What!? Only a 1 year anniversary celebration!? Well … I did technically start blogging back in November of 2008 for my crafty business. But the year anniversary is celebrating my switch back to blogger from wordpress. Every moment I was at wordpress I missed the comfort of blogger and I finally decided to come back.
I’m SO HAPPY I did! It’s made blogging so much less stressful. I know what I’m doing. I know how to add things to my sidebar. I know I can EASILY find past blog posts! I hope you have all enjoyed the move as well.
In just one year I’ve had over 282,000 page views! Not too shabby if I do say so myself!
And in celebration to this success – I’m having a GIVEAWAY!
Let’s see what I’m all offering up!
ONE lucky person will win this! A bundle of six fat quarters I personally hand dyed. A charm pack of Atelier by 3 sisters for moda AND a sampler pack of Aurifil thread in Caramel, 6001.
How can you win?
REQUIRED: Easy – Just leave me a comment answering this question:
Be sure to include your email address so I’m able to contact you when you win! If I can’t contact you I will choose a different winner.
What is it that keeps bringing you back to Persimon Dreams?
BONUS Entries Leave a separate comment for each to gain extra entries
- Like Persimon Dreams on Facebook
- Like Project QUILTING on Facebook
- Sign up for my Newsletter
- Tweet about this giveaway and mention @PersimonDreams
- Follow by email (sign up on the right column of my blog)
- Head to the ‘Focus Through the Prism Challenge’ post and come back here and tell me what you think about the seven months of challenges coming up!
Seriously – if you don’t leave your email address, I won’t be able to get ahold of you and you won’t get the prize…this is very important!
The Giveaway is CLOSED!
And with that … good luck and thank you for reading! I love getting comments and seeing folks enjoying what I have to share!
You keep it fresh, down to earth and real. Thanks!
Always enjoy the colors, your adventures and how inspiring your blogs are.
I love seeing all the creative ideas going and and it inspires me to think outside the box and try new things. drcmiller@yahoo.com
Love your blog, inspiring!
I really Enjoy your ideas and the bright colors just grab my eyes….so yaaaa have to peek…..happyness04431@yahoo.com………………………keep up the good work…………
I Like Persimon Dreams on facebook and always look forward to your posts there.
I like that you highlight different quilting ideas…..some I do like and some not so much but you show a variety not just the same kind…..
I'm really looking forward to your Focus Through The Prism posts in the upcoming months! I've got similar prism fabrics in my stash just waiting for some inspiration from your blog.
I keep coming back to Persimon Dreams for 2 reasons: (1) You're a talented local quilter and (2) Your hand-dyed fabrics are gorgeous… And there's a 3rd reason… I love the way you aren't afraid to mix colors and patterns!
Love the challenges! They keep me out of trouble!
I Like Project Quilting on facebook. Good thing I followed your link there because I discovered I hadn't checked the option to Get Notifications so I've been missing all sorts of loveliness!
Project Quilting, and Quiltsy teammate.
You of course!! your lovely girls, all your great projects and challenges!
The variation in your projects: always something new and different.
I follow you on Facebook.
I just posted on your challenge page, but here it is again (more or less!) I think this is super exciting, but won't be joining in this time. I shall be watching from the sidelines, and hope to take part in the next challenge, when life will be less hectic, hopefully.
I keep coming back for the challenges, I'm a little obsessed!
The challenges bring me back!
I love all your different projects – never know what's coming up next!
I enjoy all your many creative projects. You make lovely hand dyed fabrics that are really inspiring to see. Would like to participate in your upcoming challenge but life is too crazy right now. I'll be reading along though!
You are just easy to read and enjoy.. and always something fresh!
Project Quilting is what got me hooked. And even when it isn't PQ time I like seeing your projects and reading your posts.
I get your newsletter.
I follow by email.
The Prism Challenge sounds interesting and I look forward to seeing the quilts that are made. I won't be participating, since I've done lots of challenges lately and want to take a break and catch up on some other things.
Congratulations!! I've enjoyed your posts on your colourful quilts, sharing special and interesting events of your family, and look forward to your future posts!!
I follow you on FB!!
I liked Project Quilting on FB!
I signed up for your newsletters via email!!
I'm on a roll here… I just tweeted @mimistarquilter
I'm a little confused here… I signed up for emails but two posts up I thought I signed up for your newsletter! I hope you get it sorted out at your end!!
I am signed up for your newsletter
I like you on facebook.
I like Project Quilting on facebook.
I like looking at all the projects and ideas.
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perry94022 at hotmail dot com
I Like Project Quilting and I love reading about all of projects you present – very inspiring.
perry94022 at hotmail dot com
The reason that I follow you and keep coming back is because I love your quilts!!!! I love your individualism and the way you combine fabrics and colours, and create new and fresh designs.
perry94022 at hotmail dot com
I love the seven quilts in the ROYGBIV colour range and because the finished quilts are 20" in each colour it is quite possible to complete one each month for the average person. Fantastic idea and a fun challenge. I understand about having to buy the ROYGBIV fabrics to make, or to incorporate a colour per block, because you want to present an exhibit of the chosen quilts in the end, and that would create a cohesive exhibit for public showing. Great idea.
perry94022 at hotmail dot com
I already get your newsletter.
perry94022 at hotmail dot com
I am signed up for email ( a bit confused though because I thought the newsletter was the email – anyway I signed up on both)
perry94022 at hotmail dot com
Your joy in all you do!
t_ktl at yahoo.com
I follow by email.
t_ktl at yahoo.com
Fun reads
I enjoy seeing your great use of bright and bold colors. — soparkaveataoldotcom
I follow your blog by email. — soparkaveataoldotcom
Your inspiring pictures!
I subscribe to your newsletter. — soparkaveataoldotcom
I love your content and the beautiful photos! Thanks so much for the giveaway and Happy Anniversary! 😃
I follow you on Facebook! Thanks
I follow Project Quilting on Facebook! Thanks
I receive your newsletter! Thanks
I follow by email. Thanks
I look forward to seeing how differently the participants interpret each challenge. — soparkaveataoldotcom
I enjoy the projects the most and of course these lovely giveaways.
This was my first year of watching Project Quilting- and though I didn't finish any myself, I was so motivated and amazed by the entries!! (i've ordered my cherrywood bundle- let's see if I can Prism!) I also love how you take the craziest colors (in my mind) and when you put them together- they totally work. I think the creative process is so interesting. And of course, the cute girls! I have an 11 yo boy. Thanks for all you do to keep us creative!!!
Persimon Dreams Is a part of my morning routine now, and I love the Pip stories and the realities of living!
I keep coming back because you're fun and creative…plus all the Project Quilting stuff!
I've liked Persimon Dreams on Facebook
I've liked Project QUILTING on Facebook
I've signed up for your Newsletter
I'm excited about the ‘Focus Through the Prism Challenge’ and think it's a great idea. I can't wait to see the finished projects together.
It comes straight to my inbox — that makes it easy!
I love your quilting sense and sense of humor. Thanks!
Please click on the delaineelliott above for my email link.
I signed up for your newsletter. Thanks!
Please click on the delaineelliott above for my email link.
Already signed up for Facebook
Already on your mailing list 🙂
Already follow Project QUILTING on Facebook 🙂
The challenge looks like a fun commitment. Thanks!
Please click on the delaineelliott above for my email link.
Already get the newsletter too
At first it was Project QUILTING, and now I just like seeing what you're up to. It also helps me expand my palette, as you use fabrics and colors that I think "ugh" when I see the blocks sometimes, but then LOVE the finished quilts. The give aways are nice too of course 🙂
I get so inspired seeing all of your beautiful & artistic quilts. You are so creative!
I like your blogs, website, and face book page there is so much information and also you are one busy lady! Between kids, an orchard, family, life, running a household, etc. it is an inspiration to others. If you can do all of this and still make quilts, then I have no excuse, ha ha. It is fresh, lively, and always something different and new to see and learn. Thanks for sharing.
I am excited for the new Focus Through the Prism challenges. Can't wait for May 1!
I enjoy the variety of projects, challenges and reading about your family. You must run on energizer batteries.
I already like Persimon Dreams on Facebook.
I like Project QUILTING on Facebook too.
I am signed up for the newsletter.
I happily follow your blog with email.
"Like" Project QUILTING on Facebook>facebook.com/lindadouglas
"Like" Persimon Dreams on Facebook – facebook.com/lindadouglas
Really enjoy your Blog! Especially the quilting/sewing projects and hints! Thanks for sharing a neat giveaway!
Really enjoy the challenges, and the new ideas. Helen
I keep coming back to your sites because I love your use and color and your challenges are a wonderful way to stretch my creativity.
I liked persimon dreams on FB.
I liked project quilting on FB (and in my heart as well!)
I already subscribe to your newsletter – that's how I know about your wonderful contests and projects.
I already follow by email.
I went over to the focus on the prism challenge site. Love the idea of working on projects focusing on color, because it stretches the creativity, Thanks for your inspiration.
Your blog is such a great read!!
Following you on facebook!
Following project quilting on facebook
Email follower
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I enjoy reading your posts about your life and the projects you make.
I am an email follower.
I like you on Facebook.
I follow along because I enjoy the Quilt Alongs. I need all the inspiration I can get.
I like you on FB.
Happy Anniversary to you! What keeps me coming back to Persimon Dreams is your friendly chatter and talents. I love to see what you're up to and I get great inspiration from that. Hats off to another year!
A one-year anniversary!!! I love it. Persimon Dreams inspires me. In fact, I'm going to try one of the challenges starting next month. I've got my fabric and hope I can find the time to squeeze it in. Thanks for all you do.
I signed up for the newsletter
I get your emails and love them.
I'm putting the Prism Challenge on my list of to-do's. I hope to try them all….can't say they will be worthy of the project.
Congrats on the one year! Just signed up for emails and FB. Thanks for the chance.
You have an interesting blog!
I already like you on FB!
I already like Project Quilting on FB!
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Already following by email!
The Challenges sound really cool!
Project Quilting is how I found you, and I've stuck around since 🙂 I really like quilt challenges
I love the color and design of the quilts you post on your blog !
I signed up and confirmed to receive the newsletter.
And then I signed up to receive your emails.