For Mother’s Day my children surprised me with pictures and poems and a beautiful painted washer necklace for the days preceding the big day. Well – Mother’s Day happened to coincide with my husband’s birthday and I knew it would be a pretty low key day since we had a big party for him the night before.On the morning of Mother’s Day, my kids and husband presented me with this lovely handmade bouquet.This is absolutely PERECT for me! I love handmade creations AND real bouquets tend to make me sneeze…a lot. Here’s the flower my husband made me – he was super proud of it.This is the flower that Cedi made! Loving the use of the wine cork!And Capri made the rest. She got a bit into this projects which was not at all surprising! Pip was a great cheerleader I heard. As you can see from the picture above…it’s a good idea to never throw anything away…ever. You never know when you’ll need to make a flower bouquet. Later in the day, we went for a walk at the marsh down the road from our place. It was a beautiful day. Here’s my now 35 year old husband with the three girls. And here I am with my three beauties! (Can you tell I was still exhausted from the late night?) How was your mother’s day? And a big belated Happy Mother’s Day to my mom. She was lucky enough to be celebrating her special day in England!
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