A group of fellow quilters and I are in a fun block exchange with each other. Each month there is a “queen” and it’s typically their birthday month. They give everyone at least a fat quarter of fabric and then they each make two blocks. We all chose our blocks before this all started so they’re all different.
These two blocks the fabric given to us was the black/silver fabric and a specific color palette to work with.
The feather fabric and a color palette was given for these two blocks.
A fun little fabric bundle was given for these two blocks (and I added a few of my own fabrics – the yellow, starry purple, and dark green sand dollars.) I thought this might help explain why you keep seeing two of the same blocks in completely different fabrics on my instagram feed/facebook page each month! I can’t wait to see what fabric I get to work with tomorrow! Have you ever done an exchange like this? I thought I’d be more nervous about it but the group of quilters I’m working with is the perfect group for me – no one takes things too seriously and we all like to have a good time! ~ Affiliate Ads:
Aurifil 40Wt Cotton Kit Art Thread Machine Piecing Quilting Collection
So in the end, everyone gives their two blocks to the person who was "queen", so everyone ends up with a quilt made from one of each different block, each made with the FQ they sent out? Cool.
Really neat swap idea! I'm making a note of it for my guild's possibilities. Thanks!