EEEEEEK!!!!! I’m so excited! The episode I taped with Nancy Zieman earlier this year (yes – Sewing with Nancy, Nancy Zieman) has been released to PBS Stations near you – oh and the internet!
That’s right – Quick Column Quilts, Part 3 is the show that my ‘Nancy’s Corner’ episode where I talk with Nancy about Project Quilting!
You can also now go and buy the dvd/book of Quick Column Quilts! They sent me a dvd about a month back so that’s been the new ‘movie night’ video – “Let’s watch mommy on ’Sewing with Nancy’”!
Check your local PBS station to find out when ‘2806, Quick Column Quilts’ airs by you!
If you want to join in some ‘off season’ Project QUILTING fun don’t miss out on this months challenge – Make it a Mini.
To celebrate this – Shannon from Fabrics N Quilts offered to host a giveaway on my blog!
Fabrics N Quilts is giving a $25 gift certificate to her shop – Fabrics N Quilts AND a Trace n Create Bag Template from Nancy Zieman.
In order to win just leave a comment below answering one simple question.
Do you watch Sewing with Nancy? If yes – do you have any great memories from her show? If no – do you watch any shows about sewing/quilting?
BONUS Entries Leave a separate comment for each to gain extra entries (7 more chances).
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- Follow my blog by either subscribing to my feed, with blogloving, feedly or other blog reading program.
- Tweet about this giveaway and mention @PersimonDreams and @FabricsNQuilts
Seriously – if you don’t leave your email address, I won’t be able to get ahold of you and you won’t get the prize…this is very important!
Giveaway closes on Tuesday 9/23/14.
Fabrics N Quilts is hosting the fourth annual Scrap Quilt Challenge! You have a month left to finish your quilt! Don’t miss out!
Lisa Marie says
I haven't watched any sewing shows and don't really know what is available. Maybe I need to look for this one!
Lisa Marie says
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Colleen says
Yeah you!!!
Love her A-Z series! Can't wait to see your episode! 🙂
Pam Wickman says
Yes I do watch Sewing with Nancy. I also have went to her shop in Beaver Dam, as that is in my hometown area of Fox Lake, WI. My cousin also works at her shop. And I also saw Nancy at a church I attended years ago – pretty cool to see a star!!!
Lee Ann L. says
No. I don't really watch any of the sewing shows. We don't get PBS (either local or national) station.
Lee Ann L. says
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I also like Fabrics N Quilts on facebook. 🙂
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Lee Ann L. says
I tweeted! @dlk3265
Betsy says
I record Nancy's shows but I only watch the ones related to quilting and bag making since I so not generally sew clothing
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Nancy says
I have watched Sewing With Nancy since the 1980s (yes, it dates me) and remember so many little bits of the shows. I really liked how she showed how to adjust a clothing pattern to fit. And Mary Mulari's sweatshirt enhancements. Congratulations to you, can't wait to see the show.
Nancy says
I liked Persimon Dreams on Facebook.
Beth says
I didn't know anything about Nancy Z. until we moved to Oregon and our neighbor, an excellent seamstress, told me about her favorite show. Since then I have seen a few episodes but I more often hear about them from my neighbor, who is now also a good friend.
Beth says
I follow your blog on bloglovin' and via email. (wordygirl at earthlink dot net)
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Barb N says
I don't watch any quilty shows – car restoration shows seem to crowd out anything else on our television lately! I tried to watch your episode, but it wouldn't load on my computer – only a black screen? 🙁
Barb N says
I Like Persimon Dreams on Facebook
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Barb N says
I'm pretty sure I follow you on Bloglovin'. At any rate, I get your emails every day, and that's even better!
Barb N says
I've Tweeted about the giveaway. You can see it at MtnQuiltworks
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Barb N says
Now following Fabrics N Quilts on Instagram under the name Mountain Quiltworks
MegsAnn says
I liked you on Facebook!
MegsAnn says
I don't watch sewing with Nancy or any other quilting show. I prefer my sewing information in written form:blogs, newsletters, books. Or in-person like guild speakers.
MegsAnn says
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Jane Weier says
Congrats!! I love "Sewing with Nancy"…you did a super job! I liked you on Facebook, and of course signed up to follow you. Jane
Anonymous says
I haven't ever seen this show but now I know about it! I wills give it a try
Anonymous says
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Just connected with persimon dreams on IG.
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Just liked your FB page!
Donna W says
I watch Sewing With Nancy. I have watched it for as long as I can remember. I also watch Fons and Porter, and Quilting Daily when they are on. One can always learn a new tip, or be reminded on one that you forgot.
Donna W says
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Linda says
I follow your blog via email-GFC
Linda says
Hi, yes in the past I've watched many of Nancy's shows,especially when I was garment sewing for our children. Now I mostly view online programs. Thanks for a great giveaway!
Linda says
follow you on FB
Linda says
follow Fabrics N Quilts on FB
Gill says
I've never watched Sewing with Nancy – but I love the Great British Sewing Bee!
Gill says
I follow you on facebook!
Gill says
and I follow Shannon on facebook!
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Gill says
and I follow your blog with GFC
Dawn Frisch says
I've watched Sewing with Nancy for years! I love her show and can't wait to see the new season. My favorite show was when she celebrated 30 years on TV and she went behind the scenes showing us what happens behind the camera. That was so interesting.
Happy sewing
array-dawn at cox dot net
Dawn Frisch says
I follow your blog via bloglovin!
Happy sewing
array-dawn at cox dot net
Dawn Frisch says
I follow you on IG!!
Happy sewing
array-dawn at cox dot net
Dawn Frisch says
I follow Fabrics N Quilts on IG!
Happy sewing
array-dawn at cox dot net
Dawn Frisch says
I follow you on FB!
Happy sewing
array-dawn at cox dot net
Dawn Frisch says
I follow Fabrics N Quilts on FB!
Happy sewing
array-dawn at cox dot net
Dawn Frisch says
I receive your newsletter!!!
Happy sewing
array-dawn at cox dot net
Havplenty says
I do not, for the most part, watch television anymore and haven't for several years. I do love to watch PBS online though I have not watched any quilting shows.
Havplenty says
I follow you on Bloglovin. I love your creativity and enjoy your blog.
teachpany says
I used to watch Sewing With Nancy, but don't have cable access right now. I'll have to find it on my computer. Congrats on being on it!
teachpany says
I LIKE Persimmon Dreams on Facebook. I do watch Eleanor Burns videos, because I am signed up for the block party.
teachpany says
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Nancy Evans says
I watch Nancy on my laptop and was intrigued to find out about Project Quilting.
Nancy Evans says
I signed up for your newsletter and added your blog to my favorites.
Joy says
Over the years, long before I started quilting, I watched Sewing with Nancy. Since becoming a quilter I have seen some of her quilting episodes on the internet. I love her style of teaching.
PK Sews says
I watch sewing with Nancy every Saturday morning. The most memorable shows, for me, were shows on landscape quilting that she did with Natalie Sewell. I also like the show where she did a retrospective of her career, and showed clips of her early shows. Thanks for the fun!
PK Sews says
I like Persimmon Dreams on Facebook!
PK Sews says
I like Fabrics and Quilts on Facebook – PK Solberg. Thanks again!
PK Sews says
I subscribe to your newsletter. Thanks for all the inspiration.
PK Sews says
I'm following Persimmon Dreams via Bloglovin. Thanks!
Willa says
I have watched but not on regular basis. The sewing shows seem to be on when I cannot watch and I do not have means for taping.
Ann Christman says
Yes! I watch Sewing with Nancy and am very proud that she is a fellow Wisconsinite. My favorite episode was a recent retrospective on her early shows. I'm not sure I'd have the courage to let anyone see how I looked and what I wore in the 80's. 🙂
She's a pioneer with regard to TV sewing shows.
Vicki H says
In my area her shows are on at a time I can't usually watch or I don't remember. I have seen her Quick Column Quilts shows online and enjoyed them.
Vicki H says
I like Persimon Dreams on Facebook. vlhill3459 at sbcglobal dot net
Vicki H says
I like Fabrics N Quilts on Facebook. vlhill3459 at sbcglobal dot net
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I already get your newsletter. vlhill3459 at sbcglobal dot net
Vicki H says
I follow your blog with email. vlhill3459 at sbcglobal dot net
Anonymous says
I have been watching Sewing with Nancy for at least 20 years. I've learned so much from her I can't narrow it down to any specific memory other than I'm happy she's still making programs for us. — soparkaveataoldotcom
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Diane says
I just watched the Sewing With Nancy episode that you were featured in yesterday! I enjoyed it. I usually have to catch episodes online so I have a backlog to get through.
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Crickets Corner says
I've been watching Sewing with Nancy for over 25 years. The best memory I have is of her using a Bernina sewing machine. Because of her I bought my first really good sewing machine, a Bernina just like hers.
Crickets Corner says
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Crickets Corner says
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And follow you on Instagram. I got you covered on almost all social media.
Crickets Corner says
Started following Fabrics N Quilts on Instagram.
Carolyn says
Whenever I see Sewing with Nancy on or any other quilting show I stop and watch just to see if I can pick up any pointers. I don't watch much tv so it is not too often.
Carolyn says
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nicolesender says
Yes, I do watch Nancy's show. I think it is so helpful.I can't think of anything specifically but I know she has taught me a lot.
nicolesender says
Liked Persimon Dreams on Facebook: Nicole Sender.
nicolesender says
Liked Fabrics N Quilts on Facebook: Nicole Sender.
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GO STARS! says
Years ago when my boys were young the local public tv station had lots of sewing/quilting shows on. I used to watch most of them to my sons' frustration. They still know most of the names and projects. Sewing with Nancy was a favorite because of the wide variety of projects. I now watch on my computer whenever I get a chance.
Mom C says
I have watched Nancy but it's been years. Since my kids grew up I don't watch a lot of PBS. I'm starting to watch more on my computer now though. Thanks.
Mom C says
i follow you thru email. Thanks.
Melisa says
Used to watch Sewing with Nancy but haven't in quite some time. I remember thinking how easy she made everything look and wishing someday I would be like that.
Melisa says
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Swedish Scrapper says
I watch online but not on TV. This is just the reminder I need to look up Nancy on PBS online. I'm faraway in Sweden, so it is not always "available to view in my country".
Swedish Scrapper says
I follow you on IG @agalinsweden!
Swedish Scrapper says
I follow Fabrics N Quilts on IG @agalinsweden!
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I follow on facebook! Liz Tillstrom
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I follow FNQ on facebook! Liz Tillstrom