Happy Thursday everyone! I don’t know about you but I am SO happy we had an extra day in February this year. I can’t even start to begin to tell you about all the things I crammed into yesterday – whew! Anyway, now that it’s March, it’s time for me to introduce you to the […]
Barn Quilts – A Closer Look, Part 1
It’s that time to start taking a closer look at the amazing projects created for the Barn Quilt Project QUILTING Challenge. QUILTER: Nancy’s Unique Boutique Quilters’ Guide To The Galaxy This was so fun! Here is my challenge piece for the Barn Quilts: "Quilters’ Guide To The Galaxy". When I first saw the challenge for […]
Block 9: Home Sweet Home Quilt Along – Scrappy Trees from Sew BitterSweet Designs
Happy Tuesday everyone! I hope this finds everyone well and super excited for the next block in our Home Sweet Home Quilt Along! Before we get to the block, I want to introduce you to today’s designer, Melissa Dunworth of Sew BitterSweet Designs. What is your crafting style? I would say that I am a […]
Thread Storage – Studio Organizational Series at the Quilting Gallery
The next article in the Studio Organizational Series for the Learning Center with Pat Sloan is on Thread Storage. I have DEFINITELY altered my methods for thread storage this year. Above is one of my ‘before’ studio pictures – you can see every thing was a mess. At my apple orchard we make the BEST […]
Barn Quilt Challenge – Critiques
Hi folks! It’s that time again. Here are the quilts from the Barn Quilt Challenge that would love your critical eye to tell them what you LOVE and what you think 1. Funky Wonky Barn Quilt, 2. If I Had a Barn Up Close Rooster and Bloom 11065 (Medium), 3. Project Quilting Challenge 4, 4. […]
BOM’s and QA’s – Monday Update
In the past year or so I’ve become addicted to Block’s of the Month (BOM) and Quilt Alongs (QA). I love that each block is a new thing to learn and it’s finished quickly. I never thought I’d be a sampler quilt kind of gal but it looks like I am! They’re fun to do […]
Project QUILTING – Season 3, Challenge 4: Barn Quilt Entries & Random Drawing Winners
1. Quilters’ Guide To The Galaxy, 2. Funky Wonky Barn Quilt, 3. Project Quilting Challenge 4, Barn Quilts; "Old Maid, Re-made", 4. Midwest Corn – detail, 5. If I Had a Barn Up Close Rooster and Bloom 11065 (Medium), 6. , 7. Firefly Mini-Quilt, 8. "Quilt Barn", 9. Broken Dishes by Sharon S in MI, […]
2012 Prairie Heritage Quilt Show Challenge: The Mysterious Letter – Guess the Letter
I wanted to show you my progress on my quilt for the Sun Prairie Heritage Quilt Show. I really need to keep moving on this one as I have to have it delivered by March 1st. It’s time for you to guess what letter I am ‘hinting’ at in my quilt – there are definitely […]
Project QUILTING Sponsor – Emma Jean’s Boutique
I’ve been a bit slow to get all my feature’s up about my fabulous sponsors for this season of Project QUILTING but I promise I’ll be getting to everyone! Tonight I’m going to introduce you to a good friend of mine – Mindy of Emma Jean’s Boutique! Web site www.emmajeansboutique.com Blog www.mindykuen.blogspot.com Facebook www.facebook.com/emmajeansOshkosh Email […]
Fabric Friday – Belted Bird’s Nest
An original fabric I designed on Spoonflower from a photo of my birds nest belt. A great print for spring projects! Just a short post today – my sweet Capri turned 4 today so we’re spending the day celebrating!