Just before Thanksgiving, Pip and I, took a road trip to my beautiful hometown of Port Washington, WI. I was hanging my very first quilt show!
My good friend, Nicole, owns Java Dock Café – a lovely coffee shop in the quaint downtown of Port Washington.
Many of the quilts are ones I made during Project QUILTING challenges and they adorn all the walls I the sitting/drinking upstairs of the café.
I know it’s winter time but I just had to hang some of my patchwork kits in the kid area to give the patrons hopes of spring and warm weather!
I hung the show while the shop was open and people were enjoying each others companies along with a delicious cup of coffee.
It was so fun to hear the ooh’s and ahhh’s as each piece went up.
Many comments were, “I’ve never seen quilts like that!” Just the kind of words I like to hear!
The quilts will remain hanging through December 31st so if you have some time and want to take a little trip to Port Washington – be sure to stop in at the Java Dock, grab a warm cup of coffee, a handmade treat, and go and see some of my quilts in person!
Love your quilts – kind of an obvious statement, since I follow you. Also, love your friends shop. The arched windows are so appealing, and let in lots of light. Thanks for sharing it.
Cool! What a great space for a show. Your quilts look wonderful and it's so nice to hear those comments in person. 🙂 Much to enjoy. Congrats!
Kim's quilts seem as though there were made for these walls. They're gorgeous, intricate, creative and warm. Thanks for having them here Kim!