Good morning everyone! Happy day after Christmas! I don’t know about you but I woke up super early on Christmas morning – 5am. And it wasn’t just because I was excited about Santa coming – which I was, and he did – but because I had an idea. In 2018 I’m going to run a #DresdenNeighbhoodSAL. That’s right! I’m going to sew 12 Dresden Neighborhood blocks in 12 months! By the end of 2018 I’ll have a full size 72” x 96” quilt (at a minimum … there may be some border treatment options) and I’d love to have you join in.
It won’t just be “buy my pattern and sew 12 Dresden Neighborhoods” either. On the 9th of each month I’ll feature a new idea or option that you can utilize when making your quilt.
There will definitely be ways to make it into a “memory” quilt … remembering the different towns and cities you’ve lived in my incorporating unique architectural elements into the houses of your neighborhoods.
I will share different options for doors, windows, roofs and even different sized houses!
Perhaps you’ll decide to make a rainbow of neighborhoods? Or a completely black and white neighborhood quilt? Whatever you decide – it’s going to be a year full of fun making these mini quilts!
January, Month 1: Hometown Memories – Port Washington Building Dresden Wedge Templates
What do you need to participate?
Purchase my downloadable Dresden Neighborhood pdf Pattern either on craftsy here or etsy here. (If you already purchased the pattern you’re welcome to join in the fun. But if you look at the pattern and think you can make it without the pattern I’d still appreciate it if you purchase it since you are then supporting me as a designer.)
Dresden Plate Ruler. I recommend the EZ Quilting Dresden Quilt Tool Set to but if you have a different one (for instance – Creative Grids) already that’s not a problem.
Fabric Scraps! This is a great project to use up your scraps! The background of each Dresden Neighborhood is 24” square but this can be pieced so again – scraps work just fine.
Me and My Sister Designs Me and My Sister Double Wide Dresden Ruler – this will enable you to easily create “double-wide” houses for your neighborhoods! It’s completely optional.
10″ Diameter rotating cutting mat (or larger but not too large so it doesn’t fit in your sewing area) – this just makes cutting your Dresden Plates easier. I have one and it’s awesome when I remember that I can just rotate the cutting board and not myself … I just have to actually remember that!
For Month 1 some optional supplies/tools
HeatNBond Ez-Print Lite sheets – you can feed these right through your inkjet printer to print the templates precisely
Clover Press Perfect foot.
small, sharp scissors
Aurifil 12 Wt in 2692
I hope you decide to join in the fun! I can’t wait to see all the different versions of the Dresden Neighborhood that will be created!
Be sure to follow me on instagram – @PersimonDreams and the hashtag #DresdenNeighborhoodSAL so you don’t miss anything! Also – join my Facebook Group “Dream and Quilt Along with Kim Lapacek” for even more fun!
Month 5: Architectural Elements
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I have your pattern and would love to 'build along' with you! We are moving from Montana to North Carolina next year, so there may be some changes in the 'style' of houses!
Sounds fun! I have added your SAL to my QAL linkup.
I am do excited to try something new. I have the pattern, the template and lots of fabric stash to choose from….hurry up 2018!
I really want to do this and followed you on Instagram but have no clue how it works or where I put the hashtag. Please explain as I don't want to miss out.
Hi Barb! I'm glad you're excited for the sew along. When you post pictures of your Dresden Neighborhood project just type in #DresdenNeighborhoodSAL when you get to the "write a caption" part of adding a picture to instagram. This will created the hashtag. I hope this helps! You are a "no reply" blogger so if you comment with your email I can reply to you directly.
Excited to be a part of this, Kim!
fun fun fun….will sandwich & finish off! Following #DresdenNeighborhoodSAL for inspiration & more enjoyment of others' creations! Thank you, Kim! You are an inspiration!!
Do you have the rest of the months themes yet? I'm so excited and want to start looking at my scraps and fabric with this project in mind
Love this pattern and had to purchase and make it for myself.
Thank you for all the fun ideas.