenge, let’s check […]
Mashe Modern – Ultimate Weekly Sponsor for Project QUILTING Challenge 13.2
Alright everyone! We made it through the first Project QUILTING challenge of season 13! If you missed it – 200 quilts were made in just one week for the All the Colors Challenge! AND the projects were absolutely AMAZING! Now let’s see if we can keep things going with challenge 2. But before we start, […]
Project QUILTING Prize Winners 13.1
Well – Trish and I tried to do a live video drawing on the Project QUILTING Facebook page but they decided to boot us off so we finished it live on instagram. My apologies for those that tried to watch and couldn’t. I’m hoping I’ll get things figured out before the next drawing. Any who […]
Quilters’ Playcation Adventure Sewalong with Cheryl Arkison
I’m excited to have come upon Cheryl Arkison’s plan for her 2022 Quilters’ Playcation Adventure Sew Along on instagram. You can read all the details HERE but basically every Tuesday she’s going to share with her instagram people how she makes a new improv block. It’s going to fun, loose and freeing. Sounds perfect for […]
Color Wheel Forest Mini Quilt
I always love the beginning of the year because it means that Project QUILTING is going to pull me out of any creative lull I’m in and if I’m not in a lull, it’s going to bring even more out of me! As of now, I’m going to try to keep my challenge pieces around […]
13.1 All the Colors Summary
WOW! 200 entries for the first Project QUILTING challenge – All the Colors! I know I loved the challenge and more than that, I LOVED seeing what everyone came up with for the challenge. So many amazing projects were completed. I hope you can take some time to look through the entries, comment in supportive […]