It’s time to reveal the final two Barn Quilts I painted this summer. If you want to see how it all started –
I finished all four coats of the blues on the Ohio Star Quilt! I am so happy with my decision to switch the light and dark blue locations. This was a great lesson in value – something I definitely struggle with!
And here she is – all done! I took the tape off, touched a few bits up and she’s ready to be hung! (I did paint all the edges red to match the block…must not have snagged a picture of that)
It’s sort of hard to tell in the picture but I used all dark blue on this block.
Tape is off! Do you see my oops!? I taped the wrong edge of the red star. My next painting step will be do do four coats of black along with four coats of just a little strip of red.
And voila! The tape is pulled, touch ups are complete! The Dutch Rose Barn Quilt is finished! (By the way, this is what inspired me to use the Dutch Rose for my Modern Quilt Guild Michael Miller Fabric Challenge Quilt).
And here – you can see them both done! I really am happy with them both and I think they’ll look great hanging! (ooh…here you can see the red edges of the Ohio Star) I can’t wait to drive by and see them in their glory on the barns…don’t worry! I’ll post pictures. Do you have a barn quilt? If yes, what design did you put up? If no, what design would you want?
I am making a "barn" quilt for our garage in a Goose Tracks pattern
I have it painted, just waiting for dh to have time enough to hang it 
Your barn quilts are awesome and look forward to seeing them hung on your barn. You'll probably create a traffic back up with everyone trying to get a good long look at your creations.