Tomorrow night I am the guest speaker at the Patched Lives Quilt Guild in Wales, WI. I couldn’t be more excited! I get such a rush when I’m doing the talks. This one will be extra special because my husband and children are going to come and watch! I figured it was a good opportunity for the girls’ to see what I’m doing since I’m booking more and more talks. Now, when I tell them what I’m doing they’ll understand a little more about what’s happening. I like to set up a little table of my patterns, hand-dyed fabrics, and of course fun little items – like pins! Quilt Dots recently started carrying pins and magnets featuring my quilt designs and of course – I’m going to sell them too! I needed a little display for them. At first I thought I’d have my husband build me something but then it came to me … a fun mini quilt! I was looking for something in my work room and I came across some spoonflower fabric I had printed with my logo on it …nice and big. Now how had I missed that for so long? It was the perfect center piece for my idea! I then made four patches of my original spoonflower fabrics for the sides and some larger squares for the top and bottom. I figured these would be perfect for framing the pins!
Two of the quilt dot collections have six pins and the third has nine. They fit nicely on the side’s don’t they?
Six ‘Blossom’ pins or magnets. I really like the magnets because you can get coordinating jewelry accessories that can be ‘embellished’ by the magnets and switched whenever you so desire!
Six ‘Dreams’ pins and/or magnets
Nine ‘Celebrate’ pins and/or magnets.
And along the bottom I put my Project QUILTING pins that my friend Trish designed for me! There are three that are specifically for Project QUILTING:
‘Not Now!! It’s ProjectQUILTING challenge week!’
‘thing outside the SQUARE’
And the fourth doesn’t show up on this picture very well … but it’s fabulous and metallic! This one came from something my daughter said when she saw a picture of herself napping.
‘Just Making Dreams’
I’ll have these four pins available for purchase online soon! I’m working on it as I type (seriously … I can never focus on just one thing). The little quilt also has a little hanging sleeve so I could hang it on a mini quilt rack at my table or just lay it flat! I can’t wait to see what the guild thinks!
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