Hello! This is Trish, your PQ secret keeper and challenge designer, and I’m so excited to welcome you all to Project Quilting 10.1. I’ve been anxiously awaiting this big day!
Before I get into the details of the challenge – a little housekeeping. Everything you need to know about how Project QUILTING began can be found on THIS page.
Also – a friendly reminder: please read through the rules – read all the way to the bottom of this post – and make sure you understand them. Feel free to ask questions, and we’ll do our best to answer quickly. Note that photography of your finished project must be linked at the bottom of this post in order to be eligible for prizes and for the Viewer’s Choice voting next week. (Maybe if you’re unsure about the posting this first time, don’t wait until the very last minute? THANKS!)
I just want to remind everyone that these challenges are meant to be inspirational and FUN! If you are feeling stressed just take a minute to look back at the “Words … “ post Trish did before Season 8. It’s a classic and should be revisited every once in awhile. Every week that you enter a piece for the challenge you are entered into a hat to win one of the amazing prizes from our sponsors! Be sure to check out THIS post for all the prizes up for grabs this weeks and to thank our awesome sponsors! Our Ultimate Weekly Sponsor this week is Sew Sweetness. There will also be a special prize for the “Public Vote” winner of the week. AND, if you finish the challenge in the time allotted your name will also be added into the final hat at the completion of the season for an opportunity to win the GRAND PRIZE! Inspiration, quilting, fun AND Prizes!? Can it get much better? Let’s not forget we have PQCelebrity – Bryan House Quilts joining the fun this week too!
Challenge 10.1
Hope Springs Eternal
This year, we’re starting things off on a positive note: our first theme is “Hope Springs Eternal.”
The rules:
1. Your project should be about hope. It doesn’t have to be obvious, but you do have to be able to explain how it relates to the theme.
2. Projects need to be created during the week of the challenge (started on or after January 6, finished by January 13).
3. Your project does not need to be a traditional quilt, but must meet at least one of these three requirements: include patchwork, include appliqué, have 3 layers stitched together by hand or machine.
4. Incomplete or unfinished does not qualify. Every challenge piece must be a FINISHED project seen through from INCEPTION to COMPLETION during the challenge timeline.
5. Link up at the bottom of THIS PAGE by Sunday, January 13 at noon CST (here’s a link to time zone converter to calculate for Central Standard Time: www.thetimezoneconverter.com)
- Add to the linky the URL of your project’s blog post, instagram picture, or public facebook posting
- Alternately, by 11am on Sunday, January 13 you may email a picture and description to {lapaceksorchard at gmail dot com} with PROJECT QUILTING in the subject line. Yes – that deadline is one hour earlier because it requires more work for Kim.
Good luck, and remember to HAVE FUN! Don’t forget to post progress pictures because that’s part of the fun.
- Please use the hashtags #pqSeason10 and/or #projectquilting when posting on social networking sites to help spread the word.
If you’d like to tag @PerisimonDreams and @QuiltChicken on instagram then we’ll for sure see your posts! - Share progress pictures on Facebook, Instagram, and your blog – seeing your process and how you get to the final project is part of the fun!
- Make sure you like Project QUILTING on Facebook.
- We have created a ‘Challenge Quilts’ Facebook Group for you to share your thoughts, questions, and friendship on PQ and other quilting challenges. Just ask to join.
Please be sure to link up your FINAL project just below HERE. VERY IMPORTANT! If you do not link up you cannot win a prize!
Thank you for this fun and Hopefully encouraging quilt design. I am looking forward to the challenge.
I was just reading about your fun challenge with challenge with Rebecca. I’m going to assume last tear someone named Kim , and @QuiltChicken was your partner. (?) I say this because you reference these names in the rules and I’m assuming you missed these when you were updating for this year. Sorry, I used to do a lot of proof reading and sone things just jump at me, I don’t mean to cause problems, anger, embarrassment, etc. I just figured if it was an error, you’d like to know so you could fix it, I would.
That being said, this sounds like fun! I just need to figure out if I have the time participate. I’m definitely going to follow along and watch the fun either way. HOPE all goes well!
Kim is Persimmon Dreams and @quiltchicken is Trisha Frankland they are the ladies who have always run Project Quilting.
Well, now that I posted my other comment, see realize that YOU are Kim, lol. Guess I should verify who I’m talking to before I open my big mouth.
Are all projects between 10 x10 up to 16 x 16?
Projects can be any size you’d like – no size restrictions.
Did you add the time zone converter for me?
Hi Kim, did you get the photo of my completed quilt and description?
I got it from your instagram post. I thought you wanted me to link up for you?
Thank you for hosting this challenge. I’d not heard of it before this year (must have had my head in the sand somewhere!), but I had so much fun creating this first project. I can’t wait for next week – I don’t even want to wait for voting and seeing who won – I just want to make another thing!
Thanks for hosting this inspiring hop. I completed by projects in the allotted time but wasn’t able to link up this morning due to some technical difficulty. I just wanted you to know this was a perfect way for me to start what could be another challenging year and this Hop IS starting me on a very positive note! Thank you and I really enjoyed looking at everyone else’s projects of hope.
Carol Andrews
Hi Carol! I’m sorry you had difficultly linking up! Please remember that if you ever have problems you can ALWAYS email me the picture and description of the project directly and I will do the link up part for you! lapaceksorchard@gmail.com