I honestly can’t remember the last Christmas here in Wisconsin where there was no snow. I know it’s happened before but it just doesn’t seem real. I know the girls are all down about the lack of the white stuff and the overall crummy weather we’ve had. Oh well – it will still be nice. […]
Vote for your favorite Ugly Sweater!
It’s time! You can vote for your TWO favorite ugly sweaters! We had a limited time to get these all made up but we did have eleven successfully completed and ready for you to vote on! I made a couple of ugly sweaters myself – I love the style of this v-neck. Be sure to […]
A Doodlebug Day Camp Winter Break Project
I was super excited to open my mail to discover Sue Marsh’s book – Doodlebug Day Camp ! There are so many amazing projects in this book and luckily for me … Capri is super into projects. When I showed Capri the book she decided that we would have to make the ‘Card Table Playhouse’ […]
Quilt Making: a Modern Practice
And with the news of having my quilts not accepted into a show comes news of acceptance. I am proud to post that I will have two quilts at the show ‘Quilt Making: A Modern Practice.” Both ‘Propelled Pixels’ and ‘Crossroads’ will be hung at the Madison College, The Gallery at Truax. It is the […]
Gift Exchange
This year we decided to pick names and exchange hand made gifts between my brothers family, my parents, and my family. Here are a few of the gifts we made. I’ll try to get more pictures of what everyone else made. Pip picked Keri and made her a play house. She also picked out and […]
Handmade Ornaments–a Holiday Tradition
I love creating things by hand. Handmade ornaments in particular are my favorite. Every year my family has to make an ornament to bring to my mom’s side Christmas party. You see – there are over 100 people in the family so instead of exchanging presents, we all bring an ornament that we made. We […]
Log Cabin Christmas Tree Quilt
We are just a week out from Christmas – are you ready for it yet? I have to admit without any snow on the ground it’s hard to get in the Christmas mood. Do you have anything you do that makes you feel like the holidays? Maybe some Christmas quilts would help me get in […]
Quilt Con 2016–Not Chosen
I received the email that many other folks in the quilting world received yesterday … Dear Kim, Thank you for entering your quilt to QuiltCon 2016. There were many outstanding quilts submitted and Technorati Tags: quilt con,quiltcon,quilt shows,rejection,juried quilt show unfortunately we couldn’t accept them all. We regret to inform you that your quilt, Fen […]
House of Foil – December Thermoweb Block of the Month
The third block of the Mystery ‘Block of the Month’ featuring iCraft Deco Foil from Therm O Web was revealed yesterday! The tutorial for ‘House of Foil’ can be found HERE. Here are the two blocks together so far! Aren’t these fun!? I’ve created a flickr group so you can share your blocks with us too! […]
Ugly Sweater Competition
You read the title correctly! I’m having an Ugly Sweater Competition! Head over to Kid Giddy’s etsy shop and purchase the Christmas Sweater Paper Piecing Pattern. Download it, print it and get working! The goal is to make the UGLIEST Christmas Sweater you can! When you’re finished with your sweater … link up below. Voting […]