Of course I threw this together in the last ten minutes but I thought I’d share on a blog post too in case you want to join in the fun this season!
I am challenge you all to make and share your Christmas themed Dresden Neighborhood quilts! If you’ve already made one – all you have to do is share it on instagram and tag me @PersimonDreams and use the hashtag #dresdenneighborhoodchristmas . If you haven’t made one I know you still can! Just purchase my pattern HERE and start sewing! For this challenge a quilt top qualifies! If it’s quilted that’s just another finish in your book.
What’s the prize? I’ll put together some fun scraps from my fabric collection and send it your way. This prize would work great for future Dresden Neighborhoods!
In summary,
to win some fun scraps of fabric from my collection just …
- Make a Christmas themed Dresden Neighborhood quilt (if you celebrate a holiday other than Christmas in December, feel free to make it themed after that – it will still count towards the contest!)
- Post a picture of your finished quilt top on Instagram by December 23rd, 2019 tagging @PersimonDreams and using the hashtag #dresdenneighborhoodchristmas
Check out my post on how I made my Christmas themed Dresden Neighborhood here.
Dresden Neighborhood Tools
Some tools to help you with your Dresden Neighborhood quilts:
First – order some great Christmas themed fabric from the Fat Quarter Shop!
Use the Double Wide Dresden ruler – this ruler allows you to make one house in place of two in the Dresden Neighborhood pattern!
and finally …
I’ve had this pattern for a long time. Maybe this would push me to to it, but I really doubt I could get it done by the 23rd.
I made this one about a month ago, but as I am not on Instagram, I am posting the link to it here: https://www.facebook.com/427600817394558/photos/a.427856790702294/1428434077311222/?type=3&theater
This is a great pattern.
As Jayette commented, I am unable to fit this in but I am going to give a neighbourhood Dresden a whirl as soon as I can. The temps here are so bad it is not easy to sew, between 33 and 40Celsius and only a fan ah well I will manage it eventually 🙂