The first week of April went by quickly with spring break and head colds and before I knew it – I had forgotten to post my April goal for A Lovely Year of Finishes. Well – that is NOT happening to me again. I felt completely lost without my goal out there in writing for everyone to see it! I’m addicted to challenges and I have quite a few that I’m working on simultaneously. This month for me also includes my first trip to Quilt Market, end of the year field trips and a ballet recital (for the girls – not me) so I don’t want to put too much stress on myself. My goal this month is simply to start and finish the first Project QUILTING ‘Focus Through the Prism’ challenge – Monkey Wrench.
I have my beautiful ROYGBIV bundle of Cherrywood Hand Dyed Fabric and I have my block inspiration – the Monkey Wrench. The next step is to figure out which color I want my finished quilt to read and then of course – come up with something amazing to do that! As I was typing about how not having a goal made me feel ‘lost’ I realized that along with this fabric goal I’m going to set a fitness goal. My goal this month is to walk for 40 miles. The walk around my block is just over 3 miles so if I do that 13 times this month … on average 3 times a week … this should be no problem. Now hopefully by setting this goal publicly I’ll actually get up off my butt and do it! Have you set your ALYoF goal yet this month? Be sure to head over to HERE to link up once you do!
Nice rainbow of fabric. I love challenges and goals too. They help keep me focused while giving myself permission to "play".