You read it correctly – Down by the Boardwalk Quilt Blocks. I had to make two of the Down by the Boardwalk Blocks for Pat Sloan’s Free Mystery 2015 Quilt Along. I had to make two blocks not because I couldn’t follow the instructions and I constructed it wrong … it was because I went a bit too far out there. I really do love using large scale printed fabric in my quilts But it has to be done carefully. The above block is a prefect example of it being done improperly. Had I paid more attention when sewing the corners on my flying geese I could have made this work … by matching the colors to the middle square … but I did not pay attention. Now when you look at this from a distance … it’s very difficult to see a star and if you do see it … it’s pretty discombobulated.
I was going to just go with it and use it anyway – but it was bugging me. So – I made a second one. Since my non-grey fabrics are all scraps I had to find different ones. These have smaller prints and I am very happy with how they look in the Down by the Boardwalk block. So – what do I do with the ‘bad’ block? Should I throw it away? NO! I’ll either use it as part of the back of the quilt … I think it’s great to save some of those “oops” moments when you tell the story of the quilt. OR I will save it and use it for a future ‘orphan block’ project – maybe a charity quit, or some fun pillows, or cut it up and use it more in a different project. I will definitely NOT throw this away! I can’t wait to see what Pat Sloan has in store for us in February!
Kim I get what you are saying but I actually like the wonkiness of the first block. I think for a non traditional twist on the traditional block will be great if you can do the same thing to the other blocks. It is a grid work type setting to the finish quilt layout Just sayin' 🙂