To be honest, it’s fairly rare that we leave the farm to go on adventure’s with our kiddo’s. They do experience a lot on the farm…but still…this summer is going to be the summer of adventures. We had delayed my mother’s day celebration a week (I’m not a huge fan of sharing it with my hubby’s birthday) and for that we went on a hike to beautiful Parfrey’s Glen in Baraboo, WI. I would say this is only about a 30 minute drive and we’d only visited once before. The first time we didn’t make it too far as Pip was still a babe and Capri was wearing shoes not made for hiking. This time – we made it to the end! Warning – LOTS of pictures ahead – it was STUNNING! The girls are ready! Only Cedi has the appropriate footwear on and I’m pretty sure even her shoes are a size or two too big for her.
A guy on the trail told me this was the nicest Jack N the Box he’d ever seen…I had to take a picture…Seeing a Papa with his daughter melts my heart…even more so when it’s my husband and daughter!Do you see us? bottom left… #manyfacesofpip This might be my favorite picture from the day…
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