Today is the first day of first grade for Capri and the first day of second grade for Mercedi. They were both excited about it … Capri a bit nervous. Cedi promised her she’d make sure she got everywhere safe and would play with her on the playground once they got to school. I can’t wait to hear if that actually happened.Here they are! All ready for the first day! Now the trick will be if I can find the apple chalk boards to use again on the last day of school!
All the girls have their chalkboards in this picture! (Pip’s says #manyfacesofPip)
And one second later – here’s how they look. I love taking a bunch of shots in a row so you can really see how a mood can change in just a second.
And here’s how much it changed in the time it took me to switch from my camera to my phone.
But no worries – Pip was better as they continued to wait for the bus and the cats decided to wait with them.
Oh! Here the bus comes! The girls are ready!
New bus driver – she seemed nice.
And they’re on the bus …
and off to their first day of school …
Capri with her first grade teacher – Mrs. O’Connor.
And here’s Cedi with her second grade teacher – Ms. Hillier. It’s a bittersweet day and I know I’ll be ready at 4:10 when the bus drops them off to wrap my little girls in my arms for the evening.
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