On Wednesday night we had a big surprise or the girls. When they got home from school we let them open a present … new PJs and bathrobes. They had to put them on right away and then we loaded them into the car without telling them where we were going.
You see … the Polar Express was in town and we had tickets!
The girls were super excited to be going to the North Pole!
It was really fun watching this happen through their eyes. I did have to ignore the smell of the train and the wild children in the same car as us … but it was worth it for the girls.
When we did get to the North Pole – a lighted up scene outside the window of the train with Santa’s village, some fake reindeer (which Capri picked up on immediately) and a waving Santa and Mrs. Claus it was hard to hold back the disappointment. But then …
Santa came on the train!
All the doubt was gone in their eyes and they got to talk with Santa!
And then Santa gave each of the girls a bell from his sleigh.
“Papa, can you hear the bell?”
And everyone could hear it because they BELIEVED! Overall it was a cool experience that I’m sure my girls will remember as magical for a long, long time. As an adult it was slightly disappointing (at least the north pole bit) but was definitely worth it for the looks on the girls faces and the fun time all snuggled into the train as a family.
What great fun! Merry Christmas!