Yeah! It is Sew Mama Sew’s Giveaway Day’! I LOVE Giveaway Day! (well..technically week). It’s a great opportunity to take some time, check out bloggers, and of course – win some goodies in the process!
Here’s a little peek at the goodies I’ll be giving away for Giveaway Day! (Yes, that’s Aurifil that you are spying!)
But FIRST -I want to tell you WHY you want to follow my blog and read it every time I post!
My Quilts
photo taken by Karmen Lindner Photography
I tend to make quilts that don’t follow any typical guidelines. I’m pretty sure that my style is that of ‘Free Range Quilting’. (and yes – I made that style up). I do what I want, with what color, fabrics and patterns I want – and they are definitely never boring!
Project QUILTING is a challenge I run on my blog. A typical season of Project QUILTING goes from January through March each year. A challenge goes up on a Sunday and you have ONE week to make and finish a quilt that fits that challenge! Since Project QUILTING began in 2010 – 1,163 quilts have been started and finished during the week of a challenge!
This year I’m running a special ‘Off Season Challenge’ – Focus Through the Prism. It just started this month and there’s still time for you to join in the fun – just head over to HERE – to find out more about the challenge! If the week deadline I talk about above scared you– don’t worry! You get a month to start and finish your quilts!
I made my television debut on PBS with ‘Nancy’s Corner’ – a portion of the show ‘Sewing with Nancy’ this past September. I had the pleasure of talking to her about Project QUILTING and why it’s been such an inspiration to so many!
Patterns and Tutorials
I love to share with you patterns and tutorials throughout the year as I come up with fun and new ideas! These can be found on my Craftsy Pattern Site! They are often initially free so be sure to follow me and not miss a thing! After a certain time period I do put a cost onto the patterns but I promise it’s completely reasonable!
Three of my most popular patterns are:
Dresden Neighborhood
Let’s Go Fly A Kite
Creative Fun
There’s always something creative going on in my world – most of the time quilts. But this summer I’ll be posting about the transformation of a boat that we buried in our yard before last winter. We’ll be updating it, painting it and making it into a fun, safe place for kids to play in this Fall at our Apple Orchard. I can’t wait to see what ends up happening to it!
Family and Orchard –
I have three beautiful baby girls, a handy hubby and an apple orchard. You’ll get to hear more about our adventure’s throughout the year and for some reason it seems like we’re never lacking in adventure.
Alright… enough about me! Let’s see what I’m GIVING AWAY this week!…
One lucky randomly drawn person will win a bundle of six fat quarters of fabrics I hand-dyed, a mini bundle of Aurifil Thread, a Persimon Dreams Can Cozy, a new 1.5” ‘just making dreams’ pin and a set of six Persimon Dreams pins from a new Quilt Dots line!
HOW CAN I WIN!?!?!?!!!!!!?????
I will ship internationally.
REQUIRED: Easy – Just leave me a comment answering this question:
Be sure to include your email address so I’m able to contact you when you win! If I can’t contact you I will choose a different winner.
What art projects do you like to do with children? (If none, just tell me what your favorite color is to use in your quilts).
BONUS Entries Leave a separate comment for each to gain extra entries
- Like Persimon Dreams on Facebook
- Follow Persimon Dreams on Instagram
- Pin one of my quilts from the ‘My Quilts’ page onto Pinterest and tag @PersimonDreams
- Follow my blog by either subscribing to my feed, with blogloving, feedly or other blog reading program.
Seriously – if you don’t leave your email address, I won’t be able to get ahold of you and you won’t get the prize…this is very important!
Winner will be announced on Tuesday, May 12th. Prize will be shipped Monday, May 18th, upon my return from Quilt Market.
And…now that you’ve entered my giveaway – head back to SewMamaSew and see what other blogger’s have to offer!!!
There are two different giveaway sections –
– Supplies/Fabrics/Patterns
– Handmade Items
Be sure to check them both out!
I'm trying to teach my daughter how to sew, BUT she doesn't have the patience yet
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I follow you on ig…I'm iluvmybaronie
I pinned your awesome wedding ring quilt
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My comment disappeared… i like to sew with my kids. We also like to paint and draw.
Before I moved 3200 miles away, I liked to pick out crafts with my nephew – a trip to Hobby Lobby and then whatever kind of fun he picked out!
sunshine_in_wi (at) ymail (dot) com
I like using blue in quilts
Instagram follower
Kim, it's been a few 20 or so years since I've crafted w/children. Mine love to cut fabric (boys) into bitsy pieces and make collages. Thank you for the opportunity for the Aurifil thread.
I like using bright, warm colors in quilts. Thanks for the giveaway and the chance to win!
My favorite color to use in quilts is blue.
I follow your blog via email.
I love blues and purples.
When I have my great grand daughter over who is 3 going on 20 we have art class. Sometimes we sew, sometimes we make wall posters and now she has her own garden. She loves cherry tomatoes and that is what is in her garden.
I pinned a quilt
I don't spend a lot of time with kids, but I like to color with them!
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I follow on Instagram as marg1950
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I like to decorate cakes with children.
I used to do 'flower school' with my kids. We'd pick a flower from the yard and learn to draw it/paint it/discover it.
My favorite color is aqua/turquoise.
Thanks for the giveaway.
I've actually been enjoying teaching my kids quilting. But we also made a paper machie R2D2 which was fun
I don't have any kids, so I am no help there. My favorite color to use in quilts is purple. Thanks for the generous give away! jacklynnsteven at netzero dot com
I follow you on Facebook. jacklynnsteven at netzero dot com
I am a new follower on Instagram. jacklynnsteven at netzero dot com
I like to do crafts that we can use in imaginative play. We make simple costumes (masks, capes, etc), flags, and various play weapons.
I tend to quilt with gray or blue.
My daughter and I sew together often and we even started a kids swap since she was jealous of all the cool stuff I got in the mail lol!
Since I do not have any children of my own, I am helping my nice quilt. I love the color blue and use this color a lot, sew it seams. Thank you for being a part of the SMS giveaway day and for being so generous with your giveaway.
Sandi Timmons
My favourite colour at the moment is purple!
I follow you on Facebook.
I don't get to do it often but I love to help kids learn to quilt!
I love doing all kinds of art projects with my grandkids…lately we have been dyeing yarn and fabric. (I love your kite pattern!)
I love to use white in a quilt. It just makes everything pop to me. Thanks for the chance to win. carol @ 🙂
I'm hoping to work on a quilt with my daughter and granddaughter this summer. In the meantime, I try to sneak a little purple into everything I do…
Drawing is always fun to do with children! It never goes out of style!
We draw pictures and add pictures to write silly stories 🙂
My 6 year old granddaughter has her own embroidery project in my project bag. Her mommy prefers that she stitch when I am with her so that the needle doesn't end up lying around for her little brother to find. That's just fine with me. I love teaching her.
We like doing collages with all my fabric scraps!
I like to do "messy arts" with my nieces and nephews. Finger painting, hand molds, play dough. Basically anything their parents wouldn't let them do at home. Their eyes just light up.
Mine are all grown up but grandchild #1 is due this summer! I look forward to Playdough, Fimo, potato printing projects & more.
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My quilt guild teaches kids to machine quilt every spring, other wise not much, as I don't have kids. My fav color is blue, your hand dyes are beautiful!
My favourite colour is in the blue and purple range!! Thanks for the chance!!
I like to do a hand-sewn craft (like felt ornaments) so that they can learn to sew and finish a small project rather quickly. I follow you on feedly.
Hi – When my son was little, we used to do a lot of craft, but I think his favorite was drawing and coloring.
I love blues and purples and fabrics in general. Love creating anything from fabric!
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My kids always preferred 'useful' art, so we made stepping stones for the garden, decorated potholders, etc. Last year my kids decorated clothespins for Mother's day–makes me smile every time I hang out the laundry!
I enjoy making pillowcases with my grandson matt…
I already love your page on facebook ty for posting……
I like making felt softies with my girls. Thanks for the chance to win! mto2golsen (at) gmail (dot) com
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I rollow you on Facebook. Thanks.
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My favorite color to use in quilts is teal.
Have been following on instagram for quite some time.
I follow you on instagram with the name shroomfrog.
Not so much art projects with my kids but lots of baking happens in this house.
I pinned
I let my grandchildren use my professional products to make art. Their favorite is using large stretched canvases and acrylic paints.
I teach my kids to sew in the summers when we have lots of free time but year-round I prefer paper crafts.
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I am newly following on Instagram.
I love to paint, and draw with kids using different mediums. Chalk, watercolor, pencil….gets them thinking outside the box.
When my son was young we liked to make shrink art ornaments.
I follow your blog via email.
I live in a Florida retirement community and don't have access to children, and my grandchildren all live too far away, but I do send them things to be creative with and show the older two things online to spark their creativity. The little ones are too young yet. I love color and no color is off-limits to me, but I do gravitate to the dusty aquas and lime greens lately.
I already like you on FB.
Although my children are adults , the things I love to do with kids craft wise are making with pipe cleaners, making with felt, making with beads, making with fabric (including stamping etc on fabric). So many fun things.
Following on FB! roguekeri at live dot com
My kids love to paint – we should do it more often! roguekeri at live dot com
I don't have kids to do crafts with, but I enjoy teaching sewing to 4-H kids.
Well, my daughter is just barely 20 months old. So right now our favorite art projects are crayons and stickers. I can't wait until she is old enough to start doing real craft projects!
I don't have kids…..he is all grown up…..but I do like to add a touch of yellow in most of my quilts…..
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no kids to do craft with really – I tend to "force" my kid sisters (teenagers) to be creative in the garden….
I pinned the awesome Squarey Quilt
jessica dot jo at live dot com
My kids love to paint. I think this summer I am going to get some canvas looking fabric that drapes well, gather up all of our old paint cans from interior painting, and have them go all jackson pollock on the fabric. Then use the fabric to make a ball gown. What do yout hink?
I. Like having a special hobby with each child. Something to their liking that we both enjoy. I've continued it with the grandchildren
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I am currently teaching my 6 year old granddaughter to knit. It is so much fun to see her finally getting it!
My eldest daughter is loving learning to sew with me. My youngest daughter loves being given some paper, glue and scissors. She will spend hours just cutting and gluing. littleellalu(at)gmail(dot)com
collecting beach treasures with my littles
berly at uw dot edu
don't have any kids to craft with so my favorite color to use is blue.
datepen (at) yahoo (dot) com
i use quite a bit of green and pinks in my quilts
I love to sit down with my niece and hand sew items for her dollhouse. We get to share our love of fabric and in small doses for little hands, I enjoy it. I would love to win. Some of your items I have never used before. I would love to make long rectangle quilt for the bottom of my bed. Yours are so lovely. I follow too 🙂
A Day In My Life, Crochet & Reviews
Weaving! Kids love it. It uses up all the yarn ends and if it's too wonky, felting the finished product works wonders.
t_ktl at
I follow by email and love all your photos!
t_ktl at
My granddaughter is very crafty and we do everything from sewing to paper crafts.
My favorite color to use in quilts is pink!
Love doing Perler Beads with kids
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Pinned Home Sweet Home!
I like teaching kids to sew
My favorite color to use in a quilt is green. Thank you so much for your giveaway.
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New follower on Bloglovin.
No kids around me, sorry 🙂 But I love red, the brighter the better
I don't have kids to do projects with so my fave color to use is grey
Since my grandson is only 22 months I want to try finger painting in a bag! And maybe we'll play with scraps.
I wish I had a child that liked to do art projects but he has zero interest. But he does like driving his cars on my cutting mat while I'm sewing! My favorite color to use right now is aqua. Thanks for the giveaway.
I'm a Mema now, and making homemade play dough is the BEST 🙂
I follow you on Feedly. 🙂
I love to color.
I follow via FB. Thanks
I love to do free drawing projects with kids. When I'm a camp counselor each summer, I end each night by having my girls draw what their day was like (I provide journals, pens, pencils, markers, etc). I love how they express themselves and am always surprised by what they draw. My favorite was when a girl drew lines all the way down the page in different widths and colors to express how she was feeling that day and the different activities we did (eg. large blue = happy in the pool, multicolored lines for fun at craft time). Thanks for a great giveaway!
my favourite quilt-fabric-colours a turquoise, dark red and purple.
thanks for the giveway!
For the ages of your daughters, the woven potholders. The potholders can be woven or stitched into doll blankets, doll bags, doll sleeping bags.
New follower on Bloglovin'. Favorite colors orange/yellow and purple.
Lol, this is a good question. I have two girls and the crafting bug has completely bypassed them. The only time I can get my kids into my craft room is when there is a school project due and I have all the supplies. I have always been a crafter. From cross stitching, to knitting, to scrapbooking. I love it all and here I am with two girls who would rather watch Teen Wolf than spend a day in the craft room. Although my eldest has just announced she wants to learn how to knit. So maybe there is hope for me yet 🙂
I like to do different crafts with them. I think my favorite is painting and drawing. I receive your email. sonrisa32 @
Well, I don't have any little kids at present, but I love to read them books. Little ones from a day care walk past my office every day and I smile and wave at them. Does that count? thank you,
I teach an art n craft class at church on Wednesdays and at a small private school once a month – I love to see the kids make fun projects that they can gift or play with. We are doing flowers for mom tonight.
We like to get the Mod Podge out & glue sparkly things, beads, buttons, ribbon, fabric scraps etc to card. If you use enough glue it all sticks but it might take a week to dry 🙂
I love drawing with my kids
I'm lucky enough that I get to craft with kids at my job sometimes – you can't beat using paper and things to stick on it in my experience! Making cards for mothers is usually a hit too! x
I follow you on bloglovin x
I teach seeing to my niece and nephew. My own two are too young for any crafts. Jen dot vdwoerd at gmail dot com
That should read sewing, of course. And I'm a new instagram follower.
I don't have any kids with which to do crafts.
I love to use brights in my quilts. No particular colour, just one or more that have some punch.
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I love the Dresden neighbourhood x
I like marble painting!
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Email follower!
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I like doing quilt projects with children that are also learning projects, such as math, measuring, or language.
I like to make pillowcases with kids fro the Million Pillowcase Challenge.
Following on Facebook x
Currently following your blog on BlogLovin' (@trekkiechick)
Following on Facebook 🙂 Thanks for a fun giveaway!
Pinned the lovely Blossom Puzzler quilt to my pinterest page (@ImREL). So many great quilts! Thanks so much a fun giveaway!
My daughter likes me to sit down & draw with her. I'm quite bad at it, but she has fun, so I do it.
i love every color, thanks
No kids around now, but when my boys were little we did science experiments like potato launchers, baking soda and vinegar, etc. Never a dull moment!
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follow you by email……bewtjwatoutlookdotcom
i love having my kids help me choose fabric and play with scaps on my design wall!
I love doing all sorts of crafts with kids. My husband built my son a light table and my new favorites are anything we can do on there. I really like anything open ended that doesn't have a planned finished product and a lot of rules.
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Love teaching liittles to do any type of stitching. Have taught 4-year-olds to needlepoint and to "criss cross" stitch, as well as others. Actually love any type of creative activity with them. As my 4-year old great niece would put it, love "arting" with kids, and "making stuff" of all sorts.
Follow you via BlogLovin' and also by e-mail (I think). Love seeing your regular challenges and your unofficial one coming up with Cherrywood fabrics looks like fun.
I already like you and follow you on Facebook, as well.
Follow you via BlogLovin' and also by e-mail (I think). Love seeing your regular challenges and your unofficial one coming up with Cherrywood fabrics looks like fun.
Love teaching liittles to do any type of stitching. Have taught 4-year-olds to needlepoint and to "criss cross" stitch, as well as others. Actually love any type of creative activity with them. As my 4-year old great niece would put it, love "arting" with kids, and "making stuff" of all sorts.
Pinned Novitiate Nebula to my board. Must have taken forever!
I am teaching one of my granddaughters to sew.
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I love felting with children. (and my favourite color is bright spring green)
I like to do drawing and cut-out art projects with my grandchildren.
Like you on FB: Nicole Sender.
Quilt pin link:
I like to get wooden doodads (birdhouses, Christmas ornaments etc.) from the craft store for the kids to paint.
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bloglovin follower: Nicole Sender
There aren't any kids in my life, but I would do any craft with them! Anything where they are getting to be creative!
I just followed you on bloglovin'!
I taught my granddaughters how to handpiece quilt blocks when they were younger and now that they are older I am teaching them simple bag making on their very own machines!
I like to do any craft with a kid who will play with me including, sewing, beads, garden stones, etc.
ramona_murray (at) comcast (dot ) net
When my children were little I taught them how to quilt and we did a lot of papercrafting projects.
Paint and sidewalk chalk are always fun
i love doing painting with the little ones…i want to teach sewing but i don't have the best of patience…something i need to work on
🙂 as a former elementary art teacher….I LOVE creating all sorts of art projects with children….especially when Glue and Glitter are the main art supply!!! 🙂 sowingstitches [at] gmail [dot] com
I'm teaching three students needlework, at the moment cross stitch
I don't really do art projects at all and am awaiting grandchildren to do them with. I love bright colors as well as Civil War prints in my quilt projects. I follow your blog, added you to bloglovin' and will pin a quilt. Thanks so much! I LOVE hand dyed fabrics and dye them myself for fun.
I like to do origami projects with my daughter. We also like to draw and do cake decorating.
I knit with kids. I haven't sewn with them yet. (I'm a teacher.)
We do a lot of fingerpainting at our house.
My favorite color is aqua/teal. Wish I had kids to sew with. moosecarol at centurylink dot net
Love your hand dyes!
Painting, or stamping.
My favorite color is blue, any shade! Thanks for the chance!
I like bookmaking with children!
mandiprout80 (at) gmail (dot) com
I love to color in coloring books with kids.
I taught for 34 years, so lots of art! I love to teach children to hand sew, and they love it too!
I love to use mustard in my quilts. It goes well with many other colors!
I love to use blue.
I like teaching children to sew. Pillows are fun items to do with them — easy and useful for them or a gift.
Love to craft with kids. We have made Christmas ornaments, Tie Dye T-shirts, jewelry and more.
I have liked you on Facebook. thesimplyblogsatgmaildotcom
I follow on instagram, too. thesimplyblogsatgmaildotcom
painting… so much fun
I always seem to use black or white in my quilts.
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I love doing watercolor painting with my son. My daughter is too little to do art projects yet. swoou2 at yahoo dot com
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My kids are old enough now that we can do simple embroidery or machine sewing projects (making totes or basic pouches is a good start). We also love to make jewellery and pom poms together. 🙂
twocheekymonkeys at live dot com
We love to paint and sew!
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I don't have the patience to do crafts with children! My favorite color for quilts… Blue!!
I love red in my quilts. thanks for doing this.
I have been having fun teaching my granddaughter to sew.
I follow you on instagram! Thanks
We do a lot of coloring at my house. I need to embrace the mess and do some painting soon! (Maybe with the good weather we can do it outside, where it won't stain the carpet.)
I do a lot of painting with my kids – 1 y/o and 3 y/o! They love it 🙂
I follow your blog on google reader.
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Sewing free form softies from felted wool sweaters 🙂
with my kindergarten kids – I love to paint, draw and make things with playdough and plastercine.. My kids this year like mask making..
my favorite color- very hard -it used to be pink but I love purple and pink mixed that magenta – raspberry color …
Thanks for participating in the blog hop.
Regards from Alberta,
I don't have any children to craft with but if I did I would give them fabric scraps and glue and let them make a collage.
lin.web.28 at gmail dot com
And now I follow you on Insta!
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Warmest regards,
I like Persimmon Dreams on Facebook.
lin.web.28 at gmail dot com
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lin.web.28 at gmail dot com
sewing for sure – i teach kids to quilt at my job. 🙂
I like to let my granddaughters cut pieces from construction paper to make a quilt. They enjoy embellishing their paper quilt with glitter. Thanks for the great giveaway.
I like your Facebook page.
I am now following you on Instagram as Ceciliaquilts.
I love doing science type crafts with my kids,
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My grandson is only 2 so we are hooked on crayons and mickey coloring books right now. 🙂 .
Thanks for hosting this give away. Mrscummings2u at Gmail dot com
I've taught my granddaughter to cross stitch.
I follow you on Bloglovin.
I love messy projects with my kids!
My children are now grown, but we did lots of different art projects when they were small. Now, I love to include lime green in my sewing projects…it seems to go with everything!
Kim I already follow on bloglovin plus I get your email newsletter
I like to appliqué tee shirts with my grandaughter. She loves using the Go cutter
We used to make paper airplanes and throw them off our deck.
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I like to do simple origami with kids.
I follow you with an email subscription.
I'm not sure if this qualifies as an art project but my girls used to love playing with Play-Doh. One daughter then moved up to many hours modeling with polymer clay (making play food for dolls, etc). Thanks for sharing your lovely fabric with us!
My LO is not yet ready for scissors, so there's a lot of drawing, painting, and play dough around here…
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My son uses pretty much whatever he can get his hands on for art; colored paper, notebooks, scissors, glue stick, beads, play doh, building supplies…
My girls are teenagers now but not long ago we took some clear plastic from containers (has to be a certain number grade) and we put them in the oven and made jewelry. We colored some and some we left clear. It is like the old Shrinky Dinks. It was so much fun, and I would Definetly do this with younger children also. dawnm1993(at)gmail(dot)com
I follow you on Facebook. dawnm1993(at)gmail(dot)com
I follow you on Instagram (cher277). dawnm1993(at)gmail(dot)com
I follow you on Bloglovin. dawnm1993(at)gmail(dot)com
I don't have children but I love purple and I don't do anything quilting or otherwise without purple. If the front doesn' t have purple the label will be done in purple.
My grandkids and I have been dyeing or painting t-shirts every summer for 10 years. What a collection we have. They are game to try new things…and I learn lots from them!!!
I follow you through your email posts to your blog. Love your posts and your work. Inspiring.
I have helped children learn how to piece a quilt. thanks. pjrcontest (at) msn (dot) com
I liked you on facebook. pjrcontest (at) msn (dot) com
I have two rambunctious boys! We love painting with shaving cream!
My 5 yr grandson has made two pillow cases with help from me. I am grateful my machine has a speed control.
I love doing crafts with kids…painting rocks, creating collages with paper, glitter, glue, fabric scraps etc. Thanks for the sweet giveaway 😉
Our boys LOVE to paint on canvas!
I follow Persimon Dreams on Instagram
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I love to use blue in quilts.
These days I don't do a lot of crafting with kids, but I used to love to teach my little cousins to cross stitch.
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I pinned and tagged your amazing Tula quilt:
I follow you via email at wordygirl at earthlink dot net
I don't have any at home anymore but I taught kindergarten & 1st grade. I loved to do art work based on a story I read to them. It was fun to see their interpretation of the story.
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I can't tell if it posted…. We love to paint together. tiffany.tuckatgmaildotcom
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Pinned that trippy quilt!
I love to combine pink and light green in my quilts 🙂
I'm you long time follower on FB (Dana Y)
I have pinned one of your beautiful quilts 🙂
I'm subscribed to your newsletter! Thanks!
I have tagged a quilt on Pinterest.
I will do literally any art project with kids — camp counselor in charge of the arts 'n crafts cabin was the best job I ever had 🙂
When my daughters were younger we all love painting – either hand painting and stones. My favourite colour to use is purple.
Is Legos considered "art", lol. My grandson is so into them and the other two are just now learning that crayons are not just for eating. 🙂
I like your FB page. 🙂
My little grannies are enjoying sewing felt. Aged 3.4 they are doing well.
We draw together in coloring books,that's her favorite.Lovely giveaway,thank you for the chance to win it.
i am enjoying (?) teaching my 24 year old daughter to knit, when the children were younger we loved making collages
Stringing buttons is a fun, creative, and arty with kids.
Pink Scissors Design on Etsy
pinkscissorsdesign @gmail. com
Hi, I like to do quilling art with children!! They love it <3
this is my email
I love doing art projects with my children. They specially enjoy sewing (my daughter is sewing a sock bunny) and painting fabric. Clay or water color are also great options. Thanks!
I follow you via Facebook. Thanks!
I like to make pom-poms with hair ties attached! Even young children grasp it pretty easily!
Art projects with children, hmm…. I was my son's Cub Scout den leader until he moved up to Boy Scouts, so we did lots of them. One of their favorites was whittling soap to make figures. My son likes to help me pick quilt fabric (kid you not, he's got a good eye for color) and we like decorating cakes and cookies. Generally building anything and decorating it is right up there, too. My email is
I'm following you through email at
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My favorite quilt color to use? PURPLE in all of it's glorious shades, tints, hues, whatever.
I love to use blue and cream. Thanks!
Please click on the delainelliott above for my email link.
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Please click on the delaineelliott above for my email link.
I love making Christmas ornaments with kids. So magical. 🙂
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I like to garden with kids, it's all about the process
"Free Range Quilting" need I say more about why I follow your blog? You seem to be the one blogger who gets it right for me. I am all about doing it my own way and respecting those who do it their own way!!
I pinned a quilt. Very nice! 🙂
I am teaching the grandkids to sew, but by far they seem to have the most fun making a mess with all my craft paints. We love to get out all the paints and just create whatever we find interesting at the moment. Crafting has always been a big part of our lives!
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I like blue in quilts.
I love to do sewing projects with one, and constructing fun toys and doing cool experiments with all the others.
I love to sew and piece quilts with my daughter and anyone else who wants to join in!
Empty nest.. I love all shades of red.
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We love to paint with the kids and also making clay art – those are our favorites although we do lots of other crafts as well.
Dawn (dawnnewsome at yahoo dot com).
I always like cooking with little ones! monique.belmer at gmail dot com
Not an art project, but I love baking with my daughter! She is getting old enough to start doing more art projects though, so I guess I am going to have to get more creative than crayons and play-doh! 🙂
I love to do simple crafts with my nieces and nephews; things like yarn woven sun catchers, loom pot holders, decorating cookies, etc. Thanks for the chance to win!
sarah123quilt AT gmail DOT com
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We like the Mark Kistler drawing books.
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Just drawing, painting, and coloring with the kids at the moment. Looking forward to more as they get older.
I love to sew with my grandchildren. Thanks.
I had boys and when they were younger, they were interested in sewing and hoop weaving hats and such. Both my sons ended up making projects like patchwork mini pillows. In fact my 16 year old still sleeps with an awful pillow he pieced and stuffed himself. It has been "mended" many times by him and it's a mess, but I love it.
We do all kinds of drawings with our grandsons in crayon, pencil and markers. Someday I would like to transfer some of their drawings to fabric.
smflks at gmail dot com
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Michelle N. Folkerts account
burrfarm at netins dot net
Cut paper collage is a great project to do with kids.
I have a "practice" granddaughter who comes to play once a week. We color, paint, use glue and scissors, and play with fabric at times. She loves art!
Water color painting or getting a fabric pen, letting them draw on a tshirt and then sewing, embroidering what they drew on the shirt
I like every color of the rainbow, but I do tend to lean towards fuchsia, turquoise or aqua with touches or yellow or orange.
I like to draw, paint, cut, glue, knit or sew, but please no glitter! 😉
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I pinned your Modern Log Cabin, love that quilt!
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My favorite color to use in a quilt is yellow. Some form of yellow or gold seems to end up in most of my quilts. Thanks for the chance to win. Those are some great colors!
I like colouring in. It's so sweet how they don't feel constrained by lines or what color something 'should' be.
I am hoping to teach my grandkids to sew. Right now they like to play with zippers and scraps.
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I like to do upcycling projects with my kids. We've made snowmen out of socks, rice and buttons and we've made little winter hats out of toilet paper rolls and scraps of yarn.
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I enjoy making pillow cases with children. The straight seams are easy and they have something to use or give as a gift. Because it's a quick project, I've found even children as young as 5 don't lose interest.
My child is now 27 – we still enjoy stamping and card making together! When she was little I tried to avoid glitter if at all possible, lol!
Been awhile, but I love to do tie dye with a group of kids, they are always so excited with their results!
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My favorite color to use in quilts is gray and white as background colors. I am doing one quilt with gray background.
I love to color/paint/draw/stamp/cut&glue with my 4 year old and hope to add some sewing into the mix next year. He loves the things Grandma and I have sewn for him, so I'm hoping that will turn into learning interest in the future 😉
My favorite art project to do with kids is dropping and mixing food dyes into a cornstarch/water mixture. More of an activity than a project, but it is really fun!
I love to teach children to sew or knit : )
My son would like to learn some sewing with me
Unfortunately, my nieces and nephews are all too far away to craft with very often, but I love to draw and color with them when I get the chance!
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I like teaching kids needlework. purplepixataoldotcom
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I like to do any kind of art project with my grandsons (4 and 9) that first are fun, fun, fun for them and secondly reach their creativity while still engaging at least one new element.
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all my kids are grown and have started their own families.I look forward to drawing with my grandchildren
all my kids are grown and have started their own families.I look forward to drawing with my grandchildren
other than quilting, I'm not crafty. i tend to use blues a
My kids are grown now but when they were small we played with many craft projects. Although I was never able to interest them in using my favorite tool, the sewing machine.
I love to use the color of blue in quilts, it is such a beautiful color.
I like to paint and draw with them, but also origami.
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These days we love watercolors
No kids around into life but my favorite color is purple. Love your designs, Kim…
I love to craft with kids. We have done paper crafts involving lots of construction paper and glue, sewn small draw string bags, jewelry making, girls especially love to string beads and boys sometimes to make something for their moms, and when they are a little older I love to share my passion for knitting with them. Thanks for the chance to win.
No kids around anymore, but I used to love to color with my niece and nephews.
I loved doing tye dye with my kids and then knitting… so fun
Children all grown up and grandchildren live 1000 miles away so no art projects going on here but my favorite color is purple.
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My kids and I are really enjoying painting ceramics and wood with acrylic paint. It's messy, but a lot of fun! Thanks for the chance to win!
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I love to draw and colour with my grandchildren and now my granddaughter is learning to sew . Thanks for the chance .
I follow you on FB . Thanks again for the chance .
I haven't done an art project with a child in years! So my favorite color is blue. Thanks for hosting the giveaway.
Collecting beach stuff…. and fave color is blue 🙂
We love to make masks in our house, but we especially love making craft at Christmas
I like doing projects with kids. I've done everything from pin cushions to lap quilts with them. Our guild sponsors a Kid's Camp every summer and we are constantly looking for fun easy projects to do each year.
I do painting with my grandchildren. I love teals and blues in quilts.
My kids are grown up, but my grandson likes to glue odd shapes of fabric pieces onto paper as collages. ikinfamily at bigpond dot com
Thanks for the chance to win. I am following via Bloglovin. ikinfamily at bigpond dot com
following you on IG. Love your Dresden Houses. ikinfamily at bigpond dot com
You make beautiful quilts, you have beautiful children, and this is a lovely blog. I love doing crafts with my grandchildren. Last summer I had them step into paint and walk across a long piece of paper to make a foot-print for me to frame and hang. We did the same thing with hand prints. In fact, when my own kids were young, we put handprints on the walls of our stairway hall and it was the hardest part of the house for me to leave when we moved out! We are also constantly making fairy houses these days, the Littles love them!
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I taught my kids to sew over past Christmas holiday so my favorite projects to work with them on is anything that sparks their imagination.
I taught my niece how to sew and we also create mosaics at the local mosaic shop about twice a year. I'm glad to have found your blog and now follow you. Thank you for the chance to win. My email is
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My kid is a bit too small for art projects yet but I like to sit her on my knee while I sew sometimes!
My daughters are never happier than when they have paint brushes in their hands.
love painting with children or anything with glue
My kids love doing anything with paint but to be honest I like the art projects that are a little less messy! Thanks for a fun giveaway.
I enjoy coloring and finger painting.
I don't have any kids, so my favorite color to use in quilts right now is probably orange. It changes often though!
I love doing all crafts with children I've found that most basic crafts can be done in a kid friendly kind of way.
I like to make mother's day picture magnets.
I also follow you on Instagram – I'm @curlygirl75.
We like to paint, make/play with playdo, crochet and embroider.
I don't have kids, but when I was one, I loved making things for my parents. My favourite colour to use in my quilts is red.
jen dot barnard at btinternet dot com
I have enjoyed sewing with my grand children. My grand daughter has made a couple of purses & a small quilt for her little brother. My grandson made a woven place mat.
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I pinned that cute Dresden Neighborhood pattern. It's adorable!
projects with children……. sewing, painting and kids love anything that they can use and show off right away. we took sharpies and plain cups and they just drew and wrote on them. we baked and then they had a cute mug for using or gifting. dawnieq73 at aol dot com
Either clay or paint. Anything messy!
I follow with bloglovvin and why? I love your projects.
(Grtz from the Netherlands)
My Grandsons aren't big on art except sidewalk drawing and cookie frosting.
Well, I teach first grade, so while we aren't allowed to do alot of art projects in class any more, I try to merge a little art into our science curriculum. This year we've enjoyed sun prints and vegetable tie dye!
I don't have the opportunity to do crafts with children but I love the color blue in my quilts!!
Art projects for kids depended on age, gender, what materials I had on hand. My fall back for toddlers was homemade playdough.
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I particularly love to bake, cook and scrapbook with my kids. Thanks for the chance!
I followed you on instagram too. 🙂
I like to sew with red and blue.
I always did painting, drawning and clay with my kids. Let them to collages and sew by hand first and then use my machine! thanks!
My daughter is only 1 so right now we just play
Jewel tones.
kalfarwig at bellsouth dot net
Jewel tones.
kalfarwig at bellsouth dot net
I love the color green and I enjoy coloring with children
My kids are all grown up but we had lots of fun with water colorers.
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My daughter is 3 and I wanted her to love coloring and painting…but instead she likes to make little worlds out of fabric and felt…she likes to think of shapes or ideas for me to cut out and then she creates worlds and stories with them.
buffyh_6 (AT) yahoo (DOT) com
My granddaughter and I like to make glued fabric collages, string beads, weave dandelion necklaces, and paint pictures. Thanks for the generous prize Kim!
I like you on Facebook Kim. Thanks for all the inspiration.
I follow you on Instagram. @pksolberg. Thanks again!
I pinned Once Upon a Time to Pinterest: I love this quilt!
I follow your wonderful blog via email!
glitter and glue, then get dh to clean the mess up, win win everytime 🙂
Children scare me, so I like to use brown in my quilts. It's the best neutral! karen.a.bolan at gmail dot com
My kids are grown but when they were little we painted a lot. They loved to paint. Thanks for a great giveaway and chance to win. (debbie at wowilikethat dot com)
I've never actually worked with children, so I will just tell you that my favourite colourt to use in projects is not actually a colour, but it's love volume fabrics. I love using them as they work with basically any colour 🙂
Many thanks for the chance to win!
I follow you on Instagram as liashandmades
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My absolute favourite color is green. Thanks for a chance to win!
I used to love to let my kids play in my fabric scraps and then I'd sew them together in the way they laid them out. Now I'll help them cut out an applique shape with them and help them big stitch it to a sweatshirt etc.!
I love all art projects with kids. Painting, making backdrops, masks, clay. I love it all!
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detroitgirl77 AT gmail DOT com
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detroitgirl77 AT gmail DOT com
Pinned one of your quilts
detroitgirl77 AT gmail DOT com
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detroitgirl77 AT gmail DOT com
As well as teaching my own daughters to sew, I have been enjoying teaching young girls how to sew for the past two years. It is very rewarding.
my favorite color to use in quilts is blue
I have a niece and nephew, no children of my own yet but love to make summer birdhouses with them! Get a plain wood birdhouse and have them paint it all up.
ps my email is
Finger-painting! The best kind is actually on windows (or sliding glass doors) with a flour or shaving foam based paint. The glass cleans up surprisingly easy and the focus is on the experience of painting rather than having a stack of paintings that you feel that you have to keep since your kids made them. kcarlson1152[at]hotmail[dot]com
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The favorite is dependent on whichever season we're in. We just painted wooden bird houses for 2 door wreaths. Other times it's Baking, crafting, science experiments, coloring, playdough, they are all fun and ways to visit while crafting.
I think you can reach me by my link but will leave it here too.
ejaneemerson (AT) yahoo (DOT) com
I love to add some black to each quilt.
I like to add black to my quilts.
I really enjoy painting with my little ones.
hello. we like drowing and painting) Thanks for the giveway!
Beading is fun. Or drawing and painting.
I am teaching my grandchildren various crafts. I am a quilter, I have given them blocks to arrange & teach math also. Other crafts include cross stitch, plastic canvas & cooking. It is amazing how creative they are. Thank you for a chance to win.
I like to sew with my granddaughter, my grandsons don't like to sew but they do like to cook and bake with me when they visit.
Unfortunately, I have no children to craft with, so I'll answer that I love to use red in my quilts.
My grandson and I do many different crafts together. I think his favorite is painting. Thanks for the great giveaway. Love your blog.
I just signed up to follow you by email.
i enjoy using childrens artwork for quilt inspiration.
Holiday ornaments are my go-to kid's craft project. They have fun making something that becomes a family keepsake.
I love to make Christmas ornaments with children, anything goes!
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mabay1981(at)gmail(dot) com
My children are adults now so I have no children to enjoy doing art projects with…so as far as quilt colours I am loving using reds at the moment
Wow – awesome quilting! I love The Tree and so many others.
The kiddos (ages 7,4, and 4) and I recently made fabric napkins. Nice and simple and they like using them!
I love painting t-shirts with children. My email address is:
When my kids were small we had various projects we worked on. There were some beading projects, papier mache, cardmaking and dreamcatcher projects.
There favorite activity is to draw, so it is mine too!
I follow you on bloglovin Mara Capron, ermajo2000 at yahoo dot com
I have 2 little girls and we love to paint! We set up in the shade of our big leopard tree and make a huge mess, usually getting as much paint on us as what we're trying to paint! And teals and aquas are my favourite colours to use in quilts! 🙂
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I would like to do some hand embroidery with my granddaughter when she's older.
Sewing and knitting with kids is fun!!
I follow you on Instagram (quiltpatchappli)
I like teaching kids to knit.
ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca
I like on Facebook my page (Quilting-Patchwork-Appliqué/833100120078327)
Your quilts pinned! Two, by the way… (QuiltPatchAppli)
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Favorite color seems to be brown, but that may be more to do with my Gram and the quilt shop lady than my own preference (I don't like brown outside of quilting, but it always ends up in my quilts and it does look nice).
jhunsberger (at) gmail (d0t) c0m
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jhunsberger (at) gmail (d0t) c0m
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jhunsberger (at) gmail (d0t) c0m
One of my favorite activities in the fall with kids is making a leaf print using an ink roller, acrylic paint, water color paper, and leaves. Afterwards, the kids write a poem on it using a sharpie. Stunning!
Pinned your Blooms Quilt. Love the dyed fabric!
My favorite crafts to do with kids are sewing purses and stuffed animals.
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I pinned your giveaway.
I don't have any children in my life unfortunately! I use blue in my quilts and most other things. Defo my favourite colour! Thanks for the competition.
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I don't have any children in my life unfortunately! I use blue in my quilts and most other things. Defo my favourite colour! Thanks for the competition.
I love making cards with children, and I love quilting with blues!
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I like to use purples
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Hi my kids like to mix up random stuff to see what it turns into . Their fav is making slime
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I love to create books with kids.
My preference is to give my children supplies and leave them to it. I'm pretty hands off when it comes to crafting with my kids. 🙂
I follow on Facebook judith martinez
I follow on Facebook judith martinez
i follow on instagram juditupp
i follow by email juditupp at yahoo dot com
Anything that uses scissors and glue. That includes quilting. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com
I follow Persimon Dreams on Bloglovin. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com
I pinned Brian's Quilt – would make a great baby quilt. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com
I love bright, bold colors and prints.
I follow Persimon Dreams on Facebook too. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com
I like to paint with the kid lets.
I like to paint with smaller kids and the when my kids got older I taught them how to do needle work. My Grandson loves to sew with me.
I used to like doing all sorts of paper & art crafts with the kids I taught/worked with. Thanks and God bless! ILuvTheEucharist @
I like persimon dreams on FB. Thanks and God bless! ILuvTheEucharist @
Also, I follow Persimon Dreams on Instagram as @Artists4God . Thanks and God bless! ILuvTheEucharist @