Happy Friday everyone! Friday completely crept up on me. I think it’s because I got really into sorting my fabrics on Wednesday and stayed up until 1am working on it. I’ve been dragging since then … turns out I am no longer made for late nights. I can confidently say that I am 95% done sorting my scraps, fat quarters and yardage. I just have to get through my hand-dyed fabric and cherrywood fabric and I’m done! I can’t wait to show you some pictures of the progress. This Craft Room Overhaul with Go-Go Kim is happening and I see the light at the end of the tunnel!
This week we are going to focus on all the “other” fabrics! This basically means any fabric that is not your typical quilting cotton or scraps. I have a TON of cork and vinyl that I really needed to clean up.
I have a tube storage from a unit I purchased from Michael’s but of course I have more rolls than that … so I purchased this vinyl storage rack (#ad) from amazon. Now that I look at it I see that I was supposed to be horizontal storage, but I used it for vertical storage.
It wasn’t working very well vertically because there wasn’t enough of a gap at the bottom. I was inspired by an amazing lamp made for me by a friend from a vintage singer machine. To lift it off the ground a bit, Jason used vintage wooden thread spools to make the machine stable. I remembered that I have a bunch of vintage thread spools in my collection and with a little E6000 anything could happen!
I glued four vintage spools on each corner to bring the rack away from the shelf just enough.
It worked perfectly and looked fabulous too!
I used this unit to sort my brown/beige black corks. It just seemed to fit the best.
I used my original unit from Michaels to sort the rest of the colors of vinyl, see through vinyl and colored corks. It looks so much better than where I started!

I still have a bunch of non-quilting cottons to sort – like my girls baby clothes, denim, jersey and more. I’m not 100% sure how I’m going to do this but I’m pretty sure I’m going to attempt to roll it up … I’ll keep you posted if that works.
I also have to do some major sorting. I have a TON of Matilda Jane clothes from the girls to make into quilts. If I’m honest with myself I really only want the non-stretch cotton material (the ones that feel like actual quilt cotton). I need to do a re-sort of it all and anything that is in decent condition I’ll be giving to my adorable niece! As a kid with two brothers she LOVES to be a little diva and I know she’d rock the Matilda Jane clothes!
How do you store your fabrics that are not typical quilting cottons? I’d love some great tips as it is my final job before the fabric portion of my #craftroomoverhaul is done!
Don’t forget to follow along with us on social media so you can see what we’re up to on our Craft Room Overhaul journey’s!
Did you make the Matilda Jane quilt? It’s such a fabulous idea!!
not yet! still in the “to do” pile!