I made it by the skin of my teeth! My ALYoF goal for February was to finish my ‘Grunge’ Bear Paw Quilt blocks.
I started the month with 14 blocks … my final goal was 25.
And with just one day to spare I finally did it! One of my hang ups is that I’m not good at the half square triangle tricks that enables one to sew them up and they’re already the correct size. I have to make them a bit bigger and trim them down if I want to be accurate. I’ve tried the other methods and I’m just not precise enough of a stitcher to make it work. But trimming them down always works and the end result is worth it for me.
I put these in black and white too to check values. Looking pretty good …
Next up – putting these 25 blocks together into a quilt top! Did you finish your February goal?
Not yet finished with my goal. My machine had to go see the doctor, which slowed me down a bit. Maybe I can quilt half a quilt and bind it tonight!! I'm going to go down fighting, anyway!!
This is such a stunning set of blocks. I love the colors!! Just beautiful. I cannot wait to see what it looks like all finished! Good luck. Great job with meeting your February goal too!!
These colorful blocks are great… I love how you scattered the print. It makes the top so interesting!