I’ve been a bit off the grid lately I’ll admit. I’ve been busy working on projects so I have things to share with you about quilting even when I’m not sewing during apple season. I’ve also been running everywhere as my girls end their summer activities – gymnastics and pitching machine ball in particular. In the midst of all this chaos I decided that my random scrap bins were bothering me and it was time to get them into their appropriate scrap color bins. For some reason I thought that it would go quickly because the girls were excited to help me.
Turns out it’s super fun to play in piles of scrap fabric! (I guess I could have figured that one out!)
It wasn’t long until I was down to one helper. Cedi helped in another way – occupying Pip while we worked to get things organized.
It felt like it was never going to end! Seriously!? This was the very last thing I needed to be doing right now. Which I’m pretty sure is why I decided that it was time to do it.
And four days after we began. We had our living room back (well … as back as you get it when you have three young girls). I didn’t organize the fabrics quite as well as I’d like but I think to do the true organization I need to wait until winter … or at least not a few weeks before we’re scheduled to open our apple orchard.
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