My ‘A Lovely Year of Finishes’ goal this month wasn’t glamorous…but it was necessary.
That’s right – I needed to add hanging sleeves and labels to my quilts for the fair and shows I entered them in.
I did it though!
I hand stitched five sleeves on to the follow quilts… and it was a late couple of nights!
The Amazing Technicolor Dream Heart
– ACCEPTED into the 2014 Quit Expo
Modern Log Cabin
Awarded ‘Judges Choice’ at For the love of Quilts Show
Awareded 4th place premium at Lodi Ag Fair
Novitiate Nebula
Awarded ‘Judges Choice’ at For the love of Quilts Show
– ACCEPTED into the 2014 Quit Expo
Once Upon A Time
Awarded ‘Viewer’s Choice’ and ‘Judges Choice’ at For the love of Quilts Show
Accepted into the Bad Ass Quilter Society Exhibit in Des Moine, Iowa for the AQS Show October 1st – 4th
African Impromptu
– ACCEPTED into the 2014 Quit Expo
AND now that my sleeves are on it’s easy for me to enter these into other local shows. I’ll be bringing a few to Rio, WI for their quilt show on August 9th. I just have to decide which ones to bring! See what I decide to bring by stopping by and checking out the show…
Rio Quilt Show
Saturday, August 9, 2014
10 am to 4 pm, Admission $5
Rio High School, 411 Church St.
They are gorgeous!