I love that my friend Kim of My Go-Go Life is encouraging us to get some quilting in on the weekend – and then share what we worked on with you all. Saturday was pretty much a NoSew day for me…I had a garage sale instead! It was one of the first beautiful days we’ve had in what seems like a long time and it was nice to have the sun hit my face. I also woke up with a cold that I chose to ignore…but today, Sunday, that was no longer possible. I spent today pretty much just lazing about even though the beautiful weather was calling to me again…I just couldn’t get the energy. Luckily I had some ‘LoSew’ projects I could work on. First…I finished picking the paper out of my aurifil/fairy tale sampler quilt so I could send it to the quilter. And I have a fairly decent amount of binding to hand sew on to my almost finished multiple bom/qal block quilt (I really need a new name for this…Trish?) finish from March. So…even when you may feel like not doing much…I have to admit I do feel good that I did do something. Hope you had a great weekend!
Trish Frankland says
Novitiate Nebula – novitiate is a beginner or in training (sometimes used in a religious training) and a nebula is an interstellar clump of gas and dust that will eventually become a star.
GO STARS! says
Not much sewing this weekend. First communion for my Godson yesterday and a wedding for a dear friend's son today. Sewing during the week for sure!