I’ve been holding out posting this quilt for a bit now. I had dreams of showing it at Quilt Festival but to be honest I have no idea how to get it in there and I think enough “peaks” have been shown already that if one of the requirements was it not being shown publicly first, it wouldn’t qualify. So – today is the day that I’m revealing one of the coolest quilts I have made to this day. Introducing … “In the Garden”
I was also holding out for some decent pictures. My first round of pictures were on an overcast day with a brown pre-spring background. The photos today are on my deer fence with no editing necessary … the lighting was absolutely perfect!
I designed this quilt myself and it was inspired by the illustrations in the book “The Biggest Story” by Kevin DeYoung, Illustrated by Don Clark.
This page in particular really caught my eye. I love the saturated colors, the mixtures of shapes, and the whimsy in the design.
From this I just started to make blocks using gelato ombre fabrics with a print or two mixed in here and there.
I created a large 8.5” x 11” triangle block and used ThermOWeb’s Stitch n Sew EZ Print Quilt Block Sheets to make these triangles accurately. I chose the 8.5” x 11” size for an obvious reason – it was the largest sheet I could put in my printer.
After the triangles, I started to make strips of ombre circles. ThermOWeb’s Heat N Bond lite was essential for the raw edge applique. To cut my circles perfectly I used the OLFA Rotary Circle Cutter. It worked like a charm! Since I put the fusible on the strip before I cut out the circles I was left with the strips of fused fabric with perfect holes set in them. Instead of throwing these strips away I put them over ombre strips creating a sort of raw edge reverse applique effect.
Color Girl Quilts asked me to edit and test her Mermaid Quilt Pattern. As a mother of three girls, of course I love mermaids and said yes immediately! Who am I kidding? Even if I didn’t have three girls I would love mermaids … and fairies … Anyway! Back to the story. I tested her pattern (which is great btw) and used her Classic Curves Ruler to make a few of the scales. These blocks were a perfect addition to the quilt. I surrounded them by some Scrappy Trip Along blocks and of course a bit of improv blocks as well.
When you make the curve blocks using the Classic Curves Ruler you have some fun left over orange peel blocks. Of course I couldn’t throw those away so I created a fun new block using some of the orange peels. I put two of these into my quilt.
I also made some smaller scaled triangle blocks using the Tri-Recs ruler. I do have a love of houses too so I had to throw a few houses into the quilt. There is so much happening in this quilt that you have to stare at it awhile to take it all in.
It’s classic “Kim” busy and I knew I needed the right quilter to quilt it for me. I love Frank Palmer’s quilting style so I sent “In the Garden” up to him in Duluth, MN, to work his magic. I gave him no instructions other than “Do what you want.” He let the quilt talk to him and it told him what to do and it is absolutely perfect! The random linear quilting is simple yet interesting. It’s not too much and really helps sort of settle the quilt. I could not be happier! I just finished adding the hanging sleeve and label to this quilt. It’s heading up to Minnesota for the 2018 Annual Show on June 14th – 16th in St. Cloud, MN. I won’t be able to attend the show so if you happen to see it hanging I would love it if you could send me pictures!
Well – there she is. My baby is officially out in this world. I would love to hear what you think! I guess good or bad, but if you don’t like it try to say it in a kind way
LOVE IT!!!! Thanks for sharing all the tips.
OMG – it is awesome – love that you added tips
Wow. This is stunning. Well done!
Just amazing and so "Kim"! There is so much to look at and admire as my eye travels up and down, back and forth. I love the lines, curves, small and large blocks with all of the color…perfect!
Wow. It's a riot of colour and movement. The quilting is amazing. Looks great.
It is an amazing, optimistic quilt. Fantastic!
It's fantastic
Awesome! From the colors to the different kinds of blocks, this quilt is a winner! Your imagination and creativity soared!
there are no words to describe this kind of wonderful!
It's BEAUTIFUL!!! Love it.
You are right when you say there is so much to take in here. This quilt is utterly amazing. I really loved reading how you took all the "leftovers" and used them in the quilt. You are so creative Kim. Incredible! This should be entered in any show – it is a winner. Also, the quilting was perfect in design because the piecing is the star of the show here.
Thank you! Seriously – the quilting was absolutely the perfect finish touch. It's in the MN show in a few weeks and I plan on keep submitting it. While I do have high hopes for it I also realize it is far from "Perfect" so we shall just have to wait and see if the judges get that the lack of "Perfect" is part of what makes it amazing.
What an awesome quilt. I love all the movement and the different scenes (triangles, houses, peels) and would love to see it in person. Of course the bright colors are right up my alley.
WOW that is an intense quilt – both color and pattern. I am rather new at quilting but would love to try my hand at something like this – just mix and match as much as I want, experimenting as I go.
And as a side note, my father is named Frank Palmer, but it is certainly not THAT Frank Palmer!
Perfection! Love every bit of it!!
LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! All of the different types of blocks and the wonderful ombre colors puts one in a happy and playful mood. Thanks for sharing some of the "hows".
Brilliant !You really did a fantastic job creating movement with the ombres.Thanks for sharing your process!
Every time I see a photo of this quilt my heart goes Pitter Pat. This may be the most overall wonderful quilt I've seen in 20 years of quilting. I'm completely not exaggerating.
Kim this quilt is fantastic. I love all the elements and ombre fabric and the feel of the quilt with all those elements. Wonderful wonderful.
What a riot of color and designs! I love it! Those ombré fabrics are perfect for it
Beautiful, I love it.
What an AWESOME quilt!
I love it! The colors, the design, the creativity….all of it! I love how your inspiration came from a book! This quilt is absolutely amazing!
WOW I love love love it. So good.

This is the most amazing quilt I have seen in a long time. Great color and design. Congratulations on it.
This is so "KIM" and I really love it. The bright colors make my mouth water. Gorgeous!!
Your "In the Garden" quilt is a BEAUTIFUL work of art!!! I love it – especially all the gorgeous saturated colors! The different shapes and scale blocks are fascinating. Your LA quilter did an awesome job, too. Congratulations!
If "WHIMSY" were a quilt–it would be this one—-it's just drop-dead gorgeous. Looking at the quilt made me smile…I think I'll save a picture just to look at in "down" times. Thank you for sharing. Good luck in the quilt show. I'd give it a ribbon in a heartbeat!
freeking awesome! I'll be in St Cloud for the Minn Show and will look for it ….
Autant de formes qui se marient aussi bien grâce aux tissus ombrés est incroyable. Bravo pour cette pièce exceptionnelle. Je vous souhaite le meilleur pour le concours à venir !
Its whimsy, its colourful, its original, its unique, and you need to Show this to be awarded for your originality, it is gorgeous, absolutely and totally unique♥♥
Hello …. I just discovered your short tip "In the garden …" and explanations.
She is fabulous! ! !
I love and colors, and block associations. I also really like your idea of including your falls to make another block. That's what I do often, but I'm rather Country Patch. I have only been making patchwork for 4 years, but I have been looking forward to the works for over 30 years and one day I started ….
I really like your idea of taking only degraded fabrics to give even more colors and softness in places and invigorating energy in other places.
I live in the center of France, built and in the countryside …. The nearest neighbor is 3 km (6 miles)
Thanks again for this fabulous quilt and for the humorous explanations too (the explanation does not prevent you from smiling …)
Good health to your 3 girls
Good day to you.
This is one of the prettiest quilts I’ve ever seen
Love the colors and the shapes , absolutely Beautiful
If anybody doesn’t like this quilt there just not Right , lol.
It’s now 2022 and I am marveling over your absolutely stunning quilt. I am hoping this pattern of yours is available to purchase. I love bright fabrics and this is perfect to use bright fabrics and possibly using Kaffe Fassett fabrics. Your talent is obvious. Would love to own this pattern. Thank You. **
Your quilt is absolutely gorgeous! I love ombré!
Amazing, A true test of love and labor that paid off! You should be very proud of your creation. I never though using a book for inspiration, great idea.
I love this stunning quilt with it’s bright colors! And would love to make this! Will a pattern be available? If so, I want to be first on the list to buy this!!!

This is one of my favorites! When I saw it at Quilt Expo in Madison I knew it was your quilt, Kim. Love your spirited colors and exuberant and varied shapes.
I’m absolutely blown away by your gorgeous quilt. It is stunning, a real piece of art. I could look at forever and never get tired. I can’t say enough good things about it. Well done, you.