I am part of a modern quilting club at my local quilt shop – Mill House Quilts. The group chooses a book for the year and then each month we go through a chapter/concept/skill by signing up for what we’d like to teach (it’s not required … but I love to talk so I signed up). Our book last year was Lucky Spool’s Essential Guide to Modern Quilt Making: From Color to Quilting: 10 Design Workshops by Your Favorite Teachers and I signed up to teach Improvisational Patchwork.
This small quilt is what resulted from the lesson I taught. The blue scraps were improvisationally pieced and then set into the solid fabric.
I like the unconventional design created by these pieces but I think my favorite part about this piece were all the possibilities for quilting it. I used a turquoise Aurifil thread for quilting and I can’t say enough great things about it. In the top I free form quilted the word ‘dream’ in the upper left and then just went from there with other patterns and designs.
Since the quilt isn’t large it was easy to manipulate on my regular sewing machine.
Here you can see that in the blue chunks I started to do some wavy straight line quilting. My initial intent was to start with that and then go back and fill in some fun patterns. But once I had it to this point, I stepped back and just really enjoyed how it looked without filling it in. I think it’s a fun mixture of intense quilting and simple quilting … which mimics the intense improvisational pieces with the simple solid background.
This little piece is done and I am very happy with the end result – what a fun little project!
And for the back – a fun Quilt Graffiti print!
Linking up to Finish It Up Friday.
I really like the quilting on this piece. I don't often think to add a lot of space for quilting – mostly because my skill level isn't up to it, but I do hope I will be able to e up to it soon.
Looking good!