Sometimes life happens and deadlines just aren’t met … even if it’s only by 20 minutes! If you were inspired by a Project QUILTING Challenge – please share it with me anyway! I want to see what you came up with from the inspiration of Project QUILTING and I would love to show your work off on my blog too!
Family Tree created by Laura Hyder
Laura missed the deadline by a mere 20 minutes … but regardless … she still ended the week with this wonderful quilted pillow! I am calling this piece "The Family Tree" and I am quite pleased with how it turned out, imperfections and all! My Niece-in-Law likes the tree of life above all other trees, so that was my starting point. I stitched each child’s name using thread the color of their birthstones. I opted to leave out any birthdates because one of the children won’t be born for another week or two. ;) The leaves add a nice pop of color to this somewhat whimsical piece to celebrate the completion of this family unit. Thank you so much for letting me share!
You can read more about her process and story by check out her blog post HERE. Thank you Laura for sharing your quilted pillow! Megan of QUILTArtbymegan also missed the deadline but she blogged about her piece at her blog HERE. And please – don’t be shy – even if your piece is month’s late – I still want to see it! (and so do other Project QUILTER’s …)
I incorporated my tree into an upcoming swap that i was struggling with and now it's nearly finished — I'll send it to you soon as I can get a better picture.
I had so much fun with this project! Thank you for sharing my project and thank you for the challenge! I am ready for the next one! 😉