I’m thrilled to be introducing you to today’s guest blogger for the 52 Twisted Tradition Blocks Quilt Along!
Our twisted tradition block designer is Nancy A. Myers of Patchwork Breeze! Before we see which block she ‘twisted’ for us today – let’s find out a little bit more about her.
What is your favorite thing about Quilt Alongs?
I enjoy seeing what others have created, how they interpret a block or idea, and sharing with others. The more the merrier!
What type of quilter do you consider yourself – traditional, modern, contemporary, other…?
I would call myself eclectic. I learned to quilt by hand with cardboard templates and pencil lines and moved on to using the sewing machine almost exclusively in the past few years. I have tried many quilting techniques and of late, am trying to combine a few in a project. My favorite is kaleidoscope blocks via Bethany Reynolds’ Stack ‘n Whack technique. I am always amazed with the unpredictable patterns that are formed.
What other quilt alongs are you participating in in 2014?
I have participated in a few — EQ Photo Fun Blog Hop, Think Ruffles with Sew We Quilt. I have only begun finding quilt alongs and haven’t had much time to devote to them until now. I am a member of an on-line art quilting group, Four in Art, which I enjoy. I have participated in some of the exchanges that Bea Lee (beaquilter.com) have hosted.
Apples or oranges?
Well now, is this a trick question? Of course, I have to say APPLES! (I will interpret this question literally.) I like eating apples, making applesauce, and any baked good that has apples in it. They come in so many different colors, flavors and sizes. They grow on all around where I live in western Michigan. And they say, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”
Favorite Book:
I discovered Diana Gabaldon’s series, “Outlander” in 2000 and have read all 10 of her books. By far, these books are my favorites. They include so much–history, intrigue, romance, mystery, and more. And it is now being produced as a series!
And without further adieu … let’s check out the 37th block!
Find out how to make your very own ‘Curious Cats’ block by heading over to Patchwork Breeze and checking out her tutorial! The mouse fabric in the middle is just too perfect!!! I can’t wait to get started on my block!
Thanks again Nancy for joining in the fun and sharing with us your ‘twisted’ version of a traditional block!
ooooh… and to top off this great tutorial Nancy is also having a GIVEAWAY! Head over ASAP!
I can’t wait to see what all your blocks look like! Be sure to share you blocks and any projects you make using your blocks onto our flickr group: 52 Blocks Quilt Along
Hashtag: #52bTT
I apologize to you and your readers, the link I sent says the page doesn't exist, but click HOME right under the message and it will take you to the tutorial page. The link should have been http://www.patchworkbreeze.blogspot.com
Again, sorry for the confusion.
Thank you for letting me participate as a guest blockmaker on your blog. It has been fun. I appreciate all your readers who visited and to those who left comments, thank you.