Once again … I’m super far behind on announcing the winners of the Focus Through the Prism Flying Geese Challenge. 54 quilts were created for the Flying Geese challenge which brings our overall total for all four challenges to 306 quilts dreamt up, created, and finished within a month! Seriously!? This is incredible!!!! Once again I used random.org to pick the winners … sorry, just too many names to write out! (Which I do think is a good problem to have) And random.org chose quilt entry 23 to win …
“Quilting Gift Certificate” for $30.00 off the Quilting on a Baby size quilt or larger. (Baby, Lap, Twin. Full, Queen, or King) from Marcia’s Crafty Sewing & Quilting.
The Gift Certificate will be good for 4 months starting one month after the challenge ends. Excluding the Month of December for using the gift certificate. The quilting gift certificate is transferable to another person, so you can share it with a friend, if you’d like.
Marcia will do an estimate based on the size of the winner’s quilt top, quilting choices, thread choices, and batting and if they would like to purchase backing fabric from me. Winner can send backing fabric and batting with their quilt top, but I do have it available. This way the winner will have a good estimate of the value of your quilting prize. Congratulations! Dayna Thwaits you are the winner!
Next … Random.org chose quilt entry 52 to win … Marcia would also like to giveaway to a separate winner a prize of one of her original patterns(value $8.00). Here are the six quilt patterns the winner will get to chose from:
- Summer Tomatoes Quilt Pattern – PDF
- Easy to Sew Quilt Pattern – PDF
- Textures Quilt Pattern – PDF
- Quilted Checkbook or Calendar Pattern – PDF
- Quilted Pocket Purse – PDF
- Turn a Quilt into a Bag Pattern – PDF
Yeah! Nancy LaPorte! You are a winner! Congrats to the winners and thank you to Marcia for your continued support and sponsorship!
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