I’m sort of still in complete shock. Not only did we have over 200 quilts made for the second Project QUILTING Challenge – we had 234 which is seven more entries than last week! WHAT!? That’s absolutely incredible! And the projects are incredible! I hope you spend some time during this off week to click on the links and read the stories behind everyone’s creations.
I have updated the spreadsheet for all of these entries and Trish and I will be drawing prize winners tomorrow, January 26th at 7pm, Wisconsin Time. We’re going to be meeting in a room on facebook – you can join in too by clicking HERE at 7. I believe it’s limited to 50 people.
If you haven’t already – be sure to thank all our amazing sponsors this week –
Blue Bar Quilts (Ultimate Weekly Sponsor), Hunter’s Design Studio, ThermOWeb, The Electric Needle, Benartex, Around the Bobbin, Twister Sisters, During Quiet Time, Moda, Island Batik, Oliso, Cheryl Lynch Quilts, Pamela Quilts, Studio R, Snuggles Quilts, and WaggonsWest!