My big girls have been in gymnastics for a few years now. This year they are in level 3 and had to get an overall score of 33 in at least one meet and compete in at least two to qualify state. Luckily – both Cedi and Capri accomplished this! (Whew … it could have been rough if they hadn’t). Today was the big day. We were up early and I was pulling their hair back tight and even french braiding ones … which stayed in the whole meet I must say! This is full of pictures of my girls doing gymnastics … I tried to edit it down to the ‘best’ but I have to say … it’s hard to take a decent photo of the girls doing gymnastics. There first event was vault and that was super far away from us. That event went smoothly this year … thank goodness! Last year it was Capri’s worst event … but this year … this year she figured it out. Next up was bars. Bars is Cedi’s favorite event. Here she is after she heard Grandpa yell for her.
And while bars isn’t Capri’s favorite – she did great on them too this year!
Beam was next … beam can go either way on any given day.
This day the girls did great … no falls or major infractions. And then comes the floor.
Capri had her best floor routine EVER today!
It was absolutely gorgeous to watch.
I know Capri was thrilled to see the score on the board that she’s been working towards all year.
It was great to see her succeed in this. She’s been struggling with floor at every meet and this time she improved her score by 0.6! Which is a pretty big deal in gymnastics! And then there is Cedi.
She does a great job on floor … until the round off back handspring. She just hasn’t gotten that down … and her long, long legs don’t help her any. Seriously – LOOK AT THOSE LEGS!!!!
She has to run faster, jump higher, and be stronger to accommodate her long frame and she’s just not there yet. During the warm ups she was not getting it … and she was getting frustrated.
She sort of got it together for the meet …
What you don’t see is after this shot she fell on her bridge. A skill she’s had down forever … BUT she did get her round off back handspring and ended up with a decent score of 7.8 considering she fell on her bridge. I think the fact that she messed up early and then DID NOT give up is what makes me the most proud!
Here are Cedi and Capri with the other girls from there team they competed with in there session (7 year olds and 8ABs).
Great Grandma came along to see them compete too! So did both sets of Grandparents, our neighbor friend and Cedi’s best friend. It’s so cool that my girls have so many folks routing for them!
Everyone who made it to state got a trophy for getting this far.
Pip was practicing what she would do when she’s a gymnast!
Capri was thrilled to take 11th on her beam routine!
I’ll admit … I teared up a bit. This meet was Capri’s best meet by far.
Cedi actually tied for 9th on her vault.
She completely rocked in on bars and took home 4th … in the state of her age group!
I’m not sure if she could get any happier. I’m pretty sure all thoughts of the floor had gone from her mind.
And she rounded it off with a third medal taking home 9th on the beam. I was so proud of the girls today … I’m a bit gushy over it. They work there butts off practicing and I know there is no way I would ever get up there in front of all those people and do a gymnastics routine!