I know I’ve been absent on my blog a lot lately … which is not typical for me. I’m still creating and having fun with things I’ve just found it a lot harder to sit down and write up a decent post. But I’m not giving up on blogging yet! I think I just need to pick a day (or two) of the week and just make sure it gets DONE! Anyway – onto the fun! Happy Apple Season! Every fall my family goes into “work” mode as we own and operate Lapacek’s Orchard, an apple orchard in Poynette, WI about 20 minutes north of Madison. This has nothing to do with quilting or creating … it just means it’s even harder to find time to sew. I’ve found though that it is imperative for myself and my families well-being that I find even a few minutes a day to sew or create SOMETHING! Today I’m going to share with you a “Bonus-just-for-me-no-deadline-no-secrets” project that I’m going to be working on this apple season. It’s a really simple quilt with a really cool, dramatic end result and I’m super happy to have discovered it at just the perfect time of year for me. What is it? The Cross-Cut Quilt! Which is actually a quilt along being run Debbie of A Quilter’s Table. And it’s all over instagram … which is what got me hooked. So many amazing quilts in so many different color combo’s that all looked fabulous! I just had to join in! You can find out all the details by going HERE. The first thing I did was pull my fabrics. I went for a completely different color palette than I’ve been using recently – very black and grey with a bit of burnt orange as my accent.
It’s an easy improv block and quilt with very little stress so before I knew it I had my first four blocks made … they all mostly look like this. My next plan is to make a BUNCH of blocks with the opposite color placement – the black/grey/taupe as the background and the burnt orange for the crosses in the block. I’ll keep you posted on how this quilt goes but feel free to follow along on instagram! ~~ #ad ~~~
So glad you decided to jump in on the QAL!! Love your beginning block and can't wait to see more! 😉